By living in a celebrity-worshiping society, important people have started to feel insignificant.
In the past, when kids were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up, most answered with jobs like astronauts, police officers, or doctors. Nowadays, children aspire to be singers, athletes, or movie stars _(1)_
This has affected the way adults view themselves. Over the past 10 years, Dr. Carlo Strenger of Tel Aviv University's Department of Psychology has extensively studied the increasing fear of insignificance in adults. _(2)_ He points out that the impact of the global infotainment network on the individual is to blame. We used to measure ourselves by those around us, but since we now live in a global village, we can't help but compare ourselves with the most significant people in the world. _(3)_
In his book, The Fear of Insignificance: Searching for Meaning in the Twenty-First Century, Strenger tells readers that they can't live a fulfilling life _(4)_ This fear of being insignificant can only be overcome through strong individual identity over measurable achievement. People should follow the path of active self-acceptance, which includes a never-ending quest for knowledge and maturation. _(5)_
(A) Once people understand that learning and evolving are more important, they can then realize that it's much easier to live a fulfilling life.
(B) His findings show that adults with respectable professions like lawyers and doctors have increased levels of anxiety and depression.
(C) if they measure their achievements through fantasies of riches or celebrity.
(D) because those are the people they see in the media every day.
(E) In other words, even high achievers constantly fear that they are insignificant when they compare themselves to success stories in the media.
1.第一題空格應選 (D)
a. 空格前說到,如今孩子們卻渴望成為歌星、運動員或電影明星;而此處空格前是句構完整的句子,可知空格應置入首字母小寫的連接詞所開頭的句子。
b. 選項 (C) 與 (D) 的句子分別以連接詞 if 和 because 開頭,均可連接兩句;然 (D) 選項說,因為那些人是他們每天都會在媒體上看見的身影,解釋了為何孩子們長大後想成為這些人,語意連貫,故選之。
media n. 媒體(為 medium 的複數形)
the mass media 大眾媒體
例: The mass media include newspapers, radio, television, and the Internet.
2.第二題空格應選 (B)
a. 空格前一句提到,卡羅‧史春格博士廣泛研究成人心中日益增加的渺小恐懼感,推測之後要說明其研究結果。
b. 選項 (B) 的句子說他的研究結果顯示,擁有律師和醫生等體面職業的成人,他們焦慮和憂鬱的程度明顯增加,符合推測,且前後語意連貫,故選之。
a. finding n.(調查或研究)結果
b. respectable a. 體面的;值得尊敬的
例: Anyone devoted to helping the poor is respectable.
c. profession n. 職業
d. anxiety n. 焦慮,緊張
e. depression n. 憂鬱(症),沮喪
例: Sophie suffered from severe depression after getting divorced.
3.第三題空格應選 (E)
a. 空格前一句提到,我們以往藉由身旁的人來衡量自我,但由於現在生活在地球村,我們會忍不住拿自己和世界上最舉足輕重的人相比較(compare)。
b. 選項 (E) 的句子提到,換句話說,就連成就卓越的人士也一直害怕自己和媒體呈現的成功故事相比(compare)顯得微不足道,兩句話均有關鍵字 compare,且前後語意連貫,故選之。
a. in other words 換句話說,也就是說
b. achiever n. 成功人士
c. constantly adv. 不斷地;經常
例: Jim takes advantage of Tom's kindness and constantly borrows money from him.
d. insignificant a. 微不足道的;不重要的
例: My problems are insignificant in comparison to yours.
e. compare A to/with B 將 A 與 B 作比較
4.第四題空格應選 (C)
a. 空格前提到,史春格博士的新書告訴讀者無法過著令自己滿意的生活;而此處空格前是句構完整的句子,可知空格應置入首字母小寫的連接詞所開頭的句子。
b. 選項 (C) 以連接詞 if 開頭,可連接前後兩句;且選項中提到,倘若透過財富或名望的空想來衡量成就,解釋了其前的敘述,前後語意連貫,故選之。
a. measure vt. 衡量;測量
例: Regular tests are used to measure the students' progress.
b. achievement n. 成就
c. fantasy n. 空想,幻想
d. riches n. 財富(恆用複數)
e. celebrity n. 名聲(不可數);名人(可數)
5.第五題空格應選 (A)
a. 空格前一句提到,人們應該遵循積極自我接納的方式,這包含對於知識和心智成熟永不停止的追尋。
b. 選項 (A) 的句子說,一旦人們明白學習和成長更為重要時,才會了解過令自己滿意的生活並非如此困難,前後語意連貫,故選之。
a. evolve vi. 成長;進化
例: Over millions of years, plants and animals have evolved and survived.
b. fulfilling a. 使人滿意的
1.aspire vi. 渴望,嚮往
aspire to V 渴望(做)……
例: Ricky aspires to buy a house before he gets married.
2.extensively adv. 廣泛地;廣大地
例: Rachel has traveled extensively throughout Asia and South America.
3.impact n. 影響
have an impact on... 對……有影響
= have an influence on...
= have an effect on...
例: The recent wars in the Middle East have had an impact on oil prices.
(中東地區最近的戰爭對油價造成了影響。) to blame 應負責任
= should be responsible
例: Grant insists that he is not to blame for the mess in the living room.
5.can't (help) but V 忍不住……,不禁……
= can't help + V-ing
例: I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Adam's new haircut.
(我看到亞當的新髮型時忍不住大笑。) for... 尋找……
例: The detective searched for clues at the scene of the crime.
(這名警探在犯罪現場搜尋線索。) a/ 過……的生活
= lead a/
例: Rex lived a luxurious life after he made a fortune investing in real estate.
8.overcome vt. 克服
三態為:overcome, overcame, overcome。
例: I always try my best no matter what difficulties I have to overcome.
9.identity n. 認同;身分
例: The immigrants forged an identity for themselves in the new lands.
* forge vt. 偽造
這種現象影響成人看待自己的方式。特拉維夫大學心理系的卡羅‧史春格博士在過去 10 年,廣泛研究成人心中日益增加的渺小恐懼感。他的研究結果顯示,擁有律師和醫生等體面職業的成人,他們焦慮和憂鬱的程度明顯增加。他指出,全球資訊娛樂網路對個人的影響難辭其咎。我們以往藉由身旁的人來衡量自我,但由於現在生活在地球村,我們會忍不住拿自己和世界上最舉足輕重的人物相比較。換句話說,就連成就卓越的人士也一直害怕自己和媒體呈現的成功故事相比顯得微不足道。
史春格博士的新書《渺小恐懼症:在 21 世紀尋找自我意義》告訴讀者,倘若透過財富或名望的空想來衡量成就,便無法過著令自己滿意的生活。這種渺小恐懼症只能藉由超越重要成就的強烈個人認同感加以克服。人們應該遵循積極自我接納的方式,這當中包含對於知識和心智成熟永不停止的追尋。一旦人們明白學習和成長更為重要時,才會了解過著令自己滿意的生活並非如此困難。
答案: 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (E) 4. (C) 5. (A)