Without someone protecting the world''s interesting and ancient sites, they could easily be swept away by the changing world.

 In 1959, the government of Egypt was working on a plan to build a dam on the River Nile. It was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be used for agriculture. There was one big problem with the plan, though. The dam would flood a nearby valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples.
   It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics. However, if countries always made decisions like this, the majority of the world''s ancient sites would end up being destroyed. Luckily, UNESCO stepped in. They formed a committee that tried to convince Egypt to protect its ancient treasures. With support from many countries, they were finally successful. The huge temples were carefully removed from their original site and moved to a safe location so that the dam could be built.
   UNESCO is an agency of the United Nations. The United Nations is a partnership between countries from all over the world. They are joined to help promote world peace, enforce human rights, and help countries develop. UNESCO is a part of the United Nations that is concerned with science and culture.
   After their success in saving the temples in Egypt, UNESCO went on to save more sites around the world. They protected lagoons in Venice, ruins in Pakistan, and temples in Indonesia. With industrialization changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved. Eventually, UNESCO formed the World Heritage Organization to protect important natural and historic sites wherever it was necessary.
   By now, the World Heritage Organization has protected hundreds of sites ranging from beautiful natural islands to buildings in large cities to ancient ruins. If you''re able to visit any of the many protected sites, you''ll agree it was worth it.

1. Why did UNESCO get involved in Egypt?
(A) Egypt was planning to build a dam that would harm ancient temples.
(B) Egypt was planning to build a valley for agriculture and electricity.
(C) Egypt was planning to create a dam right on top of an ancient temple.
(D) When the dam flooded a valley, several treasures were discovered.

2. What is meant by the first sentence of the second paragraph?
(A) Most governments prefer to sell their treasures.
(B) Money sometimes seems more important than all other things.
(C) Governments are never able to consider two things at once.
(D) Governments usually don''t know anything about their culture.

3. The United Nations would probably not be involved in _____.
(A) helping a poor country improve its agriculture
(B) trying to solve a violent conflict between two nations
(C) developing a new spacecraft for travel to the moon
(D) protesting against the killing of the tribespeople of a country

4. Why is the World Heritage Organization more important now than it would have been 200 years ago?
(A) Countries didn''t cooperate in the past.
(B) Cities were smaller back then.
(C) There were not as many interesting sites 200 years ago.
(D) Modern business and production are changing the world.

  1. dam n. 水壩
  2. generate vt. 產生(熱、電、光等)
  3. agriculture n. 農耕,農業
  4. flood vt. 淹沒 & n. 洪水,水災
  5. enormous a. 巨大的
  6. economics n. 經濟因素,經濟狀況;經濟學
  7. committee n. 委員會
  8. location n. 位置,地點
  9. agency n.(政府或聯合國的)機構
  10. partnership n. 合作關係
  11. lagoon n. 潟湖
  12. ruins n. 遺跡(恆用複數)
  13. industrialization n. 工業化
  14. rapidly adv. 快速地,迅速地
  15. eventually adv. 終於,最後
  16. historic a. 有重大歷史意義的
    historical a.(有關)歷史的
  17. harm vt. & n. 損害,傷害
  18. conflict n. 衝突;鬥爭
  19. spacecraft n. 太空船(單複數同形)
  20. tribespeople n. 部落成員
  21. cooperate vi. 合作

  1. be intended to V  (本來)是要(做)……
  2. choose A over B  選擇 A 而不選 B
  3. the majority of...  大多數的……
  4. go on to V  繼續/接著做……
  5. get/be involved in...  牽涉/涉入……
  6. at once  同時,一次

by the time + S + V  等到……時
by the time 作副詞連接詞時,其所引導的副詞子句用來修飾主要子句,用法如下:
a. 表過去狀態:
By the time + 主詞 + 過去式動詞, 主詞 + 過去式/過去進行式(was/were + V-ing)/過去完成式(had + p.p.)/過去完成進行式(had been + V-ing)
例: By the time I got to class, my classmates were already taking the test.

b. 表未來狀態:
By the time + 主詞 + 現在式動詞, 主詞 + 未來進行式(will be + V-ing)/未來完成式(will have + p.p.)/未來完成進行式(will have been + V-ing)
例: By the time you get this message, I will be riding on a plane to Paris.

