
You see the finished products, but do you know how they got there?

   Walking into IKEA for the first time is an overwhelming experience even for the most seasoned shopper. There are couches, tables, chairs, and pillows in every imaginable color in all directions. Many small rooms are set up so prospective buyers can imagine how items would look in their own homes. Walking quickly through IKEA is impossible because the floor plan is designed to snake around so that customers have to go through the w hole building before they can find their way to the checkout counters. Every year, 600 million customers choose IKEA for their distinct designs and affordable prices. Each of the 296 stores around the globe has almost 10,000 items for people to purchase. This month, National Geographic Channel's Mega Factories 2: IKEA goes behind the closed doors of IKEA's factories in Poland, where one supplier creates two million tables, chairs, sofas, and recliners each year and where another textile firm produces 500 pieces of upholstered furniture per day.
   While IKEA's particle board (粒片板) is mostly made in its home country of Sweden, New York City's newest mass transit fleet starts off as sheet metal in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Super Subway films workers shaping the shells of these R-160 subway cars and then follows the cars on a month-long voyage from South America to the Big Apple, where the 85,000-pound vehicle is assembled and 24 miles of wiring is added. These state-of-the-art trains include soundproofing, LCD screen maps, and a braking system that actually generates and returns energy to the third rail. This new fleet is built to last 40 years and can withstand some of the toughest conditions in the subways of New York City. If you're interested in what goes on behind the scenes in big manufacturing plants, then Mega Factories 2 is right up your alley.

1. How is IKEA described in the first paragraph?

(A) Second-rate.
(B) Average.
(C) Bewildering.
(D) Unimpressive.

2. According to the article, which fact is NOT true about IKEA?

(A) IKEA has 10,000 stores around the world.
(B) One of IKEA's factories can make 500 items in a day. 
(C) IKEA has 600 million customers annually. 
(D) IKEA's floor plan was created in such a way that customers have to go through the entire store.

3. In the article, how are the subway cars and IKEA's building materials linked?

(A) The subway cars are going to be made in Sweden.
(B) They aren't linked at all.
(C) IKEA is now starting to sell materials for building subway cars.
(D) The chairs in the subway cars come from IKEA.

4. How are the R-160 subway cars state-of-the-art?

(A) They were made out of sheet metal.
(B) They are transported to New York in only a month.
(C) They were built 40 years ago.
(D) They have new features like LCD screen maps.

pillow n. 靠墊;枕頭
checkout counter  結帳櫃臺,收銀台
cash register n. 收銀機
cashier n. 收銀員
distinct a. 獨特的;截然不同的
recliner n. 躺椅
textile a. 紡織的
upholstered a.(沙發、軟椅等)裝上軟墊的
particle board n. 粒片板
mass transit a. 大眾運輸的
fleet n. 車隊
sheet metal n. 金屬薄板,薄金屬板
shell n. 外殼
wiring n. 線路
state-of-the-art a. 使用最先進技術的
braking a. 煞車的
brake n. 煞車
由於汽車及飛機等交通工具的輪子一般為 4 個或 4 個以上,每個輪子均有煞車片,故 brakes 常用複數。

rail n. 鐵軌
manufacturing a. 製造業的
unimpressive a. 不引人注意的
annually adv. 每年地
feature n. 特色

in all directions  在四面八方
set up...  設立∕設置……

overwhelming a. 令人不知所措∕招架不住的;壓倒性的
例: The amount of work I have to do this week is overwhelming.
例: Mr. Bailey won an overwhelming victory in the election.

seasoned a. 經驗豐富的
例: Roger is a seasoned tennis player. He knows how to deal with the pressure of a championship match.

imaginable a. 想像得到的
imaginary a. 想像中的
imaginative a. 富有想像力的
例: I've done everything imaginable to lose weight, but nothing has worked.
例: Billy had an imaginary friend when he was a kid.
例: That's a very imaginative idea for the project, but it is not going to work.

prospective a. 可能的;有希望的
a prospective buyer  潛在的買家
a prospective client  潛在的客戶
例: All prospective employees will be interviewed by the boss.

snake vi. 蛇行;曲折前進
例: Taxis snake in and out of traffic looking for customers.

affordable a. 負擔得起的
例: This house is huge as well as affordable.

purchase vt. 購買,採買(= buy)
例: Rita purchased a lot of canned food for her family before she went on vacation.

start off  開始
例: This movie started off with a woman crying for help.

assemble vt. 配裝,組裝
例: Wayne assembled the computer in half an hour.

soundproofing n. 隔音
soundproof a. 隔音的
waterproof a. 防水的
bulletproof a. 防彈的
例: The police officers wear bulletproof vests while on duty.

