National Geographic Channel brings you a new series that goes to the farthest reaches of space.
If we could venture out to the very edge of our universe, what would we see? Where does the universe end? And how will the universe end? With four new specials, National Geographic Channel''s Space Week offers an epic voyage across the cosmos. It illustrates the birth of stars, life on other planets, terrifying black holes, and the ultimate fate of the universe. Using the most advanced digital image programs, the series displays the environment found outside of our planet in amazing detail.
The program "Death of the Universe" looks carefully at three theories about how the universe will end. The theories put the demise some 50 billion years from now, so you don''t have to worry too much at the moment. Still, the destruction sounds absolutely nightmarish. Previously, scientists thought that the universe would end in a "Big Crunch," where the universe retracts back to its original size. Picture a balloon losing its air. However, now astronomers have different ideas that are based on two things that exist in space: dark energy and dark matter. One theory says that these opposing forces will rip the universe apart, atom by atom. Another theor y says that the universe will keep on expanding until stars gradually fade and the universe is cold and lifeless. Luckily, none of us will be around to find out which theory is correct.
A more peaceful journey through space is provided in "Journey to the Edge of the Universe." The program uses a single, unbroken shot to show what we would find if we were able to travel to the farthest reaches of the universe. Voyage with National Geographic past Venus and Mars to a star system 90 trillion kilometers away, passing through other galaxies that are not too different from our own.
The mysteries of space have always intrigued people. Don''t miss this chance to find out more!
1. Which of the following topics is NOT mentioned in the first paragraph?
(A) The creation of stars.
(B) The end of the universe.
(C) Alien life.
(D) The distance between planets.
2. How do the programs show stars and planets that are so far away?
(A) They use telescope pictures.
(B) They use computers to create the images.
(C) They use pictures taken from satellites.
(D) They use pictures taken from spaceships.
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a possible fate of the universe?
(A) The universe will get bigger and bigger until everything dies.
(B) Everything in the universe will get ripped apart.
(C) One fiery explosion will occur.
(D) The universe will shrink.
4. "Journey to the Edge of the Universe" _____.
(A) goes to a place where there are no planets
(B) goes only as far as Venus and Mars
(C) goes trillions of kilometers from Earth
(D) is about the fate of the universe
If we could venture out to the very edge of our universe, what would we see?
very 作形容詞時,是一種強調用法,之前一定置定冠詞 the、指示形容詞 this/that 或代名詞所有格 his, your, my 等。翻譯時,very 一詞可不必譯出。
例: The parents brimmed with pride at the very mention of their son.
special n. 特別節目
epic a. 壯麗的
voyage n. & vi. 航行;旅行
cosmos n. 宇宙
black hole 黑洞
ultimate a. 最終的
advanced a. 先進的
demise n. 終止;死亡
nightmarish a. 惡夢般的;可怕的
nightmare n. 惡夢
crunch n. 壓碎
retract vi. 縮回,縮進
astronomer n. 天文學家
dark energy 暗能量
dark matter 暗物質
lifeless a. 無生物的;無生命的
unbroken a. 完整的,不間斷的
reach n. 地帶,大片地區(可數名詞)
trillion n. & a. 萬億(的),兆(的)
galaxy n. 銀河
telescope n. 望遠鏡
satellite n. 人造衛星
fiery a. 激烈的;燃燒般的
at the moment 現在,此刻
keep on + V-ing 持續……
= keep + V-ing
find out... 查明∕發現……
be famous for... 以……(事物)而聞名
be famous as + 身分 因……的身分而聞名
add A to B 把 A 加進 B
In addition, S + V 此外,……
venture vi. 冒險(去某地或做某事)
例: We are not brave enough to venture into the dark woods alone.
illustrate vt.(舉例)說明,闡明
例: Kathy illustrated the many uses of the new software in the meeting.
display vt. 展示 & n. 展覽,陳列
on display 展覽中;陳列
= on exhibition
例: Painting is a way to display your feelings.
例: Tim''s best sculptures are on display in the lobby of this hotel.
in detail 詳細地
= at length
例: The guide explained our trip schedule in great detail.
previously adv. 先前,以前
例: The scientist discovered a previously unknown species in the rainforests of Bolivia.
picture vt. 想像;描繪
picture sb/sth + V-ing 想像某人∕某物……
picture A as B 將 A 想像成 B
= imagine A as B
例: When I picture myself flying a plane, I can''t stop smiling.
