A name is not just a name; it identifies you, so celebrate it and who you are.
Did you know that there are more than 10,000 people in the United States with the name Michael Jackson? Can you believe that there are more than 100 who are _(1)_ as Harry Potter? Of course, most of us _(2)_ these names with specific personalities and characters. In fact, these names are quite common. If it weren't for the celebrities linked with these names, we wouldn't give them a second _(3)_. Even so, a name should be celebrated, not neglected. That's _(4)_ a holiday was established to honor one's name.
As a child, Jerry Hill had heard about a boy that was killed in his hometown. Interestingly enough, that boy shared Hill's _(5)_ name. This sparked Hill's interest in names, and his curiosity about names grew as he got older. He created a website dedicated to _(6)_ we call ourselves, which blossomed into something much bigger than its name. The year 1997 saw the _(7)_ Celebrate Your Name Week (CYNW), and it has been going strong ever since.
Observed during the first full week in March, CYNW is _(8)_ with activities and events centered on names. The festivities start off on Sunday with Namesake Day and continue with Fun Facts Day, Unique Names Day, Learn What Your Name Means Day, Also Known As Day, and Middle Name Pride Day through to Genealogy Day on Saturday. The whole week is focused on developing a genuine _(9)_ of and having fun with not only one's name but all names in general. People worldwide are encouraged to _(10)_ their names whether they are common or unique. You'll become better connected with your name as well as your identity this March with Celebrate Your Name Week.
(A) thought (B) embrace (C) what (D) associate (E) why
(F) inaugural (G) identified (H) packed (I) appreciation (J) exact
1. Can you believe that there are more than 100 who are identified as Harry Potter?
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 are,後有介詞片語 as Harry Potter(如同哈利波特),可知空格應置入形容詞或分詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) thought(被思考)、(D) associate(副的)、(F) inaugural(首次的)、(G) identified(被識別為)、(H) packed(擁擠的)和 (J) exact(一模一樣的),惟 identified 置入後符合語意,並與其後介詞 as 形成以下固定用法: be identified as... 被識別∕鑑定為…… identify vt. 識別;辨認,鑑定 例: Al was identified as the culprit of last night's convenience store robbery. (艾爾被指認為昨晚超商搶案的罪犯。)
c. 根據上述,可知應選 (G)。
2. Of course, most of us associate these names with specific personalities and characters.
a. 空格前有主詞 most of us(我們大多數人),後有名詞詞組 these names(這些名字),且根據本句時態,可知空格應置入現在式的及物動詞或片語及物動詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) embrace(欣然接受;擁抱)、(D) associate(聯想)以及 (J) exact(強要;勒索),然僅 associate 置入後符合語意,且與 these names 後的介詞 with 形成以下固定用法: associate A with B 將 A 與 B 聯想在一起 associate vt. 聯想 例: People associate red roses with love and romance. (人們會將紅玫瑰與愛情和浪漫聯想在一起。)
c. 根據上述,可知 (D) 為正選。
3. If it weren't for the celebrities linked with these names, we wouldn't give them a second thought.
a. 空格前有形容詞 second(第二的),可知空格應置入名詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) thought(思考;想法)、(B) embrace(擁抱)、(F) inaugural (就職演講),以及 (I) appreciation(欣賞;理解),惟 thought 置入後符合語意,並形成以下固定用法: give...a second thought 對……加以考慮∕重新思索 例: After giving the new job offer a second thought, Matt decided not to take it. (麥特重新考慮了那個新的工作機會後決定放棄。)
c. 根據上述,可知應選 (A)。
4. That's why a holiday was established to honor one's name.
a. 空格前有主詞和 be 動詞 That's(那是),其後為一個完整的子句,可知空格內應置入一個能引導名詞子句的詞類,以作為主詞補語。
b. 選項中僅有 (E) 選項的疑問副詞 why(為何)可引導完整的子句形成名詞子句,置入後亦符合語意,表這就是『為何』創立一個節日來表揚名字的原因,故選 (E)。
5. Interestingly enough, that boy shared Hill's exact name.
a. 空格前有所有格 Hill's(希爾的),其後有名詞 name(名字),可知空格應置入形容詞或可作形容詞的分詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (F) inaugural(首次的)、(H) packed(擁擠的)和 (J) exact(一模一樣的),惟 exact 置入後符合語意,故選 (J)。
c. exact a. 一模一樣的;確切的
6. He created a website dedicated to what we call ourselves, which blossomed into something much bigger than its name.
a. 空格前有過去分詞片語 dedicated to(致力於,其前省略 which was),其後為不完整的子句 we call ourselves(我們叫自己),可知空格內應置入一個能引導名詞子句、且可作受詞的詞類,以形成完整的名詞子句作為 dedicated to 的受詞。
b. 符合上述條件的僅有 (C) 選項的疑問代名詞what(什麼),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
7. The year 1997 saw the inaugural Celebrate Your Name Week (CYNW), and it has been going strong ever since.
a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,後有名詞詞組 Celebrate Your Name Week(慶祝姓名週),可知空格應置入形容詞或可作形容詞的分詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (F) inaugural(首次的)和(H) packed(擁擠的),惟 inaugural 置入後符合語意,可知應選 (F)。
c. inaugural a. 首次的;就職的 & n. 就職演講 例: The president made his inaugural speech at 10 o'clock this morning. (總統在今天早上 10 點舉行就職演說。)
8. