The Russian wilderness is dazzling in its extremes.
What do frozen salamanders, vampire deer, and endangered leopards have in common? All of these animals are part of a fascinating cast of creatures found within the borders of Russia. This month, National Geographic Channel sets out for Wild Russia, a series that explores the biggest country in the world.
Spanning 11 time zones and one and a half continents, Russia is a place of extremes, and nowhere shows it better than Siberia, which makes up 77 percent of its total territory. While Siberia is known for its biting cold, some areas can also have temperatures soar as high as 40 degrees Celsius. For the Siberian salamander, having a body that can quickly adjust to these temperatures is essential to survival. Because of their ability to come back to life after being frozen, scientists at one time thought that these special creatures might have been frozen with animals that were over 12,000 years old. However, with modern technology, scientists have learned that Siberian salamanders can only be frozen for a maximum of four years.
When shown a picture of a musk deer, people are sure to be taken aback for a moment. This unique animal has the head of a kangaroo, the body of a deer, and vampire-like fangs. The unseen thing that people want from it can't be viewed with the naked eye—the musk gland. Female musk deer and perfume makers alike find the scent to be irresistible.
Deep in the wilderness in the far eastern region of Russia is the Amur River. On this fast-flowing source of life for many animals lives the Amur leopard. These animals are special because there are only 30 or so of them left. Poaching, deforestation, and inbreeding have caused the near extinction of these big cats. See all of these animals and more on the Wild Russia series this month.
1. What is the main idea of this article?
(A) Russia would be a great place to visit when the weather is nice.
(B) Scientists have just found a 12,000-year-old salamander that came back to life.
(C) There are many strange and interesting animals in Russia.
(D) Creatures find it hard to survive in Russia because of its extreme weather.
2. Why would humans want to capture male musk deer?
(A) They need to be kept from killing other animals in the forest.
(B) Their teeth can be used to make rare jewelry.
(C) They look like a combination of a kangaroo, deer, and vampire.
(D) They have a special body organ that can be used to make perfume.
3. What is NOT a reason why the Amur leopards are going extinct?
(A) It's too cold in the far eastern parts of Russia.
(B) They are being hunted illegally.
(C) They are reproducing with their relatives.
(D) The forests are being cut down at an alarming rate.
4. According to the passage, _____.
(A) Wild Russia can teach people about the animals living inside the biggest country in the world
(B) if you watch Wild Russia, you will help the Amur leopard survive
(C) Russia is trying very hard to become a superpower once again
(D) most of Russia's terrain is the same
* On this fast-flowing source of life for many animals lives the Amur leopard.
= The Amur leopard lives on this fast-flowing source of life for many animals.
salamander n. 蠑螈
vampire n. 吸血鬼
leopard n. 豹
cast n. 演員陣容,卡司
border n. 邊境,國界
time zone n. 時區
continent n. 大陸,陸地
extreme n. 極端
territory n. 領土
Celsius n. 攝氏溫度
Fahrenheit n. 華氏溫度
survival n. 生存
musk n. 麝香
musk deer 麝香鹿
kangaroo n. 袋鼠
fang n. 尖銳的長牙
unseen a. 看不見的
gland n. 腺
wilderness n. 荒野,荒漠
fast-flowing a. 急速流動的
deforestation n. 森林砍伐
inbreeding n. 近親交配∕繁殖
breed vi. 繁殖
extinction n. 滅絕
capture vt. 捕捉
organ n. 器官
extinct a. 滅絕的
illegally adv. 非法地
reproduce vi. 生殖,繁殖
superpower n. 超強大國
terrain n. 地勢;地形
be known for sth 因某事物而出名
be known as + 身分 被稱為……;因……(身分)而出名
come back to life 重生,復活
at one time 曾經,一度
A and B alike A 和 B
frozen a. 結凍的,冷凍的
例: I don't like to eat frozen foods because they aren't fresh.
endangered a. 瀕臨絕種的
例: Polar bears will soon become an endangered species due to global warming.
(由於全球暖化,北極熊很快會成為瀕臨絕種的生物。) common 有……共同點
例: Kevin and Larry have nothing in common, but they still get along.
set out for... 出發前往……
= set off for...
例: Jill set out for a journey around the world.
explore vt. 探索;探險
例: The pirates explored the tiny island in search of gold.
span vt.(空間)橫跨;(時間)涵蓋
例: The nun's work with orphans spanned half a century.
biting a. 刺痛的 & adv. 刺骨地
例: Begging Anna's forgiveness, Ted stood in the biting wind for two hours.
