A zebra crossing is not only seen at the zoo.

  Anyone who has tried to cross the street in the middle of Taipei knows that it can be a frighteningexperience. It sometimes seems as if drivers believe pedestrians don't _(1)_ or as if they treat the whole city as one big racetrack. So how is a person supposed to get to the _(2)_ side of the street? One of the most common _(3)_ for cities around the world is the crosswalk. A crosswalk is a designated section of the street where pedestrians can safely cross at certain _(4)_ of time. Or at least that's the theory behind crosswalks. As you already know, if you've walked in Taipei, just because there's a crosswalk doesn't mean< /span> that cars will _(5)_ for you.
   Crosswalks are also known as zebra crossings because they are often _(6)_ by white stripes on the black surfaces of the road. Nowadays, though, many towns and cities are _(7)_ with cutting-edge zebra crossings to make them safer. In Auckland, New Zealand, having 38 serious crashes in crosswalks over a five-year period was deemed _(8)_ by the city council. They decided that a remedy would be a 12-month trial of adding motion-activated flashing light studs onto the roads near zebra crossings. This would encouragedrivers to take more notice of walkers, especially whe n _(9)_ is poor because of rain or fog.
   In today's busy, _(10)_ cities, crosswalks can be a pedestrian's best friend, and technology can make zebra crossings even safer. But remember, the best way to avoid accidents is to follow the advice your parents gave you when you were younger—always look both ways before crossing the street.

(A) indicated (B) strategies (C) visibility (D) exist (E) slow down (F) opposite (G) unacceptable (H) intervals 
(I) bustling (J) experimenting

  1. It sometimes seems as if drivers believe pedestrians don't exist or as if they treat the whole city as one big racetrack.
    a.空格前有主詞 pedestrians(行人)和否定助動詞 don't,其後無受詞,可知空格內應置入原形的不及物動詞或不及物動詞片語。
    b.符合上述的選項有 (D) exist(存在)和 (E) slow down(減速慢行),然僅 exist 置入後符合語意,表有時候你會覺得駕駛好像認為馬路上沒有行人的『存在』,故選 (D)。
    c.exist vi. 存在
    例: I don't believe that ghosts exist.

  2. So how is a person supposed to get to the opposite side of the street?
    a.空格前有定冠詞 the,空格後有名詞 side(邊),可知空格內應置入形容詞或可作形容詞的分詞。
    b.符合上述的選項有 (F) opposite(對面的)、(G) unacceptable(不能接受的),以及 (I) bustling(熙攘的),然僅 opposite 置入後符合語意,the opposite side 表『另一邊、對面』,故選 (F)。
    c.opposite a. 對面的,相反的
    例: The bus stop is right on the opposite side of the street.

  3. One of the most common strategies for cities around the world is the crosswalk.
    a.空格前有 One of(……之一)和最高級形容詞 the most common(最普通的),可知空格內應置入複數名詞。
    b.符合上述的選項有 (B) strategies(對策)和 (H) internals(間隔時間),然僅 strategies 置入後符合語意,表在世界各地的城市中,走行人穿越道是最常見的『對策』之一,故選 (B)。
    c.strategy n. 對策;策略
    例: Maggie described her new marketing strategy to the manager in detail.

  4. A crosswalk is a designated section of the street where pedestrians can safely cross at certain intervals of time.
    a.空格前有形容詞 certain(某個、某些),空格後有介詞 of,可知空格內應置入名詞。
    b.符合上述的選項有 (C) visibility(能見度)和 (H) intervals(間隔時間),然僅 intervals 置入後符合語意,故選 (H)。
    c.interval n. 間隔時間(與介詞 at 並用)
    at regular intervals  每隔一段固定時間
    例: Buses to the airport depart at regular intervals.

  5. As you already know, if you've walked in Taipei, just because there's a crosswalk doesn't mean that cars will slow down for you.
    a.空格前有助動詞 will,空格後有介詞 for,可知空格應置入原形不及物動詞或不及物動詞片語。
    b.符合上述的選項僅有 (E) slow down(減速慢行),置入後亦符合語意,表要是你走在台北街頭,雖然有行人穿越道,但那並不表示車輛會為你『減速慢行』,故選 (E)。
    c.slow down  減速
    speed up  加速
    例: My father asked my mother to slow down because she was driving over the speed limit.

