Scuba diving is one of the ultimate ways to get away from it all.

  Walking around is fine, but have you ever longed to be able to move in any direction you want? Why not havestunningly beautiful creatures of many colors moving gracefully around you while you''re at it? If this sounds _(1)_ to you, start saving money to learn how to scuba dive.
   Scuba diving is a way of swimming underwater without having to come up for air every minute _(2)_. Scubadivers wear scuba equipment, the most important of _(3)_ is the oxygen tank or some other air source. With an oxygen tank, divers can stay underwater for a long time. Also important is the diving mask, which allows divers to clearly see fish, plants, rocks, _(4)_ ships, or whatever else is around. Most divers also wear flippers _(5)_webbed feet that help them swim easily. And if the water is cold, specially _(6)_ suits can keep a diver warm.
   After getting the equipment, the diver is ready to dive, right? Not quite. Diving is _(7)_ dangerous and it requires training. Most of the _(8)_ can easily be avoided if the diver knows how to be careful. If not, serious accidents can occur. If there''s a problem with the air tank, the diver could _(9)_ stuck too far underwater to be able to get up in time to breathe. Also, divers have to avoid going down too far too quickly, because this can _(10)_ serious damage to the body. 
   Once you''ve had some training, though, you''re ready to take a dive and explore a whole new world under the sea.

(A) risks (B) somewhat (C) designed (D) which (E) or so (F) sunken (G) appealing (H) result in (I) resembling (J) end up

 If this sounds appealing to you, start saving money to learn how to scuba dive.

  1. 理由:
    a. 空格前有感官動詞 sounds(聽起來),可知空格內應填入形容詞作補語。
    b. 選項中,可作形容詞的有 (C) designed(設計過的)、(F) sunken(沉沒的)以及 (G) appealing(吸引人的),惟 (G) 置入後符合語意,表如果這主意聽起來很『吸引人』,那麼開始存錢學水肺潛水吧!故選 (G)。
    c. appealing a. 吸引人的
    例: The idea of studying abroad is very appealing to me.

  2. Scuba diving is a way of swimming underwater without having to come up for air every minute or so.
    a. 空格前為一完整的句構,由此可知,位於句尾的空格內應填入副詞或副詞片語。
    b. 符合上述條件的選項有 (B) somewhat(有點)和 (E) or so(大約),然僅 (E) 置入後符合語意,故選之。
    c. 數字/數量詞 + N + or so  大約……(數目左右)的……
    例: Every few months or so I try to spend a few days on the beach.

  3. Scuba divers wear scuba equipment, the most important of which is the oxygen tank or some other air source.
    a. 空格前有介詞 of,可知空格內應置入名詞或動名詞。又因前面有一完整的句子,所以空格內應填入關係代名詞,以引導形容詞子句,修飾前面的名詞詞組 scuba equipment(深潛裝備)。
    b. 根據上述,可知應選 (D) which。此處關係代名詞 which 置入空格後,即等於名詞詞組 the scuba equipment,表『這些深潛裝備』中,最重要的是氧氣筒或其他的供氧器具。
    例: Chris has lots of rare baseball cards, some of which are worth thousands of dollars.

  4. Also important is the diving mask, which allows divers to clearly see fish, plants, rocks, sunken ships, or whatever else is around.
    a. 空格後有名詞 ships(船),可知應置入形容詞,以修飾 ships。
    b. 選項中可作形容詞的尚有 (C) designed(設計過的)和 (F) sunken(沉沒的),惟 (F) 置入後符合語意,表潛水員可以清楚地看見魚、植物、礁石、『沉』船或身邊其他任何的東西,故選之。
    c. sunken a. 沉沒的,沉入水中的
    sunken 與 sunk 均為 sink 的過去分詞,sunken 通常作屬性形容詞用,修飾其後的名詞,如:sunken ship(沉船)、sunken treasure(水底的寶藏);而 sunk 則通常置於 be 動詞之後作補語,或置於完成式助動詞之後,而不可作屬性形容詞。
    例: Marco likes to explore sunken ships and underwater caves when he dives.
    例: Many ships have sunk into the waters of the Bermuda Triangle.

  5. Most divers also wear flippers resembling webbed feet that help them swim easily.
    a. 空格前為一完整的句構,而空格後有名詞詞組 webbed feet(有蹼的腳),由此可知,空格內應置入分詞形成分詞片語,作形容詞用,修飾前面句子中的名詞 flippers(蛙鞋)。
    b. 符合上述條件的選項僅剩 (C) designed(設計過的)和 (I) resembling(像……),惟 (I) 置入後符合語意,表大部分的潛水員也會穿上『像』蹼一樣的蛙鞋,故選之。
    c. 此處的現在分詞片語乃由以下的形容詞子句化簡而成:
    Most divers also wear flippers which resemble webbed feet that help them swim easily.
    d. resemble vt. 像,類似
    resemblance n. 相似
    bear a close resemblance to sb  和某人長得很像
    例: Tim resembles the star of the movie I watched yesterday.
    例: Have I ever told you that you bear a close resemblance to my brother?

