Bubble Wrap has been protecting items and making people happy for more than 50 years.
超過 50 年來,氣泡墊不僅保護物品,還讓大家擁有好心情。

Marc Chavannes and Alfred Fielding, engineers and business partners, had been trying to find aprofitable application for the textured plastic wallpaper they created in 1957. Then, on a flight to New York City in 1960, they noticed how the clouds seemed to cushion the plane's descent. _(1)_ by how they bouncedover the bubbles in the sky, they created Bubble Wrap, a cushioning material that provides protection fordelicate objects. They then founded Sealed Air Corporation, _(2)_ still produces the cushioning material made of transparent plastic sheets with small, bulging air-filled hemispheres. The company _(3)_ steadilyover the last 50 years, especially after the advent of the personal computer made shipping fragile electroniccomponents and accessories a multibillion-dollar industry. Various sizes of air bubbles and types of plastic have been developed to provide different degrees of protection.

  _(4)_ safeguarding products, Bubble Wrap has won the hearts of legions of fans around the world for other reasons. One psychology professor proved that popping these air-filled bubbles helps people _(5)_ stress. The transparent plastic wrap also _(6)_ a creative outlet. People have used it to fabricate wedding dresses, chocolatemolds, and paint applicators. Bubble Wrap has even appeared in countless movies and magazines.

  The Internet now provides a worldwide forum for Bubble Wrap fans to trade ideas on the different uses for this _(7)_ material. The last Monday in January has also been established as Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, when fans around the world can celebrate "pop" culture together.

1. (A) Inspiring (B) Inspired (C) To inspire (D) Had inspired 
2. (A) where (B) what (C) which (D) that 
3. (A) grows (B) has grown (C) will grow (D) was growing 
4. (A) Due to (B) In spite of(C) Apart from (D) With reference to 
5. (A) relieve (B) recover (C) remind (D) reform 
6. (A) carries out(B) excels in (C) applies for(D) serves as 
7. (A) versatile (B) sentimental(C) ambitious (D) expressive


1. Inspired by how they bounced over the bubbles in the sky, they created Bubble Wrap, a cushioning material that provides protection for delicate objects.
a. 本句原為: They were inspired by how they bounced over the bubbles in the sky, they created Bubble Wrap... 但如此一來,造成兩句在一起無連接詞連接的錯誤句構。補救之道為:將第一個子句依照分詞句構化簡法變成分詞片語,將第一個子句中相同的主詞 They 刪除,其後 be 動詞 were 改成現在分詞 being 後予以省略,即成本句。
b. 根據上述,可知應選 (B) Inspired。

2. They then founded Sealed Air Corporation, which still produces the cushioning material made of transparent plastic sheets with small, bulging air-filled hemispheres. 
a. 空格前為完整的句構,後為缺少主詞的完整述部 still produces the cushioning material...,可知空格應置入關係代名詞,修飾先行詞 Sealed Air Corporation,並作所引導之形容詞子句的主詞。
b. (A) where 為關係副詞,無法作主詞,而 (B) what 為複合關係代名詞,即等於 the thing(s) which,其前不可再有先行詞,故 (A)、(B) 均不可選。 
c. (C) which 和 (D) that 皆為關係代名詞,但 that 使用時其前不可有逗點,故 (D) 不可選,僅 (C) which 置入後符合用法,故選之。

3. The company has grown steadily over the last 50 years... 
a. 本空格在測試以下用法: over/for/during/in + the last/past + few / 數字 + days/weeks/months/years/decades 過去……天/星期/月/年/十年以來(到現在) 注意: 上述片語需與現在完成式或現在完成進行式並用。 例: Jenny has visited three countries over the past few months. (珍妮過去幾個月已經造訪過 3 個國家了。)
b. 空格後有 over the last 50 years(過去 50 年來),根據上述,可知應選 (B) has grown。

4. Apart from safeguarding products, Bubble Wrap has won the hearts of legions of fans around the world for other reasons. 
a. (A) due to...  由於…… 例: Due to the heavy rain, the baseball game has been postponed. (因為下大雨,這場棒球比賽延期舉行。) 
(B) in spite of...  儘管/雖然…… 例: In spite of being short, Kevin is still very handsome. (雖然個子不高,凱文仍很帥氣。)
(C) apart from...  除了……之外 = aside from... 例: Apart from playing the guitar, Peter plays the drums. (除了彈吉他外,彼得還會打鼓。)
(D) with reference to...  至於/有關…… 例: Our marketing strategy will be modified with reference to the survey results. (我們的行銷策略將根據調查結果做修正。)

b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C),表『除了』能保護物品外,氣泡墊在世界各地擁有大批愛好者還有別的原因。

5. One psychology professor proved that popping these air-filled bubbles helps people relieve stress. 
a. (A) relieve vt. 緩和;解除 例: The pill relieved my back pain but gave me a stomachache. (藥丸雖然減輕了我的背痛,卻讓我胃痛。) 
(B) recover vt. 找回 & vi. 恢復 例: The police recovered my stolen car. (警方找回我失竊的車。) 
(C) remind vt. 使想起 remind A of B  使 A 想起 B 例: Your voice reminds me of my first girlfriend. (妳的聲音讓我想起我的初戀女友。)
(D) reform vt. 改革,改良 例: The new minister has promised to reform the education system. (新上任的部長承諾改革教育制度。)
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A)。

