
There's a lot more than just fish at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco.


 Did you know that San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf is the city's most popular destination, attracting more than 12 million visitors each year? What is it that draws people there? For one, Fisherman's Wharf has a rich history. Its historic waterfront, boasting a flotilla of _(1)_ 500 fishing vessels, was once the transportation hub for the city's fishing fleet. Today, the boats moored at the Wharf _(2)_ fresh seafood to San Francisco's world-famous restaurants. History buffs visiting the waterfront community will take _(3)_ in riding a nation al landmark. San Francisco's famed cable cars still operate in almost the same way they first _(4)_ in 1873.
  The Wharf is also home to the adorable sea lions of PIER 39. Throughout the year, people can find these local sea mammals gathering on the docks beside PIER 39. If these cute sea creatures aren't _(5)_ enough, visitors can find street performers of every sort. Magicians, mimes, jugglers, and clowns are all waiting to tickle their funny bones.
  Finally, don't _(6)_ the one thing that everyone comes to experience at Fisherman's Wharf. Specialized boat tours will take you along San Francisco's 150-year-old waterfront, underneath the Golden Gate Bridge, and around the island of Alcatraz, the infamous Civil War fortress that was transformed _(7)_ a federal prison. So what are you waiting for? Food, scenery, history, family fun, and so much more await you at San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf.

1. (A) rarely (B) nearly (C) shortly (D) fully
2. (A) apply (B) reply (C) supply (D) multiply
3. (A) offense (B) notice (C) charge (D) delight
4. (A) had (B) have (C) do (D) did
5. (A) appealing (B) demanding (C) threatening(D) thriving
6. (A) put up with(B) miss out on(C) look up to (D) lose track of
7. (A) on (B) for (C) into (D) with

Its historic waterfront, boasting a flotilla of nearly 500 fishing vessels, was once the transportation hub for the city's fishing fleet.
a. (A) rarely adv. 很少(= seldom)
(B) nearly adv. 幾乎
nearly 可用來修飾數量形容詞,表『幾乎』之意,常見的此類副詞尚有:about/around/some/roughly/approximately(大約)等。
例: The police searched for the missing child for nearly two weeks.
(C) shortly adv. 不久,馬上
* 本字多與 after 或 before 並用。
例: The patient was in stable condition shortly after the operation.
(D) fully adv. 完全地;徹底地
b. 空格後有數字 500,故根據上述用法及語意,可知應選 (B)。

Today, the boats moored at the Wharf supply fresh seafood to San Francisco's world-famous restaurants.
a. (A) apply vt. 運用
apply A to B  將 A 運用到 B 上
例: Scientists are trying to apply solar technology to automobiles.
(B) reply vt. 回答,回覆(以 that 子句作受詞)& vi. 回答,回覆(與介詞 to 並用)
例: The movie star hired an assistant to help him reply to all his fan mail.
(C) supply vt. 提供
supply A to B  提供 A 給 B
= supply B with A
例: The charity supplied food and shelter to the flood victims.
(D) multiply vt. 使相乘;使繁殖
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。

History buffs visiting the waterfront community will take delight in riding a national landmark.
a. (A) take offense at...  對……動怒
例: Carol took offense at being called selfish.
(B) take notice of...  注意……
例: The boss took notice of Ben's hard work and gave him a promotion.
(C) take charge of...  負責管理∕掌管……
例: Amy took charge of the earthquake rescue operation.
(D) take delight in...  喜愛∕樂於從事……
例: Sandy is annoying because she takes delight in finding fault with others.
b. 根據語意及用法,可知應選 (D)。

San Francisco's famed cable cars still operate in almost the same way they first did in 1873.
a. 空格前有現在式動詞 operate(運作),而由空格後的時間副詞片語 in 1873(在 1873 年)可知,空格應置入可代替過去式動詞的過去式助動詞 did,本句實等於:
San Francisco's famed cable cars still operate in almost the same way they first did in 1873.
→ San Francisco's famed cable cars still operate in almost the same way they first operated in 1873.
例: I just told Larry not to pick his nose. Now he is doing it (= picking his nose) again.
b. 根據上述,可知應選 (D) 而不選 (A)。

If these cute sea creatures aren't appealing enough, visitors can find street performers of every sort.
a. (A) appealing a. 吸引人的
例: Some women find heart-shaped diamonds appealing.
(B) demanding a. 費力的;苛求的
例: The demanding boss has frightened all the employees.
(C) threatening a. 威脅的
(D) thriving a. 繁榮的,興旺的
例: The company was doing poorly two years ago, but now it's thriving.
b. 根據前後語意,可知應選 (A)。

