You are getting very sleepy. Now, close your eyes and relax.
Hypnosis is a special, temporary psychological state which slightly resembles sleeping. However, it is mainly characterized by heightened focus and concentration. _(1)_ They do this by blocking out all possible day-to-day distractions. The term hypnotherapy refers to the use of hypnosis in the treatment of various conditions by using the power of the mind to help cure various physical and mental disorders.
Hypnosis was once considered a form of quackery by the medical community. _(2)_ From anxiety and depression to panic attacks and phobias, sufferers of these conditions have benefited from hypnosis. Its many proponents claim that hypnosis can improve memory and concentration, release emotional trauma, and even increase self-esteem. _(3)_ Many people swear that hypnosis has even helped them quit smoking after trying every other method out there.
A common misconception is that a person is not in control of their mind or feelings when they are hypnotized. _(4)_ Instead, people's bodies and minds become extremely relaxed with heightened concentration. This happens through the power of suggestion by the hypnotist and can only occur with the willingness and full consent of the person being hypnotized. No one can be hypnotized involuntarily.
There are also self-hypnosis methods available. _(5)_ These techniques are simple and can be mastered by anyone in a short time. Although many people have reported success with self-hypnosis, professionals stress that it is often insufficient to create long-lasting changes.
(A) Hypnosis has also been used medically to treat asthma, migraines, digestive disorders,pain, and other conditions.
(B) Under hypnosis, a person is able to concentrate on specific thoughts and memories.
(C) Self-hypnosis classes are offered at many colleges and universities in the US and other countries.
(D) This study showed that learning how to hypnotize people helps in their careers.
(E) Under hypnosis, mental control is not surrendered.
(F) Now, it is well-accepted, and its clinical uses are many.
1.perceive vt. 認為;察覺
perceive A as B 把 A 認為是 B
Gossip magazines are often perceived as superficial entertainment.
The mother perceived a subtle change in her daughter's behavior.
2.command vt. 博得
The singer commanded the admiration of music lovers all over the world.
3.expand vt. 擴張
We've expanded our business by opening two more restaurants in the city.
4.appealing a. 有吸引力的
Diamonds in the shape of hearts are very appealing to some women.
5.boil down to... 歸結為……
Starting a business isn't too difficult. It all boils down to money.
6.approach n. 方法
The best approach to learning English is to read English articles out loud and watch English TV programs.
7.join the ranks of... 加入……的行列
After writing for 10 years, Gail finally joined the ranks of published authors.
寫作了 10 年,蓋兒終於加入了出版作家的行列。
8.attainable a. 可得到的
Internet access is now attainable in some remote areas.
9.assign vt. 指派
The professor assigned the report four weeks ago, but you're just starting on it now.
教授 4 星期前就指派做這份報告,而你現在才開始動工。
10.supplementary a. 補充的
Amy generated supplementary income by tutoring on the weekends.
11.submit vt. 呈遞
All of your documents need to be submitted to the head office for processing.
12.convergence n. 匯集
converge vi. 聚集,集中
The travelers converged on the dock before departing on the cruise.
遊客先在碼頭集合才出發航行。 comparable to... 可與……相比擬
comparable a. 比得上的
This chocolate bar is comparable to the ones made in Switzerland.
14.add up to... 加起來……
The two sections of highway add up to 500 miles.
這兩段高速公路總計長達 5 百英里。
15.prospect n. 前景
Prospects in the biochemistry industry are booming.
16.exclusively adv. 專有地
exclusive a. 獨有的
This perfume is sold exclusively in Paris.
Writers have exclusive rights to what they have written.
17.interact with... 與……互動
You should try to go out and interact with people rather than stay at home by yourself.
1.not-so-distant 不太久遠的
2.academic n. 學者 tier a. 頂尖的
4.unemployed a. 失業的
5.flexibility n. 彈性
6.medium n. 媒介
7.institution n. 機構
8.availability n. 易得;可使用性
9.explosive a. 爆炸性的
10.fuel vt. 激起
11.demanding a. 要求很高的
12.literacy n. 能力;知識
1.make full use of... 充份利用…… held to + 名詞 必須達到……
Grammar Tips
The online student population is expanding by 30 percent per year, and approximately 86 percent of colleges and universities now offer online degree programs.
表『以……的差距』時,介詞通常用 by,之後接數量詞。
reduce / + 數字 + percent
win by two / three / four /... points
以 2 分∕3 分∕4分∕……的差距獲勝
We beat that team by two points.
Mary is older / younger than Helen by two years.
Johnny missed his flight by only a minute.
歷屆考題 (考古題源自歷年考題原句並做部分刪減)
According to the World Water Assessment Report, the amount of drinking water available per person on this planet will decrease _______ 30 percent over the next 20 years. 【99 年指考】
(A) with (B) at
(C) by (D) on
Grammar Tips 歷屆考題答案:C
1. 根據本文,下列哪一項不是線上學位課程愈來愈受歡迎的理由?
(A) 線上學位近期愈來愈為大眾所接受。
(B) 世界各地的大學畢業生面臨較差的就業前景。
(C) 線上大學學位能提供彈性。
(D) 線上大學學位相對地便宜。
題解:本文第 2 段探討線上學位為何有吸引力,提及大學畢業生也不太可能會失業,他們賺錢的潛力遠比非大學畢業生來得大,僅 (B) 項與文意不符,故應為正選。
2. 線上學習如何讓人們更容易取得受大學教育的機會?
(A) 低收入的人現在能夠負擔得起高等教育。
(B) 這是由於線上學位課程愈來愈容易取得。
(C) 爆炸性的經濟成長激起線上學習的趨勢。
(D) 從前缺乏電腦技能的人不能夠上大學。
題解:根據本文第 2 段,線上學位的彈性對於全職的上班族和有家庭需要照顧的人來說方便許多,故 (B) 項應為正選。
3. 下列哪一項敘述是正確的?
(A) 線上課程的要求比傳統課堂課程來得低。
(B) 閱讀作業會事先以紙本格式寄送給學生。
(C) 線上課程充分利用了網路上可用的工具。
(D) Skype 是專為觀看講座而使用。
題解:根據本文第 3 段,僅有 (C) 項合乎本文,提及網路對所有最新學習工具的整合來說似乎是一種理想的媒介,故應為正選。
4. 比較線上學習課程和以課堂授課為主的課程,下列哪一項敘述是正確的?
(A) 線上學習課程更加有挑戰性,因為需要操作電腦的能力。
(B) 以課堂授課為主的課程比較容易,因為學生能夠和教授以及同學互動。
(C) 以課堂授課為主的課程比較困難,因為學生必須達到較高的標準。
(D) 就困難度而言,兩種課程都相同。
題解:根據本文第 3 段,提及線上學生和傳統的課堂學生一樣必須用心學習,故 (D) 項應為正選。
答案:1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D