目前分類:英文-文意選填-句子 (42)

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Sport stacking has been around since the 1980s, but it has been gaining in popularity recently.
競技疊杯從 1980 年代就已出現,但近來卻大受歡迎

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You are getting very sleepy. Now, close your eyes and relax.

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Have you ever taken the time to say thank you to all the veterans that serve your country?

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Volunteers hit the streets on this special day to show how much they care.

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Surprising new studies show a connection between red meat and depression.

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As the world's economy changes, fashion trends reflect whether it's getting better or worse.

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Taiwan is the first place in Asia to ban the inhumane practice of shark finning.
台灣是亞洲第 1 個禁止獵取鯊魚鰭這種不人道行徑的國家。

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In a world dominated by social networking, what is happening to our brains?

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Scientists are studying banana peels to see if they can help clean the oceans.


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Why do strawberries taste different in the summer and the winter?

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The winter is not just about Christmas.  冬天不單單只有聖誕節。

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The finding of plasticizer in Taiwanese products has caused a lot of trouble.

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Sometimes a normal hamburger is not a normal hamburger.

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Is it true that people sometimes have no control over their own voices?

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Working long hours can be fatal.

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By living in a celebrity-worshiping society, important people have started to feel insignificant.

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Engineers are turning to the natural world for their latest ideas.

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Hostages and kidnapping victims sometimes end up feeling closest to the people that have terrorized them.

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As part of the Manzanar Project, mangroves are providing food and wealth for Eritrea. 

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Hovering parents end up with kids that are not independent. 

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