Finally, don't miss out on the one thing that everyone comes to experience at Fisherman's Wharf.
a. (A) put up with...  忍受……
= tolerate vt.
例: Rick couldn't put up with his roommate's filthiness, so he moved out.
(B) miss out on...  錯失……的良機
例: Don't dwell on the past, or you will miss out on the present.
(C) look up to sb  尊敬某人
look down on sb  瞧不起某人
例: I look up to my mother for her dedication to family.
(D) lose track of...  失去……的蹤跡
例: It's hard to stay in touch with all my old friends. In fact, I have lost track of most of them.
b. 根據語意及用法,可知應選 (B)。

Specialized boat tours will take you..., and around the island of Alcatraz, the infamous Civil War fortress that was transformed into a federal prison.
a. 本空格在測試以下固定用法:
be transformed into...  被轉變為……
= be changed into...
= be turned into...
transform vt. 使轉變,改變
例: With a tap of the wizard's wand, the woman was transformed into a lion.
b. 根據上述,可知 (C) into 應為正選。

historic a. 有重大歷史意義的
historical a.(有關)歷史的
例: The ancient temple is of great historic significance to this town.
例: The author is famous for including historical background in her novels.

boast vt.(某地)以擁有……自豪 & vi.(某人)自誇
boast of/about...  自誇……
= brag of/about...
例: The amusement park boasts the fastest roller coaster in the world.
例: Jimmy boasted about getting the highest grades in his class.
operate vi. 運轉
例: The factory is operating around the clock as it tries to complete all the orders.
be home to...  為……的所在地∕大本營
例: Madagascar is home to a wide variety of wild animals.

tickle one's funny bone  逗某人發笑
tickle vt. 搔……癢
funny bone 為手肘的尺骨端,觸碰時會有酥麻感,故此片語引申為『逗某人發笑』之意。
例: Watching cat videos on YouTube really tickles my funny bone.
(YouTube 上有關貓咪的影片讓我看了哈哈大笑。)

specialized a. 專門的
specialize vi. 專攻;專精於
specialize in...  專攻……;專門從事……
例: The specialized tires on that car are made to withstand all sorts of conditions.
例: Our organization specializes in helping children from underprivileged families.

infamous a. 聲名狼籍的
= notorious a.
be infamous for...  因……而聲名狼藉
= be notorious for...
例: That country is infamous for its counterfeit products.

await vt. 等待
= wait for...
例: The children awaited their mothers at the end of the school day.

wharf n. 碼頭
destination n. 目的地,終點
waterfront n.(城市的)濱水區
flotilla n. 小型船隊,小艦隊
vessel n. 船艦
hub n. 樞紐;中心
fleet n. 船隊,艦隊
moor vt. 使停泊
buff n. 愛好者
landmark n. 地標
a cable car  纜車
cable n. 電纜
adorable a. 可愛的
sea lion n. 海獅
pier n.(伸向海中的)凸式碼頭
mammal n. 哺乳類動物
dock n. 碼頭
mime n. 默劇演員
juggler n. 耍把戲的人
clown n. 小丑
fortress n. 堡壘,要塞
federal a. 美國聯邦政府的

你知道舊金山的漁人碼頭是該市最受歡迎的旅遊景點,每年吸引 1,200 萬名遊客前往嗎?到底是什麼吸引人們到此一遊呢?漁人碼頭擁有的豐富歷史是其中一項原因。它具有歷史意義的濱水區以擁有將近 5 百艘漁船的船隊而自豪,亦曾經是該市漁船的運輸中心。現今,停泊在漁人碼頭的船隻供應新鮮的海產給舊金山市裡聞名全球的餐廳。參觀濱水區的歷史愛好者將會以搭乘一個全國知名的地標為樂。舊金山著名的電纜車幾乎仍完全照著它們在 1873 年啟用時的方式運作。
  漁人碼頭內第 39 號碼頭也是可愛海獅的聚集地。一年到頭,人們都可以看到這些當地的海洋哺乳動物在第 39 號碼頭邊聚集。要是這些可愛的海洋生物還不夠吸引人的話,遊客還可以觀賞各式各樣的街頭藝人表演。魔術師、默劇演員、雜耍者和小丑都等著要把你逗得哈哈大笑。
  最後,千萬別錯過每個人到漁人碼頭都得體驗的一件事。專業的遊艇將載你沿著有 150 年歷史的濱水區遊覽、從金門大橋下穿過,以及到惡魔島附近看看南北戰爭時期惡名昭彰的軍事堡壘,這個要塞後來被改建為聯邦監獄。你還在等什麼?美食、美景、豐富的歷史、適合全家同樂的活動,以及更多好玩的事物在舊金山的漁人碼頭等你來喲。

答案:1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (D) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (C)

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