Jon Bon Jovi runs a pay-what-you-can restaurant in New Jersey.
Jon Bon Jovi spent a Friday a few months ago at the White House in Washington, DC. He was giving his input to the Council for Community Solutions, which he is part of. Afterwards, he jumped on the train and headed to his restaurant, Soul Kitchen, in Red Bank, New Jersey. There, he headed to the back and spent the rest of the night washing dishes. Now, this might seem like a job beneath a multi-millionaire and one of the world's biggest rock stars, but his restaurant is so unique that he has poured his blood, sweat, and tears into it.
At the Soul Kitchen, there are no prices for the gourmet-quality food. Instead, customers pay what they can afford. If they don't have enough money for food, they can volunteer at the restaurant for a few hours and get a certificate for a meal. The idea for this unique community restaurant came to Bon Jovi during the recent economic downturn. He said that most people don't want handouts and feel embarrassed if they have to go to a soup kitchen. He decided to give people proper food in a nice restaurant that they could feel good about going to. The catch was they ei ther had to pay or spend time cleaning, cooking, or serving food.
The Soul Kitchen has become a success because a unique community has been built up around it. Bon Jovi feels that food is a great equalizer when everyone is eating the same things. The Soul Kitchen is his way of saying that everyone is welcome at his table.
1. Why was Bon Jovi at the White House?
(A) To meet with President Obama.
(B) To get investors for the Soul Kitchen.
(C) To perform in a concert.
(D) To give his thoughts on a community group.
2. According to the article, why doesn't the Soul Kitchen have prices for its meals?
(A) People can volunteer to work for a meal.
(B) All the food is free because the owner is a billionaire.
(C) It's a soup kitchen established by a local charity.
(D) The prices are too expensive to put on the menu.
3. What does the word catch mean in the second paragraph?
(A) Eating for free.
(B) An unsuspected condition.
(C) Capturing the food themselves.
(D) To lie about their finances.
4. What does Bon Jovi say about food in the final paragraph?
(A) It can only be eaten by a select few.
(B) Good meals make everyone feel equal.
(C) Quality meals taste much better at his restaurant.
(D) The Soul Kitchen only sells organic vegetables.
1.input n. 投入(努力、意見、建議等)
We'd like your input on this matter.
2.head to + 地方 朝某地前進
= head for + 地方
Is this bus heading to the Shilin Night Market?
3.unique a. 獨特的
Alex has a unique job designing menus for restaurants.
4.blood, sweat, and tears 血汗和淚水
It took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get to where we are today.
5.volunteer vi. 做義工 & n. 義工
After school, Maria volunteers at an animal shelter.
Volunteers do their best to help the poor without asking for anything in return.
6.come to sb 某人想出了(某主意)
The idea came to me in the bath.
7.downturn n. (經濟)衰退
Thousands of workers are losing their jobs due to a downturn in the industry.
8.proper a. 適當的
I am waiting for the proper time to tell David the truth.
9.catch n. 圈套,隱藏的困難之處(本文中表示意料之外的條件)
All that money for one hour's work, what's the catch?
做 1 小時的工就給那麼多的錢,這裡面有什麼鬼? up... 建立……
What can we do to help build up Jenny's belief in herself?
11.thought n. 想法;思想
Thoughts are usually expressed by means of words.
12.unsuspected a. 意料外的
Rex was hospitalized with an unsuspected illness a few days before Christmas.
13.condition n. 情況
on one condition 在某種條件下
Atmospheric conditions often prevent the observation of the stars.
I'll let you borrow my car on one condition.
14.capture vt. 捕獲
The FBI seeks to capture its 10 most wanted criminals.
美國聯邦調查局試圖逮捕其 10 大要犯。
15.a select few 少部分特殊人士
select a. 精挑細選的;上等的
Only a select few could afford to own that kind of car.
Peggy only stays at select hotels.
佩姬只住一流飯店。 隨意付帳
2.council n. 理事會
3.afterwards adv. 隨後
4.gourmet n. 美食家(本文中以名詞作形容詞用;此單字源自法文,故 t 不發音)
5.afford vt. 負擔得起(與 can 或 can't 並用)
6.certificate n. 憑證
a gift certificate 禮券
7.economic a. 經濟上的
8.handout n. 施捨物
9.embarrassed a. 感到羞愧的
10.a soup kitchen (救濟貧民的)流動廚房
11.equalizer n. 使平等的因素
12.investor n. 投資者
13.establish vt. 建立 n. 財務,經濟
15.equal a. 平等的 a. 有機的
1.wash dishes 洗碗盤
2.pour...into... 投注……於……
Grammar Tips
Instead, customers pay what they can afford.
what 是複合關係代名詞,即等於 the thing(s) which,譯成『所……的東西』,使用時前面不可有先行詞(名詞),且 what 所引導的名詞子句在主要子句中可作主詞、動詞的受詞或 be 動詞後的主詞補語。
a. 作主詞:
What Tom said may be true.
b. 作動詞的受詞:
I believe what Tom said.
c. 在 be 動詞後作主詞補語:
This is what happened yesterday.
1. 為什麼邦喬飛會在白宮?
(A) 為了和歐巴馬總統會面。
(B) 為了招募『心靈廚房』的投資者。
(C) 為了演唱會表演。
(D) 為了向某社區團體發表己見。
題解:根據本文第 1 段,瓊.邦喬飛在幾個月前的某個星期五待在位於華盛頓特區的白宮。他向『社區發展方案理事會』提供了他的一些想法,故 (D) 項應為正選。
2. 根據本文,為什麼『心靈廚房』的餐點都沒有價格?
(A) 人們可以擔任志工來換取餐點。
(B) 所有的食物都是免費的,因為老闆是億萬富翁。
(C) 它是由當地慈善機構所建立的救濟食品發送站。
(D) 價格太貴以至於沒辦法列在菜單上。
題解:根據本文第 2 段,顧客是依自己所能負擔的能力來付錢。假使他們沒有足夠的錢來享用食物,也可以在餐廳裡擔任數小時的義工,便可以取得一份用餐卷,故 (A) 項應為正選。
3. 第 2 段的 catch 一字是什麼意思?
(A) 免費用餐。
(B) 意料之外的條件。
(C) 自行捕捉食物。
(D) 虛報財務狀況。
題解:根據第 2 段最後 1 行,他們不是得付錢就是得花時間來打掃、做菜或是上菜。僅有 (B) 項符合語意,故為正選。
4. 邦喬飛在最後 1 段對於食物做了什麼樣的描述?
(A) 只有少部分上流人士能夠享用。
(B) 美好的餐點讓每個人都有平等的感覺。
(C) 高品質的餐點在他的餐廳更顯美味。
(D) 『心靈廚房』只賣有機蔬菜。
題解:根據本文最後 1 段,邦喬飛認為每個人在吃相同的東西時,他們都是平等的。故 (B) 項應為正選。
答案:1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B