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 In the 2006 university entrance exams,

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he Flying Fish Festival is officially celebrated on Santa Catalina Island every year.

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Fame and fortune came to Alfred Nobel, 

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From shopping to seclusion to amazing festivals, Thailand has it all.

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The Free Universe Education Foundation has been active in the promotion of universal design. Foundation chairman Dan Tang, sitting in his electric wheelchair, holds in his right hand, which is his only functioning hand, a booklet with the nominations for the last four Universal Design Awards. Next he picks up a product known as Another Hand and demonstrates how it enables him to clean off a plate of food with only one hand.

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The life of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author of The Little Prince, was as interesting as any of his books.

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Alfred Hitchcock is one of the greatest to ever sit in a director's chair.

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Brazil is famous for its natural beauty, culture, and Carnival.

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  • Mar 18 Fri 2011 22:22
  • 地震

Earthquakes are unpredictable, powerful, and sometimes devastating.

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According to the Research Center for Environmental Changes at the Academia Sinica, Taiwan's average temperature has risen by 1.4°C over the last 100 years, more than twice the rise of 0.6°C in average temperatures worldwide. Clearly, climate change is a particularly pressing issue for Taiwan.

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  On one windy morning, Deamor Wedding studio owner Sicoke and her assistant assemble cameras, lights, and reflectors and grab a cab from the studio to take pictures. In the 10 years she's been in the wedding photography business, Sicoke has shot tens of thousands of newlyweds. Yet, when her father passed away four years ago, though she searched high and low, she couldn't find one single full family photo to remember her father by. Even pictures with only her and her father were scant. She channeled her regret into a kind of penitent quest: she made a promise to take photos for 1,000 families free of charge. When she posted a blog about her intentions on the website of her wedding photo studio at the end of 2008, she immediately received an overwhelming response. And so, as she seeks to fulfill her quest and make peace with herself, she is also bringing meaning to others.

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Hungary''s wealth of attractions leaves visitors hungry for more.
匈牙利多樣豐富的觀光景點令所有訪客流連忘返 。

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This Russian composer left a lasting mark on the world of classical music.

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 Just like the hip young people who use "Martian" (newly formed words) online, hearing-impaired kids haveslang of their own.

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"Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth."

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