6. The transparent plastic wrap also serves as a creative outlet.
a. (A) carry out...  執行/實現…… 例: The soldiers had trouble carrying out the general's orders. (這些士兵無法執行將軍下達的指令。)
(B) excel in...  擅長於…… 例: Tony excels in badminton because he practices every day. (東尼擅長打羽毛球,因為他每天都練習。) 
(C) apply for...  申請……;應徵(工作) 例: If you are interested in that job, you should apply for it. (你若對那工作有興趣的話,就應該去應徵。)
(D) serve as...  充當……,作為……之用 例: This machine can serve as an air conditioner in the summer and a heater in the winter. (這台機器夏天可以當冷氣,冬天則可當暖氣用。)
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。

7. The Internet now provides a worldwide forum for Bubble Wrap fans to trade ideas on the different uses for thisversatile material.
a. (A) versatile a. 多功能的;多才多藝的 例: The make-up kit is so versatile that it is the only one you'll ever need. (這個化妝箱用途很廣,所以妳只要這一只就夠了。) 
(B) sentimental a. 多愁善感的 例: Lance is too sentimental to be a good leader. (藍斯太多愁善感而無法成為一名好領導者。)
(C) ambitious a. 野心勃勃的 例: The ambitious young man is eager to start his own business. (那個野心勃勃的年輕人渴望能自己創業。) 
(D) expressive a. 表情豐富的;表達的 be expressive of...  表達/流露出…… 例: This painting was expressive of the turbulent times the artist was facing in his life. (這幅畫表達出該畫家一生中所面臨的動盪。)
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A)。

1. application n. 運用,應用 
2. textured a. 有紋理的;質地粗糙的 
3. wallpaper n. 壁紙 
4. cushion vt. 緩和……的衝擊
5. descent n. 下降 
6. bounce vi. 彈起,彈回 
7. bubble n. 泡狀物;氣泡
Bubble Wrap  氣泡墊,泡棉
8. delicate a. 易碎的;精密的 
9. corporation n. 股份有限公司
10. sheet n. 薄片,(紙等的)一張 
11. bulging a. 突起的 
12. hemisphere n. 半球體 
13. fragile a. 脆弱的 
14. component n. 零件 
15. accessory n. 附件,配件(常用複數)
16. multibillion a. 數十億的
17. safeguard vt. 保護 
18. legion n. 眾多,大量
legions/a legion of...  眾多的/大量的…… 
19. mold n. 模子,鑄模 
20. applicator n. 塗抹器
21. countless a. 數不盡的 
22. forum n. 論壇;討論會 
23. appreciation n. 鑑賞;感謝

1. pop a. 流行的 & n. 砰的一聲 & vt. 使啪的一聲爆裂開 pop culture  流行文化注意: 本文標題的 pop,除了表『流行的』外,當動詞還作『使啪的一聲爆裂開』之意,故標題刻意寫用 pop culture 乃是一種雙關語。
例: The little boy burst out crying after his balloon was popped. (他的氣球被戳破後,那名小男孩嚎啕大哭起來。)

2. profitable a. 有利潤的 
例: Buying and selling used cars is a highly profitable business. (買賣中古車是個很賺錢的行業。)

3. provide A for B  把 A 提供給 B = provide B with A 
例: The hotel provides free shampoo and shower gel for every guest. (那家旅館提供每位客人免費洗髮精和沐浴膠。)

4. transparent a. 透明的
例: This paper is transparent; I can see through it. (這張紙是透明的,我可以看透。)

5. steadily adv. 穩定地 
例: Susan moved steadily towards her goal. (蘇珊朝目標穩定地前進。)

6. advent n. 出現 
例: With the advent of MP3s, CD sales have been declining rapidly. (隨著 MP3 的出現,CD 的銷售量大幅下降。) 7. outlet n.(意見、作品等的)發表管道;(宣洩的)出口;銷路,通路
例: Everyone needs an outlet for releasing their frustration. (每個人都需要有發洩挫折的管道。)
例: The company has nearly 200 retail outlets in Taiwan now. (那家公司目前在台灣有近兩百處的零售據點。)

8. fabricate vt. 製造;捏造,虛構 
例: The lawyer asked the defendant if he was fabricating the story. (這名律師詢問被告是否捏造事實。)

9. trade vt. 交換 trade A for B  用 A 交換 B = exchange A for B 
例: Who would be crazy enough to trade diamonds for glass beads? (誰會發神經用鑽石換玻璃珠?)

10. establish vt. 制定;確立 establish A as B  制定/確立 A 為 B 
例: Mark was established as a writer soon after he started working for The New Yorker magazine. (馬克開始替《紐約客》雜誌工作後沒多久,就奠定了作家的地位。)


Marc Chavannes 和 Alfred Fielding 是工程師兼生意夥伴,他們一直想替他們在 1957 年發明的紋理塑膠壁紙找到賺錢的途徑。之後,1960 年在搭乘前往紐約市的飛機上,他們注意到天上的雲朵像襯墊一樣緩和飛機下降的衝擊。他們的感受就像是在空中的氣泡上彈跳,因此受到啟發而發明了氣泡墊,一種保護脆弱物品的緩衝物品。同時他們創立了 Sealed Air 公司,至今仍持續製造透明塑膠材質的緩衝墊,上頭突起的小半圓球中充滿了空氣。該公司在過去 50 年來穩定地成長,尤其在個人電腦問世後,使得運送脆弱的電子零件和配件成為數十億商機的產業。不同大小的氣泡和塑膠材質也不斷研發出來提供程度不等的保護。

答案:1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (A) 6. (D) 7. (A)


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