DNA testing may find the next generation of athletes.
DNA 測試或許能挖掘下一代的運動家。

  Everyone knows that athletic success is partly hard work and partly luck. Some people are stronger or faster than _(1)_, but only a select few have the determination needed to make it in professional athletics. It is the combination of personality and inherent genetic advantages that can make someone a superstar.
   Now, however, DNA testing, which involves analyzing a person''s DNA to find out facts about their geneticmake-up, is being used to find _(2)_ athletes. Because the human genetic code helps to define every aspect of your body—height and muscle type, as well as hair and eye color—it can give clues to the sports that you might _(3)_.
   The science is young, but there are already several _(4)_. For example, it is easy to find out if someone has the ACTN3 gene. This gene has been linked to the development of fast-twitch muscle fibers that help an athlete to sprint. _(5)_, there is a test for PPAR-delta, which governs the growth of slow-twitch muscles, important for sports like weightlifting. Some private companies are already offering these DNA tests to parents who want to _(6)_ and nurture their children''s special talents.
   But is this fair? Perhaps not. Many people say that the right genes are not enough to create an illustriousathlete. The annals of sports history are full of stars that were not the best fit for their sports, but became legends through endless practice and a gritty determination to win. What we do know, though, is that in the future, genetic testing will very likely play a _(7)_ role in sports. So if you want to play, you''d better have the DNA.

1. (A) other    (B) another   (C) others    (D) still others
2. (A) artificial (B) effective (C) sensitive (D) potential
3. (A) dwell in  (B) excel at (C) attend to (D) reflect on
4. (A) applications (B) negotiations (C) substitutions (D) communications
5. (A) Otherwise (B) Edgewise (C) Clockwise (D) Likewise
6. (A) notify (B) identify (C) clarify (D) signify
7. (A) vivid (B) violent (C) vital (D) various

  1. Some people are stronger or faster than others, but...
    a. 空格前有 Some people(有些人),可知 than 之後應置入代名詞 others(= other people,其他人),形成下列固定用法:
    some...others...  一些……另一些……(用於非限定的兩個群體)
    例: Some of the bands at this festival are better than others.

    b. another 可與 one 並用形成以下用法:
    one...another...  一個……另一個……(用於非限定的兩者)
    例: Hobbies vary with people. One may enjoy singing, while another may love dancing.

    c. still others 可與 some、others 形成以下用法:
    some...others...still others...  一些……一些……還有一些……
    例: Some of the rooms at this hotel are cheap, while others are middle range, and still others are expensive.

    d. 根據上述,故選 (C)。
  2. Now, however, DNA testing, which involves..., is being used to find potential athletes.
    a. (A) artificial a. 人工的
    (B) effective a. 有效的
    (C) sensitive a. 敏感的
    be sensitive to...  對……敏感
    例: Mary is sensitive to criticism because she''s very shy.

    (D) potential a. 潛在的,可能的
    例: The inventor was desperate to find potential sponsors for his project.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D),置入後表如今 DNA 的測試能分析某人的基因組成,找出他是否具有成為運動員的潛能。
  3. ...it can give clues to the sports that you might excel at.
    a. (A) dwell in...  居住在……
    例: Nina had dwelled in London for three years before moving to Paris.
    (搬去巴黎前,妮娜在倫敦住了 3 年。)

    (B) excel at/in...  擅長……
    例: Sandy excels at drawing and painting.

    (C) attend to...  處理……
    例: I have to attend to many things today.

    (D) reflect on/upon...  反省……;思考……
    例: I will reflect on your suggestions and give you an answer tomorrow.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。
  4. The science is young, but there are already several applications.
    a. (A) application n. 應用,運用
    (B) negotiation n. 談判,協商
    (C) substitution n. 代替
    (D) communication n. 溝通
    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A),置入後表這項科學理論尚未成熟,但已經運用在許多地方。
  5. Likewise, there is a test for PPAR-delta, which governs the growth of slow-twitch muscles, ...
    a. (A) otherwise adv. 否則
    例: You should listen to me; otherwise, you''ll be sorry.

