It took many years to develop the traffic light that we know today.


 The first-ever traffic light is actually older than cars are. Installedoutside the London parliament in 1868, the revolving gas lamp was used by a police officer to control the _(1)_pedestrian and horse traffic. Unfortunately, in 1869 it exploded, _(2)_ the police officer operating it. From then on, traffic only got worse.
   The advent of the automobile made directing traffic by hand less and less _(3)_. Throughout the United States, frustrated fire and police officials were _(4)_ for ways to improve their city's traffic. Between 1918 and 1923, several designs for traffic lights came about. Each one had been put forward by concerned city workers hoping to help with the _(5)_ of traffic.
   The first electric design for a traffic light came from Salt Lake City, Utah in 1912. Detective Lester Wiremounted a wooden box upon a high pole and _(6)_ the lights to the electric line for power. Like London's original light, this was controlled by hand. A very different design was developed by the American Traffic Signal Company in Cleveland, Ohio in 1914, which combined a buzzer to _(7)_ drivers that lights were going to change.
   In 1920, police officer William Potts decided to _(8)_ railroad technology to the road. These signals were already automated and therefore needed no hand operation. Potts _(9)_ the yellow warning light to the traditional red and green, and the modern traffic light was born. Another man by the name of Garret Morgan invented his own _(10)_ of the automatic traffic light that same year. Like many inventions throughout history, though, hisbreakthrough came just a few months too late.

(A) heavy (B) flow (C) added (D) injuring (E) version (F) practical (G) warn (H) apply (I) connected (J) searching

  1. ...was used by a police officer to control the heavy pedestrian and horse traffic.
    a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,後有名詞詞組 pedestrian and horse traffic(行人和馬車交通),可知空格應置入形容詞。
    b. 選項中可作形容詞的有 (A) heavy(大量的)、(C) added(附加的)、(F) practical(實際的)和 (I) connected(有關聯的),惟 heavy 置入後符合語意,可知應選 (A)。
    c. heavy traffic  繁忙/壅塞的交通
    例: The mayor needs to do something to deal with the heavy traffic in this area.

  2. Unfortunately, in 1869 it exploded, injuring the police officer operating it.
    a. 本空格在測試分詞的用法:
    例: Tim goes jogging every day, hoping it will help him lose a few kilograms.

    b. 空格前有動詞 exploded(爆炸)以及逗點,可知空格應置入現在分詞。
    c. 符合上述的選項有 (D) injuring(使受傷)和 (J) searching(尋找),惟 injuring 置入後符合語意,故選 (D)。
    d. injure vt. 傷害,使受傷
    例: A number of people were injured in the horrible accident.

  3. The advent of the automobile made directing traffic by hand less and less practical.
    a. 空格前有副詞 less(較少地),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
    b. 選項中為形容詞的有 (C) added(附加的)、(F) practical(實際的)和 (I) connected(有關聯的),惟 practical 置入後符合語意,故選 (F)。
    c. practical a. 實際的;實用的
    例: White rugs are not practical if you have children or pets.

  4. Throughout the United States, frustrated fire and police officials were searching for ways to improve their city's traffic.
    a. 空格前有 be 動詞 were,後有介詞 for,可知空格應置入可與 for 連用的形容詞或分詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅有 searching,與 for 形成下列固定用法:
    search for...  尋找……
    例: Helen searched for her puppy in the park for hours.

    c. 根據上述,故選 (J)。
  5. Each one had been put forward by concerned city workers hoping to help with the flow of traffic.
    a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,空格後則有介詞詞組 of traffic(交通的),可知空格應置入名詞。
    b. 選項中為名詞的有 (B) flow(流動、流量)和 (E) version(版本),惟 flow 置入後符合語意,故 (B) 為正選。
    c. flow n. 流動
    the flow of traffic  車流
    = the traffic flow
    例: During rush hour, the traffic flow is very slow in this region.
  6. Detective Lester Wire mounted a wooden box upon a high pole and connected the lights to the electric line for power.
    a. 空格前有過去式動詞 mounted(架設)以及對等連接詞 and,其後則有名詞 the lights(燈),可知空格應置入過去式及物動詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (C) added(加入)和 (I) connected(連接),惟 connected 置入後符合語意,可知應選 (I)。
    c. connect vt. 連接,連結
    connect A to B  將 A 連接/連結到 B 上
    例: Please connect the speakers to the stereo.

