A new series on NGC uncovers lost footage shot during World War II.

  Recently in Iran, presidential elections were held, and within one hour of the voting being over, the current president announced that he had won in a landslide victory. These results were disputed because the ballots had to be counted by hand and many people believed that there was no possible way to get the correct vote totals that quickly. What seemed even more questionable was that the president even won in the hometown of the opposition leader by a wide margin. Soon, peo ple wearing green were gathering and marching in the streets of Iran to protest the results. The government became worried and tried to conceal what was happening inside Iran from the rest of the world. But with new media outlets like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, many images and videos were making it through the firewalls.
   This month, National Geographic Channel is showing privately-captured videos of shocking events—but not from modern times like those mentioned above. Instead, Apocalypse: The Second World War shows stunning footage filmed by eight- and 16-millimeter cameras in the 1940s. Some amateur filmmakers were there todocument the French evacuating Paris as thousands lined up on the roads with their families. Other footage was shot as Nazi soldiers made their way through the snow and mud trying to get to Moscow. This shows the long journey not as news footage, but as a personal view of the realities of war from people on the front lines.
   The old saying "the more things change, the more they stay the same" is very true with this month's six-part series, Apocalypse: The Second World War. If we turn on our TVs and computers, we can see everyday people filming the newsworthy events that are happening around them. This was the same back in the 1940s even though the footage was stashed away and forgotten for nearly 70 years.

1. In the article, why were Iranians upset?
(A) The government used too much force to crack down on the protests.
(B) They didn't believe the results of the election.
(C) The police stopped people from voting in the opposition's hometown.
(D) They were forced to wear a color they didn't like.

2. What are the parallels of the footage in Iran now and the footage from the 1940s?
(A) The amount of people that have died protesting.
(B) Police banned the footage.
(C) It was filmed by nonprofessionals.
(D) It took years for the footage from Iran to be released to the general public.

3. What will NOT be featured in Apocalypse: The Second World War?
(A) The Iranian leader's victory celebration.
(B) A personal look at the lives of Nazi soldiers.
(C) Many people leaving Paris because of the war.
(D) Video footage that has been kept out of the public eye for years.

4. Another way to say "the more things change, the more they stay the same" is _____.
(A) change is good for everyone
(B) doing the same things all the time makes people feel bored with life
(C) even though it seems like things are different, they really aren't
(D) changing things just a little is not really changing things

  1. apocalypse n. 啟示
  2. presidential a. 總統的
    a presidential election  總統選舉
  3. vote vi. & n. 投票
  4. ballot n. 選票
  5. march vi. 遊行
  6. outlet n. 發洩的途徑或方法
  7. firewall n. 防火牆
  8. privately-captured a. 私人拍攝的
  9. shocking a. 令人震驚的
  10. stunning a. 令人震驚的
  11. footage n.(某一事件的)影片;(影片的)連續鏡頭
  12. amateur a. 業餘的 & n. 業餘人士
  13. document vt.(以拍攝電影或照片的方式)紀錄 & n. 文件
  14. mud n. 爛泥,泥濘
  15. the front line  前線
  16. newsworthy a. 有新聞價值的,值得報導的
  17. nonprofessional n. 非專業人士
    professional n. 專業人士 & a. 專業的
  18. release vt. 發表,發行
  19. feature vt.(在電影、雜誌、節目等中)介紹;以……為特色

  1. landslide n. 壓倒性的勝利;山崩
    win in a landslide victory  贏得壓倒性的勝利
    = win by a landslide
    例: Most people believe that the mayor will win in a landslide victory again.
  2. dispute vt. 對提出質疑;爭論 & n. 爭論;爭執
    It is beyond dispute + that 子句  ……是無可爭辯的/確定無疑的
    例: It's very hard to dispute facts.
    例: It's beyond dispute that humans are causing global warming.

  3. questionable a. 有問題的
    例: All decisions Wendy makes are questionable.
  4. opposition n. 反對
    the opposition party  反對黨
    例: Al decided to go into the army in spite of his father's opposition.

  5. margin n. 差數;邊緣
    by a wide margin  大幅地
    by a narrow margin  微幅地
    例: The racer won by a very narrow margin.

  6. protest vt. & vi. 抗議,反對 & n. 抗議
    protest against...  抗議/反對……
    例: The college students protested the government's involvement in the war.
    例: These residents protested against the construction of the nuclear power plant.

  7. conceal vt. 隱藏,隱瞞
    例: Andrew was unable to conceal his excitement when Angela agreed to marry him.

  8. evacuate vt. 從……撤退;撤離
    例: During the bombing, the children were evacuated to another area.

  9. line up  排成一列
    例: These commuters lined up to board the bus.