  1. rescue n. 援助;營救
    come/go to one''s rescue  前來/前去援助/解救某人
    例: No one came to my rescue when I was in trouble.

  2. work on...  從事……
    例: Our team is working on a cure for cancer.

  3. contain vt. 包含,含有
    例: Do not eat that plant. It may contain some kind of poison.

  4. end up + 現在分詞  到頭來/結果……
    = wind up + 現在分詞
    例: If you keep on gambling, you will end up losing everything.

  5. step in  介入,干涉
    例: When the protests became violent, the police stepped in.

  6. convince sb to V  說服某人從事……
    例: I''m trying to convince my son to get a haircut, but he won''t listen to me.

  7. protect vt. 保護
    protect sb/sth from N/V-ing  保護某人/某物免於……
    例: This sweater will protect you from the cold.
    例: Bubble wrap is used to protect glasses from breaking when being moved.

  8. be removed from...  從……中移走/移除
    remove A from B  將 A 從 B 中移走/移除
    例: Please remove the garbage from the table. 

  9. promote vt. 促進;宣傳
    例: Our company promotes education by offering scholarships to the poor.

  10. enforce vt. 執行(法律);實施
    例: There''s no point in making laws if nobody enforces them.

  11. be concerned with...  與……有關,關於……
    例: This report is concerned with Internet addiction in teens.

    range from A to B  (範圍)從 A 到 B 都有
    例: Our store has products ranging from children''s shoes to men''s work boots.

  12. be worth + N/V-ing  值得……
    例: Jack''s idea is worth considering.

  13. plan to V  計畫(做)……
    = plan on V-ing
    例: Hal plans to run for mayor next year.
    = Hal plans on running for mayor next year.

  14. prefer to V  寧願/較喜歡(做)……
    例: Amy prefers to go to the gym near her home.

  15. protest against...  抗議/反對……
    例: Students protested yesterday against rising tuition prices.

   1959 年埃及政府正著手在尼羅河上方興建一座水壩。這座水壩稱為亞斯文水壩,建造的目的在於發電,並利用河水作為農業灌溉。但這項計畫面臨一個大問題。這座水壩會淹沒鄰近的山谷,而那裡有埃及古老的珍貴遺跡,包括兩座巨大的石造神殿。

1. 為什麼聯合國教科文組織會干涉埃及境內的事務?
(A) 埃及打算興建一座水壩,但會因此損害古老的神殿。
(B) 埃及打算建造一座山谷作為農業和發電用途。
(C) 埃及打算在一座古老的神殿正上方建造一座水壩。
(D) 水壩淹沒某座山谷時,發現了許多遺跡。
題解: 根據文章第一段,1959 年埃及政府正著手在尼羅河上方興建一座水壩,但這座水壩會淹沒鄰近的山谷,而那裡有埃及古老的珍貴遺跡,包括兩座巨大的石造神殿,可知應選 (A)。

2. 文章第二段第一句的意思為何?
(A) 多數政府寧願拍賣他們國家的珍貴遺跡。
(B) 有時候金錢似乎比其他事情來得重要。
(C) 政府從未能夠一次考慮兩件事情。
(D) 政府通常不懂自己國家的文化。
題解: 根據文章第二段第一句,對政府而言,把文化歷史置於經濟之上是相當困難的,可知經濟利益大於其他層面,與 (B) 意思最為相近,故選之。

3. 聯合國或許不會參與 _____。
(A) 幫助貧困國家改善農業
(B) 試圖解決兩國之間的暴力衝突
(C) 發展能夠飛到月球的太空船
(D) 抗議屠殺某國的部落民族
題解: 根據文章第三段,聯合國是全世界各國間的合作聯盟組織。各國互相合作宣導世界和平、落實人權,並幫助其他國家發展,可知 (A)、(B) 和 (D) 皆為正選。文中並未提及太空科技的部分,故選 (C)。

4. 為什麼比起 200 年前,現在世界遺產組織更為重要?
(A) 以往國家間並不會互相合作。
(B) 以前的城市規模較小。
(C) 200 年前沒有那麼多的有趣地點。
(D) 現代商業和生產正改變全世界。
題解: 根據文章第四段,隨著世界因工業化而快速改變,有許多遺址需要拯救,可知商業活動和製造生產使得世界各地產生改變,而間接影響遺跡遭到破壞,因此更需要世界遺產組織的幫忙,故應選 (D)。

標準答案: 1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (D)

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