  7. ..., which combined a buzzer to warn drivers that lights were going to change.
    a. 空格前有不定詞 to,後有名詞 drivers(駕駛),可知空格應置入原形的及物動詞。
    b. 符合上述的有 (G) warn(警告)和 (H) apply(運用),惟 warn 置入後符合語意,故選 (G)。
    c. warn vt. 警告
    warn sb + that 子句  警告某人……
    warn sb of sth  就某事向某人提出警告
    例: Our teacher keeps warning us of the danger of smoking.
  8. In 1920, police officer William Potts decided to apply railroad technology to the road.
    a. 空格前有不定詞 to,空格後有名詞詞組 railroad technology(鐵路的技術),可知空格應置入原形及物動詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅有 (H) apply(運用),置入後與其後的介詞 to 形成下列固定用法:
    apply A to B  將 A 運用在 B 上
    例: If you apply this principle to this math problem, you'll get the answer.

    c. 根據上述,可知應選 (H)。
  9. Potts added the yellow warning light to the traditional red and green,...
    a. 空格前有主詞 Potts,後有名詞詞組 the yellow warning light(黃色的警告燈),可知空格應置入及物動詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (C) added(加入),置入後符合語意,並與介詞 to 形成下列固定用法:
    add A to B  將 A 加在 B 上
    例: The soup tastes bland. You should add some salt to it.

    c. 根據上述,可知應選 (C)。
  10. ...Garret Morgan invented his own version of the automatic traffic light that same year.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 own(自己的),可知空格應置入名詞。
    b. 選項中為名詞的僅有 (E) version(版本),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
    c. version n. 版本
    例: Jack is considering buying the English version of that novel.

  1. slow down  慢下來
    例: Please slow down; you're driving way too fast.
  2. speed up  加速
    例: The drunken driver sped up and left the scene after he hit a woman. 
  3. install vt. 安裝,設置
    例: We installed a solar heating system on the roof of our home.

  4. explode vi. 爆炸
    = blow up
    例: Be careful because this gas tank could explode easily.

  5. by hand  手工地
    例: Things made by hand last longer than those made by machine.

  6. come about  發生(= happen)
    例: Does anyone have any idea how this accident came about?

  7. put forward...  提出……(建議、計劃等)
    例: The mayor put forward a proposal to start a neighborhood watch.

  8. mount vt. 架設,使固定
    例: The astronomer mounted a camera on his telescope.

  9. combine vt. 使結合
    combine A with B  結合 A 與 B
    例: Mary combined dancing with boxing to create a new form of exercise.

  10. breakthrough n. 突破,重大進展
    例: The discovery is regarded as a breakthrough in medical science.

  1. parliament n. 議會,國會
  2. revolving a. 旋轉的
  3. gas lamp n. 油燈
  4. pedestrian n. 行人
  5. operate vt. 操作
  6. advent n. 出現
  7. automobile n. 汽車
  8. frustrated a. 感到挫折的
  9. detective n. 警探;偵探
  10. pole n. 桿,柱
  11. electric line n. 電線
  12. buzzer [ `bVzK ] n. 蜂音器;警報器
  13. automated a. 自動化的
  14. operation n. 操作
  15. automatic a. 自動的
  16. invention n. 發明物(可數);發明(不可數)

  1. from then on  從那時起
  2. by the name of...  稱做……

  史上第一座紅綠燈實際上比汽車還要來得古老,於 1868 年裝設在倫敦議會外,警察使用旋轉的油燈來控制繁忙的行人和馬車。不幸的是,油燈在 1869 年爆炸,炸傷了正在操作的警員。從那時起交通情況便每況愈下。
   汽車的出現使得用手來指揮交通越來越不實際。在美國,挫敗的消防員和警員不停尋找能夠改善城市交通的方法。1918 到 1923 年間,許多紅綠燈的設計相繼出現。每種設計都是出自關切的市府員工,希望能改善車流。
   第一座紅綠燈電子裝置的設計出現在 1912 年的猶他州鹽湖城。Lester Wire 警探把木箱架設在一根長杆上,並把電燈接上電線通電。如同倫敦最初期的紅綠燈,這也是由人工操作。1914 年在俄亥俄州的克里夫蘭市,American Traffic Signal 公司發明了一種與眾不同的設計,結合警報器以警告駕駛號誌燈即將轉換。
   1920 年,William Potts 警官決定把鐵路的技術應用到馬路上。這些號誌燈已經自動化,因此不需用手來操作。除了傳統的紅色和綠色燈外,Potts 還加入黃色的警告燈,現代的紅綠燈因此誕生。同年,另一名叫做 Garret Morgan 的男子發明了自己的自動紅綠燈。不過就如同歷史上的各式發明,他的重大突破實在晚了好幾個月。

標準答案: 1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (F) 4. (J) 5. (B) 6. (I) 7. (G) 8. (H) 9. (C) 10. (E)

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