  6. Crosswalks are also known as zebra crossings because they are often indicated by white stripes on the black surfaces of the road.
    a.空格前有 be 動詞 are,空格後有介詞 by,可知空格內應置入過去分詞,以形成被動式。
    b.符合上述的選項僅有 (A) indicated(被標識),置入後亦符合語意,表行人穿越道又叫做斑馬線,這是因為它們通常是在黑色馬路上漆上白色條紋以『作為標識』之故,故選 (A)。
    c.indicate vt. 標識;指示
    be indicated by...  被……所標示著
    例: Items on sale are indicated by red tags.

  7. Nowadays, though, many towns and cities are experimenting with cutting-edge zebra crossings to make them safer.
    a.空格前有主詞 many towns and cities(許多城鎮)和 be 動詞 are,空格後有介詞 with,可知空格內應置不及物動詞變成的現在分詞,以形成現在進行式,同時可與 with 搭配。
    b.選項中僅 (J) experimenting(實驗)可與 with 搭配,形成下列固定用法:
    experiment with + 事物  用……做實驗
    experiment on + 動物或人  對……做實驗
    例: The students experimented with baking soda and vinegar in science class.
    例: Scientists have to be careful when they experiment on people.

    c.根據上述,(J) 項應為正選。
    d.bustle(充滿)可作不及物動詞,此時亦可與 with 搭配,但應接人作受詞,表『擠滿人』。
    例: On holidays, that street bustles with people.

  8. In Auckland, New Zealand, having 38 serious crashes in crosswalks over a five-year period was deemedunacceptable by the city council.
    a.空格前有不完全及物動詞 deemed(被視為),其後省略了 to be 兩個字,可知空格內應置入名詞或形容詞作主詞補語。
    b.符合上述的選項有 (C) visibility(能見度)、(G) unacceptable(不能接受的)和 (I) bustling(熙攘的),然僅 unacceptable 置入後符合語意,故選 (G)。
    c.unacceptable a. 不能接受的
    例: This paper is unacceptable. Please re-do it.

  9. This would encourage drivers to take more notice of walkers, especially when visibility is poor because of rain or fog.
    a.空格位於 when 所引導的副詞子句中,此子句已有 be 動詞及主詞補語,惟缺主詞,可知空格內應置入名詞。
    b.符合上述的選項僅剩 (C) visibility(能見度),置入後亦符合語意,表這項試驗應該能促使駕駛人更加注意行人,尤其是雨天或起霧而造成『視線』不良的時候,故選 (C)。
    c.visibility n. 能見度
    例: Visibility is very low due to the storm.

  10. In today's busy, bustling cities, crosswalks can be a pedestrian's best friend, and technology can make zebra crossings even safer.
    a.空格前有所有格 today's(今天的),空格後有名詞 cities(城市),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
    b.符合上述的選項僅剩 (I) bustling(熙攘的),置入後亦符合語意,表在今日繁忙、熙攘的城市裡,行人穿越道是行人最好的朋友,故選之。
    c.bustling a. 熙攘的
    例: The people from the country were excited by the bustling city.

  1. designated a. 指定的
    a designated driver  指定駕駛
    designate vt. 指定
    例: That dance club designates Wednesday as ladies' night.

  2. Just because...doesn't mean + (that) 子句  就因為……並不代表……
    = Just because..., it doesn't mean + (that) 子句
    例: Just because you are angry doesn't mean you have the right to be unkind to me.

  3. crash n. & vi. 碰撞;墜毀
    a car crash  車禍
    a plane crash  墜機,空難
    crash into...  撞上/衝進……
    例: You are far more likely to die in a car accident than in a plane crash.
    例: A car crashed into the tree outside my house.

  4. be deemed (to be) + N/adj.  被視為……
    例: The plan was deemed workable by everyone on the team.

  5. motion-activated a. 動態感應的
    activate vt. 啟動,使活動
    例: If you punch in the code, the alarm will be activated.

  6. encourage vt. 促進;鼓勵
    encourage sb to V  鼓勵某人(做)……
    例: Too much assistance will encourage dependence.
    例: The professor encouraged Willy to pursue his dream.

  7. take notice of...  注意/留意……
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