generate vt. 產生(熱、電、光等)
例: Chris tried to generate heat by rubbing his hands together.

withstand vt. 禁得起
三態為:withstand, withstood, withstood。
例: Do you think you can withstand the pressures of the job?

behind the scenes  在幕後
例: I prefer to work behind the scenes as a director.

be right up one's alley   正合某人的胃口;非常適合某人
例: Do you think this dress is right up Monica's alley?

bewildering a. 令人迷惑的
bewilder vt. 使迷惑(常用被動)
例: I was bewildered by your confusing explanation.

transport vt. 運送
例: Trains, planes, and trucks transport goods from place to place.

  即使是經驗最老到的顧客,初次走進 IKEA(宜家家居)時,還是會感到眼花撩亂。那裡到處都有你想得到的各色沙發、桌椅和靠墊。那裡還設置了許多小房間,讓可能的買家能夠想像這些物品在自己的家中會是什麼樣子。要快速逛完 IKEA 是不可能的事,因為樓層的設計是讓顧客迂迴蛇行,這樣一來他們必須整棟商場走透透,才能找到前往結帳櫃臺的位置。每年有 6 億人選擇到 IKEA 購買設計獨到又價格合理的商品。全球共有 296 家店面,每家店都有將近一萬件商品供人們選購。本月份國家地理頻道的《超級工廠 2:宜家家居》節目將帶領大家前往波蘭,參觀不為人所知的 IKEA 工廠,那裡有家供應商每年要生產兩百萬張桌椅、沙發和躺椅,而另一家紡織公司每天得生產 500 件有墊子的傢俱。
   IKEA 的粒片板大多在原產地瑞典製造,而紐約市最新型大眾運輸列車的金屬薄板也在巴西聖保羅蓄勢待發。《超級地鐵》單元拍攝工人打造 R-160 地鐵列車的外殼,然後和這些列車一同踏上為期一個月的旅程,從南美到達有大蘋果之稱的紐約,在那裡,重達 8 萬 5 千磅的列車會被組裝,並裝配長達 24 英里的線路。這些最新科技列車的隔音效果好、配有 LCD 地圖螢幕,以及煞車系統,這個系統能產生動能並回傳給供應動力的第三軌。這列新打造的列車能運作 40 年之久,而且能承受紐約市地鐵裡一些最艱險的狀況。如果你對大型製造業幕後的製作過程很感興趣,《超級工廠 2》包準能滿足你的胃口。
1. 第一段如何形容 IKEA?

題解: 根據本文第一段,即使是經驗最老到的顧客,初次走進 IKEA(宜家家居)時,還是會感到眼花撩亂,因為樓層的設計是讓顧客迂迴蛇行,這樣一來他們必須整棟商場走透透,才能找到前往結帳櫃臺的位置,與選項 (C) 的敘述最為接近,故選之。

2. 根據本文,關於 IKEA 何者並非事實?

(A) IKEA 全球有一萬家分店。
(B) IKEA 的一家工廠一天可以生產 500 件商品。
(C) IKEA 每年有 6 億名顧客。
(D) IKEA 的樓層設計方式是要讓顧客整個商場都得走透透。
題解: 綜觀本文,IKEA 全球共有 296 家店面、它的一家紡織公司每天生產 500 件有墊子的傢俱、每年有 6 億人選擇到 IKEA 購買商品,其樓層設計是讓顧客迂迴蛇行,這樣一來他們必須整棟商場走透透,才能找到前往結帳櫃臺的位置,可知 (B)、(C)、(D) 的敘述都是事實,僅 (A) 選項與事實不符,故選之。

3. 本文中,地鐵列車和 IKEA 的建材有何關聯?

(A) 地鐵列車將在瑞典打造。
(B) 它們之間毫無關聯。
(C) IKEA 現在開始販售建造地鐵列車的材料。
(D) 地鐵列車裡的座椅來自 IKEA。
題解: 綜觀本文,紐約的 R-160 地鐵列車與 IKEA 之間毫無關係,可知應選 (B)。

4. R-160 地鐵列車如何稱得上是最新科技?

(A) 它們是用金屬薄板打造而成的。
(B) 它們只花一個月的時間就運送到紐約。
(C) 它們於 40 年前建造。
(D) 它們配有像 LCD 地圖螢幕等新特色。
題解: 根據本文第二段,這些 R-160 最新科技列車的隔音效果好、配有 LCD 地圖螢幕,以及煞車系統,這個系統能產生動能並回傳給供應動力的第三軌,可知應選 (D)。

標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (D)

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