Lomos may be small, but they have taken the photography world by storm.
Lomo 相機體積雖小,卻擄獲了拍照一族的心!

 At a time when most camera companies are focusing all of their resources on the digital realm, the Lomostands out from the crowd. This small, plastic 35-millimeter camera produces "unique, colorful, and sometimesblurry" images that have many enthusiastic fans around the world. Lomo users are encouraged to literally shoot from the hip and take casualclose-up pictures that are out of the ordinary in many ways.
   The secret to the world's fascination with the original Russian Lomo LC-A camera is that there is no flashon it. The lens is extremely sensitive to light, which makes the photos highly saturated with color, and the Lomo can even take pictures in the dark. Since the regular Lomo camera sold so well, many new kinds of cameras have been introduced over the years, such as the Fisheye, Diana, Holga, and the Pop-9, which takes nine photos on a single print.
   One of the most enjoyable things about photography is sharing one's photos with friends. The Lomographic Society's website has brought Lomo lovers from around the world together. The goal of this website is to build the biggest snapshot photo collection on the planet, one Lomo at a time. Since 1994, the Lomographic Society has been planning exhibitions and publishing books filled with glossy Lomo images.
   While there are some people who think that Lomos are an overpriced toy camera, the Lomographic Society believes that they are taking the stuffiness out of photography. They have even published a set of 10 Golden Rules of Lomography, which state the photographer should take the Lomo wherever he or she goes, shoot fast, and of course, not worry about the rules.

1. Which of the following statements about the Lomo is correct?
(A) It only takes black-and-white photographs.
(B) The images it produces are different from all others.
(C) It takes a week or so to develop Lomo film.
(D) It is a lot cheaper than digital cameras.

2. Over the years, why did Lomo launch so many new cameras?
(A) The Lomo wasn't selling as well as hoped.
(B) Many people got tired of the original Lomo.
(C) Lomos were selling like hot cakes, so they decided to expand the business.
(D) Russia decided to stop producing old Lomos.

3. According to the passage, the best part of photography is _____.
(A) getting new equipment
(B) sharing photos with others
(C) collecting all Lomo products
(D) showing off one's new camera

4. What does the Lomographic Society believe they are doing?
(A) Making taking pictures more fun.
(B) Being taken very seriously by all photographers.
(C) Trying to get people to use more film.
(D) Giving out free toys with each camera purchase.

the secret to + N/V-ing  ……的秘訣
此處的 to 為介詞,表『針對』之意;凡表示『針對』某一問題或事件的關鍵、秘訣、解決方法、答案或障礙等時,通常與介詞 to 並用;此類名詞常見的除 secret 之外,尚有下列:
a/the key to...  ……的關鍵/秘訣
an/the answer to...  ……的答案
a/the solution to...  ……的解決方法
an/the obstacle to...  ……的阻礙
例: The secret to good health is a balanced diet, exercise, and a positive attitude.
例: We finally came up with a solution to that problem. 

  1. realm n. 領域
  2. millimeter n. 毫米,公厘
  3. blurry a. 模糊的
  4. enthusiastic a. 狂熱的
  5. casual a. 非正式的;隨意的
  6. close-up a. 特寫的
  7. fascination n. 迷戀,陶醉
  8. flash n. 閃光燈
  9. lens n. 鏡頭
  10. print n. 沖洗好的相片
  11. enjoyable a. 有樂趣的
  12. snapshot n. 快照
  13. glossy a. 光面的
  14. overpriced a. 定價過高的
  15. Golden Rules  黃金守則
  16. black-and-white  黑白的
  17. develop vt. 沖洗(底片)
  18. film n. 底片(不可數)
    a roll of film  一卷底片
  19. expand vt. 擴充,擴展
  20. purchase n. 購買
    make a purchase of...  購買……

  1. a set of...  一套……
  2. sell like hot cakes  熱賣
  3. take...seriously  認真看待……

  1. focus sth on...  把某事物的重點放在……上
    例: The president focused his attention on the prevention of the new H1N1 flu.
    (總統的注意力集中在 H1N1 新型流感的防治上。)

  2. stand out  突出,顯著;傑出
    outstanding a. 傑出的
    例: Luke stands out in the crowd since he usually wears orange ties.
    例: Kevin was an outstanding basketball player.
  3. encourage vt. 鼓勵
    discourage vt. 使氣餒;勸阻
    encourage sb to V  鼓勵某人(做)……
    discourage sb from V-ing  勸阻某人(做)……
    例: My friend encouraged me to try out for a spot on the cheerleading squad.
    例: Ben discouraged Brian from stealing candy from the store.

  4. literally adv. 照字面地,逐字地
    例: The teacher warned us not to translate the article literally.
  5. shoot from the hip  不經思考而魯莽行事
    shoot 亦可表『拍攝』,因此照字面上來看,shoot from the hip 也有『隨意地拍攝』之意。
    例: The celebrity sometimes gets himself in trouble because he likes to shoot from the hip during interviews.