    (B) edgewise adv. 側著,斜著
    get a word in edgewise  插嘴
    例: When Kent''s around, it''s hard to get a word in edgewise because he talks so much.

    (C) clockwise adv. 順時針方向地
    例: For this game, we''ll have to go clockwise around the table.

    (D) likewise adv. 同樣地
    = by the same token
    例: The traffic in that city is terrible. Likewise, the air is almost unbreathable.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。
  6. Some private companies are already offering these DNA tests to parents who want to identify and nurture their children''s special talents.
    a. (A) notify vt. 通知
    例: Please notify me if Grandpa''s condition worsens.

    (B) identify vt. 辨認,辨識
    identify A as B  確認 A 為 B
    例: A witness identified the man in blue as the gunman.

    (C) clarify vt. 澄清,闡明
    例: I think you need to clarify your position.

    (D) signify vt. 表示,示意
    例: The tattoo on my arm signifies the year I spent volunteering in Africa.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。
  7. What we do know, though, is that in the future, genetic testing will very likely play a vital role in sports.
    a. 本空格測試以下固定用法:
    play a vital role in...  在……扮演重要的角色
    = play a vital part in...
    例: My grandmother played a vital role in teaching me how to play music.

    b. 根據上述,可知應選 (C)。(A) vivid(鮮明的)、(B) violent(暴力的)、(D) various(各式各樣的)置入後均不合語意,故不可選。

  1. a select few  精挑細選的少數幾個人/物
    a select few + N  精挑細選的少數幾個……
    select a. 精挑細選的
    例: Only a select few companies are allowed to compete for the contract.

  2. analyze vt. 分析
    例: Why don''t we analyze the problem and see what''s wrong?

  3. define vt. 下定義
    define A as B  將 A 定義為 B
    例: He defined charity as giving money to the poor.
  4. be linked to...  與……息息相關/緊密相連
    = be related to...
    例: Researchers have found that a diet high in sugar is linked to many major diseases.

  5. govern vt. 控制,支配;統治,管理
    例: The party had governed the country so badly that it lost the election.
  6. nurture vt. 培育,養育
    例: Most parents try to nurture their children and help them grow into good people.

  1. determination n. 決心
  2. athletics n. 體育運動
  3. personality n. 性格
  4. inherent a. 與生俱來的
  5. genetic a. 基因的
  6. make-up n. 構成
  7. aspect n. 方面
  8. clue n. 線索;跡象
  9. gene n. 基因
  10. fast-twitch muscle fiber  快縮肌纖維
    slow-twitch muscle fiber  慢縮肌纖維
    twitch n. 急抽,猛拉
    fiber n. 纖維
  11. sprint vi. & n. 衝刺
  12. weightlifting n. 舉重
  13. illustrious a. 傑出的
  14. annal n. 記錄
  15. fit n. 合適人選
  16. endless a. 無盡的
  17. gritty a. 堅毅的,勇敢的


   然而,如今 DNA 測試能分析一個人的基因組成,找出他是否具有成為運動員的潛能。因為人類的基因密碼代表身體的每個面向:身高、肌肉種類、頭髮和瞳孔顏色等,這些都能提供線索,讓你知道自己可能擅長何種運動。
   這項科學理論尚未成熟,但已經能運用在許多地方。舉例來說,如果要找出某人是否擁有 ACTN3 基因相當容易。ACTN3 基因與快縮肌纖維的發展有密切關聯,這種肌纖維有助運動員在短時間內衝刺。同樣地,有另一種測試能測出 PPAR-delta 基因,而這個基因主宰慢縮肌的生長,對於舉重這類的運動相當重要。有些私人公司已經提供這些 DNA 測試給那些想找出孩子的特殊才能,以進一步培育他們的父母。

 標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (C)

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