Synchronized swimming is a sport that always makes a splash.

 Synchronized swimming (花式游泳) must be seen to be understood. It _(1)_ groups of swimmers who perform dance routines in the water. The swimmers twist, flip, and raise their arms and legs together, makingpatterns and creating a spectacle as a whole. Their _(2)_ are timed to go together perfectly. Especially from a distance, it is a strangely fascinating sight.
   Synchronized swimming is a _(3)_ new sport. It was first performed in Canada at the beginning of the 20th century. As a _(4)_ of swimming, dance, and gymnastics, it was eventually given the nickname "water ballet." Itspopularity jumped in 1984, when synchronized swimming became recognized as an _(5)_ sport of the Summer Olympics. Participation in the Olympic Games is only _(6)_ to female synchronized swimmers. But although it is a sport dominated by women, there are some male synchronized swimmers who _(7)_ national competitions.
   Although synchronized swimming looks graceful, it is a sport that requires great strength, skill, and timing. Synchronized swimmers train for many hours every day to make sure that they have the endurance and flexibilitynecessary to _(8)_ striking routines. Some synchronized swimmers do perform solo routines, but most work in pairs or small groups. Performing as part of a larger group _(9)_ an extra level of difficulty as it requires the swimmers to be in sync with each other and with the music.
   If you ever see several people _(10)_ their arms at the same time in a pool, don''t run for a lifeguardbecause you think they are drowning. They might be practicing a synchronized swimming routine.

(A) adds (B) official (C) involves (D) waving (E) combination (F) open (G) carry out (H) movements (I) relatively (J) take part in

  1. It involves groups of swimmers who perform dance routines in the water.
    a. 空格前有代名詞 it,後有名詞詞組 groups of swimmers(成群的游泳者),可知空格內應置入第三人稱單數形的及物動詞或及物動詞片語。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) adds(增加)和 (C) involves(包含,需要),然僅 involves 置入後符合語意,表這項運動由成群的游泳者在水中表演舞蹈動作,故選 (C)。
    c. involve vt. 包含,需要
    例: Good management involves a careful division of labor.
  2. Their movements are timed to go together perfectly.
    a. 空格前有所有格 their(他們的),其後有複數 be 動詞 are,可知空格內應置入複數名詞。
    b. 選項中為複數名詞的僅有 (H) movements(動作),且置入後符合語意,表他們的『動作』非常整齊劃一,故選之。
  3. Synchronized swimming is a relatively new sport.
    a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,其後有形容詞 new(新的),可知空格內應置入副詞以修飾 new。
    b. 選項中為副詞的僅有 (I) relatively(相當地),置入後亦符合語意,表花式游泳是種『相當』新穎的運動,可知 (I) 為正選。
    c. relatively adv. 相當地;相對地
    例: Because of my tight schedule, I can only stay here for a relatively short time.

  4. As a combination of swimming, dance, and gymnastics, it was eventually given the nickname "water ballet."
    a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,後有介詞 of,可知空格內應置入子音起首的單數名詞。
    b. 在剩下的選項中,為子音起首的單數名詞僅有 (E) combination(結合、組合),置入後亦符合語意,表『結合』游泳、舞蹈和體操,花式游泳最終獲得『水上芭蕾』的暱稱,故選之。
  5. Its popularity jumped in 1984, when synchronized swimming became recognized as an official sport of the Summer Olympics.
    a. 空格前有不定冠詞 an,後有名詞 sport(運動),可知空格內應置入母音起首的形容詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) official(正式的)和 (F) open(開放的),惟 official 置入後符合語意,表花式游泳被列入夏季奧運的『正式』比賽項目,故選 (B)。
  6. Participation in the Olympic Games is only open to female synchronized swimmers.
    a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is,後有介詞 to,可知空格內應置入形容詞或分詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (D) waving(揮舞的)和 (F) open(開放的),惟 open 置入後符合語意,並形成下列用法:
    be open to...  對……開放
    例: The health club is only open to its members.

    c. 根據上述,可知 (F) 為正選。
  7. But although it is a sport dominated by women, there are some male synchronized swimmers who take part in national competitions.
    a. 空格前有關係代名詞 who,代替其前的複數先行詞(名詞)swimmers(泳者),其後則有名詞詞組 national competitions(國家級比賽),可知空格內應置入及物動詞或及物動詞片語。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (G) carry out(執行、完成)和 (J) take part in(參加、參與),惟 take part in 置入後符合語意,故選 (J)。
    c. take part in...  參加/參與……
    = participate in...
    例: Henry participated in the triathlon.