例: I just can''t picture him as a serious scholar.
opposing a. 相對的;敵對的
the opposing team 敵隊
例: The opposing team is strong, but I think we have a chance.
rip...apart/rip apart... 撕裂∕撕扯……
例: My dog ripped apart my favorite jeans.
fade vi. 逐漸消失;變微弱
fade away 漸漸消失;逐漸凋零
例: As I approached the mirage, it faded away.
provide vt. 提供
provide sb with sth 提供某物給某人
= provide sth for sb
例: The police asked us to provide them with details of the incident.
be different from... 不同於……
= differ from...
例: Eggplants in Taiwan are different from the ones in Europe.
intrigue vt. 使感興趣,吸引
例: Science intrigues Phillip, so he plans to study it more in graduate school.
shrink vi. 縮小,變小
三態為: shrink, shrank, shrunk 。
例: Always have woolen clothes dry cleaned, or else they''ll shrink.
如果我們能前往宇宙最邊緣去探險,會看到些什麼?宇宙的盡頭在哪裡?宇宙又會如何結束?在 4 個特別節目中,國家地理頻道的《太空週》將提供一趟壯觀的宇宙之旅。其中介紹了群星的誕生、外星球的生物、可怕的黑洞以及宇宙的最終命運。此系列節目運用最先進的數位影像程式,鉅細靡遺地展現出地球以外的環境。
在《宇宙之死》節目中,將仔細探討 3 種有關宇宙將如何毀滅的理論。這些理論把滅亡的時間點設在距今 500 億年後,所以現在還不必太擔心。話雖如此,這種毀滅之事聽起來絕對還是惡夢一場。先前科學家認為宇宙將毀滅於『大擠壓』,此過程將讓宇宙縮小至原來的大小。想像這種情形就像一顆氣球消氣的樣子。不過,現在天文學家卻因暗能量及暗物質這兩種存於宇宙的成分而有了不同的看法。有一派的理論認為這些斥力將會從原子開始,一點一點撕裂整個宇宙。另一派理論則認為宇宙將持續膨脹,直到星系逐漸消逝,最後留下寒冷而無生命的宇宙。幸好,我們之中沒有人會親身證實哪個理論才是對的。
另一個節目《宇宙之旅》提供的則是較平靜的太空之旅。此節目運用完整的單一鏡頭,呈現出如果我們能到達宇宙最遠的地帶,將會發現些什麼。這趟由國家地理頻道帶領的航行越過金星和火星,到達 90 兆公里遠的星系,其中還經過與本銀河系相去不遠的其他銀河系。
1. 下列哪一項主題未在本文的第一段中提及?
(A) 群星的誕生。
(B) 宇宙的結束。
(C) 外星球生物。
(D) 星球間的距離。
題解: 根據本文第一段,在國家地理頻道的 4 個特別節目中,將介紹群星的誕生、外星球的生物、可怕的黑洞以及宇宙的最終命運,由此可知,僅 (D) 選項未被提及,故選之。
2. 節目如何呈現距離我們如此遙遠的群星和星球?
(A) 使用望遠鏡捕捉到的畫面。
(B) 使用電腦創造出影像。
(C) 使用由人造衛星傳回的影像。
(D) 使用太空船捕捉到的畫面。
題解: 根據本文第一段,此系列節目運用最先進的數位影像程式,鉅細靡遺地展現出地球以外的環境,可知應選(B)。
3. 下列何者關於宇宙的可能命運,文中並未提及?
(A) 宇宙會膨脹得愈來愈大直到萬物消逝。
(B) 宇宙中的萬物將會被撕裂。
(C) 將發生一場激烈的大爆炸。
(D) 宇宙將會縮小。
題解: 根據本文第二段,探討宇宙滅亡的各種理論中,先前科學家認為宇宙將毀滅於『大擠壓』,此過程將讓宇宙縮小至原來的大小。另外,有一派理論認為暗能量及暗物質這些斥力將會從原子開始,一點一點撕裂整個宇宙。另一派理論則是認為宇宙將持續膨脹,直到星系逐漸消逝,最後留下寒冷而無生命的宇宙。惟 (C) 選項未被提及,故選之。
4. 《宇宙之旅》這個節目 _____。
(A) 到達一處沒有星球的地方
(B) 最遠只到達金星和火星
(C) 到達距地球幾兆公里遠的地方
(D) 是關於宇宙的命運
題解: 根據本文第三段,《宇宙之旅》運用完整的單一鏡頭,呈現出如果我們能到達宇宙最遠的地帶將會發現些什麼。這趟航行越過金星和火星,到達 90 兆公里遠的星系,其中還經過與本銀河系相去不遠的其他銀河系,可知應選 (C)。其他選項則與描述不符,故均不可選。
標準答案: 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (C)
- Feb 10 Thu 2011 21:05