  6. And if the water is cold, specially designed suits can keep a diver warm.
    a. 空格前有副詞 specially(特別地),之後有名詞 suits(衣服),可知空格應置入形容詞,以修飾 suits。
    b. 選項中為形容詞的僅剩 (C) designed(設計過的),置入後亦符合語意,表如果海水很冷,也有特殊『設計的』潛水衣可讓潛水員保持體溫,故選之。
  7. Diving is somewhat dangerous and it requires training.
    a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is,後有形容詞 dangerous(危險的),可知應置入副詞,以修飾 dangerous。
    b. 選項中為副詞的僅剩 (B) somewhat(有點),置入後亦符合語意,表深潛其實『有點』危險,所以潛水員需要先經過訓練,故選之。
    c. somewhat adv. 有點,稍微
    例: Mrs. Lin is somewhat puzzled by her daughter''s recent behavior.

  8. Most of the risks can be easily avoided if the diver knows how to be careful. 
    a. 空格前有介詞 of 和定冠詞 the,可知應置入名詞。
    b. 選項中為名詞的只有 (A) risks(危險,風險),置入後亦符合語意,表如果潛水員知道如何小心防範,那麼就可以輕易避免掉大多數的『危險』,故選之。
  9. If there''s a problem with the air tank, the diver could end up stuck too far underwater to be able to get up in time to breathe.
    a. 空格前有助動詞 could,可知應置入原形動詞或原形動詞片語。
    b. 符合上述條件的有 (H) result in(導致、造成)和 (J) end up(最後/結果……),而由空格後的過去分詞 stuck(被困的)可知,空格應置入 end up,因為 end up 可作不完全不及物動詞片語,其後可接現在分詞作補語,但若此現在分詞為 being 時,則 being 可予以省略,本句的空格後就是省略 being,而直接接過去分詞 stuck,因此 (J) 為正選。
    c. end up + 現在分詞/介詞片語  結果/最後/到頭來……
    例: All flights to Taipei were fully booked, so we ended up taking the train.
    例: He warned me that if I break my curfew one more time, I will end up (being) seriously punished.

  10. Also, divers have to avoid going down too far too quickly, because this can result in serious damage to the body.
    a. 空格前有助動詞 can,可知應置入原形動詞或原形動詞片語。
    b. 符合上述條件的選項僅剩 (H) result in(導致、造成),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
    c. result in...  導致/造成……
    result from...  起因於……
    例: The terrorist attack resulted in tighter security measures in US airports.
    例: Their divorce resulted from years of fighting.

  1. long to V  渴望做……
    例: Jill has always longed to open up her own coffee shop.

  2. direction n. 方向(其前通常與介詞 in 並用)
    例: You are going in the wrong direction if you''re trying to find the park.

  3. stunningly adv. 絕妙地;極好地
    stunning a. 極漂亮的
    例: The new vice president is stunningly handsome.

    例: The new lipstick Gina wears looks stunning on her.

  4. be ready to V  準備好(做)……
    = be all set to V
    例: Let me know when you''re ready to begin.

  5. stick vt. 困住;使動彈不得
    三態為:stick, stuck , stuck。
    be stuck in...  被困在/陷在……中
    例: Al was stuck in an elevator for about half an hour last night.

  6. in time + to V/for N  及時/來得及(做)……
    on time  準時
    例: Irene made it to the party in time to see Ed blow out the candles.
    例: No matter how busy he is, Dad always gets home in time for dinner.
    例: The 3:00 PM train from Taichung is almost always on time.
    (下午 3 點從台中發出的火車幾乎都很準時。)

  7. Once + S + V, S + V  一旦……,就……
    例: Once you start lying, it is hard to stop.

  1. gracefully adv. 優美地,優雅地
  2. scuba dive vi. 水肺潛水,深潛
  3. scuba diving n. 水肺潛水,深潛 
    scuba n. 潛水用的水中呼吸器,水肺
  4. diver n. 潛水員
  5. oxygen n. 氧氣
  6. mask n. 面罩;面具
  7. flipper n. 蛙鞋;腳蹼
  8. webbed a. 有蹼的
    web n. 蹼;蜘蛛網
  9. damage n. 損傷,損失
  10. explore vt. 探索;探險


 標準答案: 1. (G) 2. (E) 3. (D) 4. (F) 5. (I) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (J) 10. (H)

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