  8. make sure that they have the endurance and flexibility necessary to carry out striking routines.
    a. 空格前有不定詞 to,後有名詞詞組 striking routines(驚人的表演動作),可知空格內應置入原形及物動詞或動詞片語。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅有 (G) carry out(執行、完成),置入後亦符合語意,表以確保有足夠的耐久力和柔軟度來『執行』這種驚人的表演,故選之。
    c. carry out...  執行/完成……
    例: Through teamwork, we were able to carry out the mission.

  9. Performing as part of a larger group adds an extra level of difficulty as it requires the swimmers to be in sync with each other and with the music.
    a. 空格前有動名詞 Performing(表演),作主詞,之後有名詞詞組 an extra level of difficulty(額外的困難度),可知空格內應置入第三人稱單數的及物動詞或動詞片語。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅有 (A) adds(增加、添加),置入後亦符合語意,表一大群人一起表演更是『增加』花式游泳的困難度,故選之。
    c. add vt. 增加、添加
    add A to B  將 A 加到 B 上
    例: Mr. Collins, do you have anything to add to your statement?

  10. If you ever see several people waving their arms at the same time in a pool, ...
    a. 空格前有知覺動詞 see(看)及名詞詞組 several people(幾個人),可知空格內應置入原形動詞作受詞補語(表已發生的事實);或接現在分詞作受詞補語(表進行的狀態);亦可接過去分詞作受詞補語(表被動的概念)。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅有 (D) waving(揮舞),故選之。
    c. wave one''s arm/hand  揮手臂/揮手
    例: Harry waved his hand to get the teacher''s attention.

  1. spectacle n. 奇觀,壯觀(的場面)
    make a spectacle of oneself  出洋相
    = make a fool of oneself
    例: Simon got drunk and made a spectacle of himself at the party.

  2. be timed to V  選好/設定好時間做……
    例: The alarm is timed to go off at eight o''clock.
    (鬧鐘被設定在 8 點響起。)

  3. from a distance  從遠方,從遠處
    例: The letters of that neon sign are so big that they are visible from a distance.

  4. be/become recognized as...  被公認為……
    例: The book is recognized as one of the greatest works of literature of this century.

  5. dominate vt. 在……中佔主要地位;支配
    例: The boxing champion dominated the fight from beginning to end.
  6. striking a. 驚人的;引人注目的
    例: The girl''s likeness to her mother was striking.

  7. extra a. 額外的,另外的
    an extra + 數字  額外的……
    = an additional + 數字
    例: We need an extra 10 volunteers for the charity event.
    (我們還需要 10 名義工加入這項慈善活動。)

  8. sync n. 同步,同時
    in sync with...  與……同步/協調
    例: Justin''s movements were in sync with the music.

  1. underwater adv. 在水中,水面下地
  2. synchronized swimming  花式游泳
    synchronize vt. & vi.(使)同時發生
  3. perform vt. 演出,表演
  4. routine n.(一套固定的)舞步/動作
  5. twist vi. & vt. 旋轉,扭轉
  6. flip vi. & vt. 翻轉
  7. pattern n. 樣式,模式
  8. perfectly adv. 完美地
  9. gymnastics n. 體操;體育
  10. nickname n. 綽號
  11. water ballet n. 水上芭蕾
  12. popularity n. 普及,流行
  13. participation n. 參加,參與
  14. competition n. 比賽,競賽
  15. graceful a. 優美的
  16. timing n. 精確計時;時機的選擇
  17. endurance n. 耐久力;忍耐
  18. flexibility n. 靈活度;彈性
  19. solo a. 單獨(表演)的
  20. lifeguard n. 救生員
  21. drown vi. 溺水;溺斃

  1. as a whole  整體看來
  2. in pairs  兩個一組地;成對地
  3. at the same time  同時


   花式游泳是相當新穎的運動,20 世紀初才在加拿大首度表演。花式游泳結合游泳、舞蹈和體操,最終獲得『水上芭蕾』的暱稱。它在 1984 年被列入夏季奧運的正式比賽項目時,開始大受歡迎。夏季奧運的花式游泳比賽只開放給女性選手參加。雖然花式游泳以女性參賽為主,但在一些國家級的比賽中也可見到男性選手參賽的身影。

標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (H) 3. (I) 4. (E) 5. (B) 6. (F) 7. (J) 8. (G) 9. (A) 10. (D)


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