  10. turn on...  打開……(自來水、瓦斯、電器等)
    turn off...  關上……(自來水、瓦斯、電器等)
    例: David turns on his mobile phone first thing in the morning.

  11. stash vt. 存放,藏匿(常與 away 並用)
    stash away...  把……藏起來
    例: What is stashed away in that wooden box?
  12. crack down on...  取締……,掃蕩……
    例: The government is cracking down on the production of fake rice wine.
  13. parallel n. 類似的人、事、物 & a. 類似的;平行的
    be parallel to/with...  和……平行
    例: The highway is parallel with the river.
  14. ban vt. 禁止
    ban sb from V-ing  禁止某人(做)……
    = bar sb from V-ing
    = prohibit sb from V-ing
    例: The school bans its students from dying their hair.

   最近伊朗舉行總統選舉,投票結束不到一個小時,現任總統旋即宣佈自己獲得壓倒性的勝利。這種結果引起爭議,因為選票必須由人工計票,許多人相信不可能這麼快就計算出所有的選票。而總統在反對黨領袖的家鄉大幅度領先,這個結果更是大有問題。不久,身穿綠色服裝的人民便在伊朗的街道集結遊行,抗議選舉結果。政府當局開始擔心,並試圖對國際社會隱瞞國內的現況。但是有了像 Twitter、YouTube、Facebook 等新傳播途徑,許多影像和影片紛紛通過防火牆的阻擋,向世界發聲。
   這個月的國家地理頻道將呈現由私人拍攝的影片,裡頭紀錄了令人震驚的事件,但並非上述發生在現代的事件。《二次大戰啟示錄》播出在 1940 年代用 8 釐米和 16 釐米攝影機所拍下的驚心動魄的影片。當法國政府撤守巴黎時,一些業餘攝影者在現場拍下數千人連同其家人在街上排排站的情景。還有一段影片拍下納粹士兵在雪地和泥地中朝莫斯科前進,由此顯示這趟長征不是新聞片段,而是身處前線的人針對戰爭真實面的個人觀點。
   俗話說『萬變不離其宗』,這句話印證了本月份《二次大戰啟示錄》系列的 6 集節目。打開電視或電腦,我們會看見每天都有平常人拍攝週遭正在發生、有報導價值的事件。1940 年代的世界也是如此,即使這些膠捲被塵封遺忘了近 70 年之久。

1. 在本文中,為什麼伊朗人很不悅?
(A) 該國政府派出重兵鎮壓抗議民眾。
(B) 他們不相信選舉結果。
(C) 警方阻止民眾在反對黨的家鄉投票。
(D) 他們被迫穿上他們討厭的顏色的衣服。
題解: 根據第一段,伊朗現任總統在總統選舉投票結束不到一個小時,旋即宣佈自己獲得壓倒性的勝利,結果引起爭議,因為許多人不相信這麼快就計算出所有的選票,故選 (B)。

2. 現在伊朗的影片和 1940 年代的影片有何相似之處?
(A) 死於抗爭的人數。
(B) 警方封鎖這些影片。
(C) 都是由非專業人士所拍攝。
(D) 這些影片經過多年才從伊朗流出,公諸於世。
題解: 根據第一段,伊朗政府試圖對國際社會隱瞞國內的現況,但是因為有 Twitter、YouTube、Facebook 等新傳播途徑,許多影像和影片紛紛通過防火牆的阻擋,向世界發聲;而根據第二段,在 1940 年代,一些業餘攝影者拍下法國政府撤守巴黎,以及納粹士兵在雪地和泥地中朝莫斯科前進的情景,故選 (C)。

3. 在《二次大戰啟示錄》系列中不會介紹什麼議題?
(A) 伊朗領導人勝選的慶祝會。
(B) 從個人角度看納粹士兵的生活。
(C) 許多人因為戰爭而離開巴黎。
(D) 被塵封多年才重見天日的影片。
題解: 綜觀本文,《二次大戰啟示錄》在介紹 1940 年代私人所拍攝而塵封已久的影片,其中有人們因戰爭而撤守巴黎、納粹士兵在雪地和泥地中朝莫斯科前進,可知 (B)、(C)、(D) 選項的敘述皆正確。(A) 選項則發生在現代,故選之。

4. "the more things change, the more they stay the same" 的另一種說法為 _____。
(A) 改變對大家都有好處
(B) 一成不變使人覺得人生無趣
(C) 即使事情看似不同,其實並沒有改變
(D) 一點小改變並不是真的改變事情
題解: 根據第三段,"the more things change, the more they stay the same" 的意思為『萬變不離其宗』,選項 (C) 的敘述最為接近,故選之。

標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (C)

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