The finding of plasticizer in Taiwanese products has caused a lot of trouble.
MIT 產品被驗出塑化劑引起喧然大波。
Taiwan is facing its biggest food contamination crisis yet. For around 30 years, manufacturers have been using a plasticizer called DEHP (鄰苯二甲酸) in place of more expensive ingredients like palm oil. _(1)_ It has contaminated at least 500 food and beverage products in the Taiwanese market. Taiwan's FDA had not detected DEHP before because it had not been listed as a toxin to test for until the scandal came to light in late May of 2011.
Children who consume beverages contaminated with DEHP are at the most risk. Young males are more likely to suffer from feminization and the shrinking of reproductive organs when they become adults. _(2)_ DEHP can also disrupt the endocrine (內分泌) system and cause cancer.
In a healthy person whose endocrine system is working normally, hormones are constantly moving through the body and affecting how all kinds of tissues grow, how active the immune system is, and how the reproductive system functions. _(3)_ If a person is exposed to chemicals that change the way the endocrine system works, his or her body might start producing more or less of certain hormones. Once these harmful substances get into the environment, they can have drastic effects on the health of animals. _(4)_
Scientists are doing more research to find out exactly how the human body is affected by different chemicals. _(5)_ In the meantime, people around the world have begun to control the use of products containing endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
(A) If humans eat contaminated animals, they can also be affected.
(B) This carcinogenic (致癌的) toxin was used as a filler to make items more opaque or richer in color.
(C) However, new chemicals are constantly being invented for different purposes, and it can be difficult to keep up.
(D) Hormones can even change a person's mood.
(E) On the other hand, girls are facing the prospect of the premature development of their sexual organs.
第一題空格應選 (B)
a. 空格前一句提到,30 年前左右,製造商已經開始使用名叫『鄰苯二甲酸』(DEHP)的塑化劑來取代像是棕櫚油等價格較昂貴的原料,推測空格應是解釋製造商這麼做的原因。
b. (B) 選項的句子說,這種致癌的有毒物質(This carcinogenic toxin)被當作填充劑,為的是增加食品的白霧感或讓顏色更深,語意連貫,亦符合推測,且選項中的 This carcinogenic toxin 指的就是上一句的 DEHP,故選之。
a. carcinogenic a. 致癌的
b. toxin n. 毒素
c. filler n. 填充劑,填充物
d. opaque a. 不透明的
第二題空格應選 (E)
a. 空格前兩句提到,飲用含有鄰苯二甲酸飲料的孩童處境最危險,年輕的男童在發育階段很有可能發生雌性化以及生殖器縮小的情形,推測空格應是說明鄰苯二甲酸對女孩的影響。
b. (E) 選項的句子提到,另一方面,女孩則可能面臨性器官早熟的情況,符合推測,故選之。
a. on the other hand 另一方面
b. prospect n. 可能性
例: The prospect of Kent getting the job looks pretty good at the moment.
c. premature a. 早熟的;早產的
a premature baby 早產兒
mature a. 成熟的
immature a. 未成熟的
d. organ n. 器官
第三題空格應選 (D)
a. 空格前一句提到,荷爾蒙(hormones)會持續在體內流動,影響各種組織的生長、免疫系統的活動力及生殖系統的運作。
b. (D) 選項的句子提到,荷爾蒙(Hormones)甚至可以改變人的心情,前後語意連貫,且兩句都有關鍵字 hormones,故選之。
a. hormone n. 荷爾蒙
b. mood n. 心情
be in a good/bad mood 心情好∕心情不好
例: I tend to talk less when I'm in a bad mood.
第四題空格應選 (A)
a. 空格前一句提到,這些有害物質一旦進入生態環境,會對動物(animals)的健康造成極大的影響。
b. (A) 選項的句子說,倘若人類吃下這些受污染的動物(animals),也同樣會受到影響,前後語意連貫,且兩句都有關鍵字 animals,故選之。
a. contaminated a. 受污染的
例: Daniel ate contaminated food. As a result, he got sick.
b. affect vt. 影響
第五題空格應選 (C)
a. 空格前一句提到,科學家目前正從事更多研究,以了解不同的化學物質(chemicals)究竟會對人體造成什麼影響。
b. (C) 選項的句子說,新的化學物質(chemicals)基於各種不同用途不斷被創造出來,使得追蹤更新的工作益發困難,前後語意連貫,且有相同的關鍵字 chemicals,故選之。
a. constantly adv. 經常地
例: Ryan is constantly asking his parents for money.
b. keep up 跟得上,不落後
例: Anna had a hard time keeping up in her philosophy class.
in place of... 代替……
例: Sally will run the shop in place of Kent when he goes on vacation.
detect vt. 查出,發覺
例: The doctor detected a small lump in the patient's armpit.
come to light 真相大白;被披露出來
例: Information that may destroy the mayor's reputation has come to light in recent weeks.
suffer from... 受……(病痛)之苦
例: Sandy suffers from allergies in the spring.
shrink vi. 縮小,變小
三態為:shrink, shrank , shrunk。
例: My clothes shrank after they were washed.
disrupt vt. 干擾,擾亂
例: Rebecca's baby disrupted her sleep seven times last night.
(蕾貝卡的寶寶昨晚吵醒她 7 次。)
normally adv. 正常地;平常
例: Normally, it takes me one hour to get to school.
(平常我到學校要花 1 個小時。)
function vi. 運作
例: My keyboard has not functioned properly since I spilled coffee on it.
be exposed to + N/V-ing 暴露於……
例: If you are exposed to the sun for too long, you will get sunburned.
In the meantime, S + V 在此同時,……
例: The movie doesn't start for another hour. In the meantime, we can go shopping.
(電影再過 1 小時才開演。在此同時,我們可以去逛街。)
contamination n. 污染
manufacturer n. 製造業者
plasticizer n. 塑化劑
ingredient n. 成分,原料
palm n. 棕櫚樹
beverage n. 飲料
FDA 食品及藥物管理局
=Food and Drug Administration
scandal n. 醜聞
feminization n. 女性化,雌性化
reproductive a. 生殖的
endocrine a. 內分泌的 & n. 內分泌
tissue n.(動植物的)組織
immune a. 免疫力的
the immune system 免疫系統
substance n. 物質
drastic a. 激烈的,猛烈的
research n. 研究(不可數)
endocrine-disrupting chemical 內分泌干擾素(又稱『環境荷爾蒙』)
be at risk 處於危險之中
have an effect on... 對……有影響∕作用
台灣正面臨最大的食品污染危機。30 年前左右,製造商已經開始使用名叫『鄰苯二甲酸』的塑化劑來取代像是棕櫚油等價格較昂貴的原料。這種致癌的有毒物質被當作填充劑,為的是增加食品的白霧感或讓顏色更深。台灣市面上至少有 500 項食品和飲料遭到污染。台灣的食品藥物管理局直到 2011 年 5 月下旬這件醜聞曝光後,才開始查驗鄰苯二甲酸,因為在那之前,鄰苯二甲酸尚未列在查驗的毒物清單上。
答案: 1. (B) 2. (E) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (C)
- Dec 10 Sat 2011 15:31