例: It's biting cold right now. Put on your jacket before you go outside.
soar vi. 猛增,高漲
例: The company's stocks have soared to an all-time high.
adjust to + N/V-ing 適應……
= adapt to + N/V-ing
例: After 25 years in Taipei, Jim couldn't adjust to life in the countryside.
(在台北住了 25 年後,吉姆無法適應鄉村生活。)
essential a. 必要的,不可缺的
be essential to/for... 對……而言是必要的
例: A balanced diet and enough sleep are essential to good health.
maximum n. 最大限度,最大量
minimum n. 最低限度,最小量
例: The new theater can seat a maximum of 350 people.
(這家新戲院最多可坐 350 個人。)
be taken aback 感到吃驚(恆用被動語態)
take sb by surprise 使某人吃驚(多採主動用法)
例: Kent was taken aback by the horrible scene when he stepped into the room.
例: The manager's announcement took everyone by surprise.
naked a. 赤裸的
with the naked eye 用肉眼
例: Stars can be seen with the naked eye if the night sky is clear.
irresistible a. 無法抗拒的
resistible a. 可抗拒的
例: The temptations were resistible due to Sam's strong will.
數字 + or so 大約……(數字)
例: I met Karen for the first time 20 years ago or so.
(我第一次遇見凱倫大約是在 20 年前。)
poach vi. 盜獵
例: If you hunt whales in this part of the ocean, it is considered poaching.
at an alarming rate 以驚人的速度∕速率
例: The population of this city is growing at an alarming rate.
橫跨 11 個時區及一又二分之一個大陸,俄羅斯是個極端之地,而佔總領土百分之七十七的西伯利亞則是其中之最。西伯利亞雖然以刺骨的寒冷著稱,但有些地區的氣溫能飆到攝氏 40 度。對西伯利亞蠑螈而言,擁有能迅速適應這些氣溫的身體是生存的必要條件。由於牠們能夠在冰凍後復活,科學家們一度認為這種稀有的生物可能和一萬兩千多年前的動物一起被冰凍過。然而運用現代科技,科學家已得知西伯利亞蠑螈最多只能被冰凍 4 年。
俄羅斯遠東地區的荒野深處是阿爾穆河(又稱黑龍江)。遠東豹就住在這個多數動物賴以維生的急流之地。由於遠東豹僅存約 30 隻,使得牠們更顯獨特。盜獵、森林砍伐以及近親繁殖造成了牠們幾近滅種。想了解更多關於這些動物的故事,請鎖定國家地理頻道《野性俄羅斯》。
1. 本文主旨為何?
(A) 當天氣狀況佳時,俄羅斯是個參訪的好去處。
(B) 科學家剛發現了一隻一萬兩千年前的蠑螈復活。
(C) 俄羅斯境內有許多奇異有趣的動物。
(D) 由於俄羅斯氣候極端,生物在此存活艱難。
題解: 綜觀全文,主要是在描述《野性俄羅斯》節目中介紹俄羅斯境內許多令人驚異的生物,像是冰凍的蠑螈、麝香鹿及遠東豹等,可知應選 (C)。
2. 人類為何想捕捉雄性麝香鹿?
(A) 牠們需要被遏止獵殺森林裡的其他動物。
(B) 牠們的牙齒能用來製成稀有的珠寶。
(C) 牠們看起來像是袋鼠、鹿和吸血鬼的綜合體。
(D) 牠們具有特殊的身體器官可用來製造香水。
題解: 根據第三段,人們想從麝香鹿身上取得牠們的麝香腺,不管是雌性麝香鹿或是香水製造商都對這種氣味難以抗拒,可知應選 (D)。
3. 下列何者並非遠東豹幾近絕跡的原因?
(A) 俄羅斯的遠東地區過於 寒冷。
(B) 牠們被非法獵殺。
(C) 牠們近親繁殖。
(D) 森林以驚人的速度被砍伐。
題解: 根據第四段,盜獵、森林砍伐及近親繁殖造成了遠東豹幾近滅種,僅 (A) 選項未被提及,故選之。
4. 根據本文,_____。
(A) 《野性俄羅斯》能讓人們了解棲息於全世界最大國家內的動物
(B) 如果你收看《野性俄羅斯》,就能幫助遠東豹存活
(C) 俄羅斯非常努力想再度成為超級強國
(D) 俄羅斯大部分的地勢都相同
題解: 根據第四段,作者表示想了解更多關於蠑螈、麝香鹿以及遠東豹等動物的事,鎖定《野性俄羅斯》便可一窺究竟,可知應選 (A),其他選項在文中並未提及,故皆不可選。
標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (A)
- Mar 05 Sat 2011 23:05