  6. out of the ordinary  不尋常的;與眾不同的
    例: Jack was bored because nothing out of the ordinary ever happened to him.

  7. be sensitive to...  對……很敏感
    例: Coral is very sensitive to changes in water temperature.

  8. saturate vt. 使充滿;使飽和
    be saturated with...  充滿/充斥著……
    例: The painting was saturated with the color purple.

  9. introduce vt. 引進,引入
    introduce sth to + 地方  將某事物引進某地
    例: The Dutch were the first to introduce tea to Europe.

  10. share sth with sb  和某人分享某物
    例: The little boy didn't want to share his toys with his brother.

  11. exhibition n. 展覽
    on exhibition  展覽/展出中
    = on display
    例: The young artist's paintings are on exhibition at the gallery.

  12. be filled with...  充滿……
    = be full of...
    例: The children were filled with excitement because it was almost Christmas.

  13. stuffiness n. 窒悶
    stuffy a. 窒悶的,通風不良的
    stuff vt. 塞滿,填滿
    be stuffed with...  被塞滿……
    例: This closet is stuffed with my sister's clothes.

  14. 數字 + or so  大約……(數目),……左右
    例: There were 60 people or so at the party.
    = There were about 60 people at the party.
    (那場派對上大約有 60 個人左右。)

  15. launch vt. 發表;出版
    例: The fashion designer launched his summer line last week.

  16. show off...  炫耀……,賣弄……
    例: Tim likes to show off how rich he is by driving different cars every day.

  當大多數的相機公司將主力放在數位化的領域時, Lomo 相機卻獨樹一格。這種塑膠製的 35 毫米相機能拍出『特殊、色彩豐富而有時模糊』的照片,世界各地都有熱愛這種風格的追隨者。Lomo 玩家被鼓勵自由自在、隨性地拍攝與眾不同的特寫照片。
   全世界的人對最初的俄製 Lomo LC-A 相機之所以如此著迷,主要的原因在於它沒有內建閃光燈。它的鏡頭對光線極度敏感,使拍出來的照片色彩飽滿,甚至在黑暗中也能使用 Lomo 拍照。由於普通機型的 Lomo 相機熱賣,過去幾年來,許多新款相機也被一一引進,像是魚眼、黛安娜、Holga,以及單張就能拍出 9 張照片的 9 格機。
   照相最有趣的事情之一,就是和朋友分享拍攝出來的照片。Lomo 協會的網站將來自世界各地的 Lomo 愛好者集合起來。這個網站的目的就是要一點一滴地集結每張由 Lomo 拍出的照片,建立地球上最大的 Lomo 快照牆。自 1994 年以來,Lomo 協會便不斷籌劃展覽,並且出版充滿亮面 Lomo 照片的書籍。
   雖然很多人都覺得 Lomo 是價格不斐的玩具照相機,但 Lomo 協會相信他們讓照相擺脫了中規中矩的沉悶。他們甚至發表了用 Lomo 照相的十大黃金守則,其中提到使用者應隨時攜帶 Lomo、拍照要快,當然還有不用考慮有哪些規則。

1. 下列有關 Lomo 相機的敘述何者正確?
(A) 它只能拍出黑白照。
(B) 它所拍出的照片和其他相機大不相同。
(C) 大約要花一星期的時間沖洗 Lomo 的底片。
(D) 它比數位相機便宜很多。
題解: 根據本文第一段,Lomo 相機能拍出『特殊、色彩豐富而有時模糊』的照片;再者,Lomo 玩家被鼓勵隨性地拍攝與眾不同的特寫照片,由此可知,(B) 應為正選。

2. 過去幾年來,Lomo 為什麼發表了這麼多新型相機?
(A) Lomo 機賣得不如預期中好。
(B) 許多人厭倦了原版的 Lomo 機。
(C) Lomo 機大賣,所以他們決定要擴展市場。
(D) 俄國決定停產舊式 Lomo 機。
題解: 根據本文第二段,因為 Lomo 相機熱賣,過去幾年來,許多新款相機也被一一引進,像是魚眼、黛安娜、Holga,以及單張就能拍出 9 張照片的 9 格機,可知應選 (C)。

3. 根據本文,拍照最棒的部分是 _____。
(A) 獲得新器材
(B) 和朋友分享照片
(C) 收集所有的 Lomo 產品
(D) 炫耀新相機
題解: 根據本文第三段,照相最有趣的事情之一,就是和朋友分享拍攝出來的照片,可知應選 (B)。

4. Lomo 協會相信自己在從事什麼事?
(A) 讓拍照變得更好玩。
(B) 被所有的攝影師重視。
(C) 試圖讓人們多使用底片。
(D) 賣出每台相機時贈送免費玩具。
題解: 根據本文第四段,雖然很多人都覺得 Lomo 是價格不斐的玩具照相機,但 Lomo 協會相信他們讓照相擺脫了中規中矩的沉悶,(A) 應為正選。

標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (A)

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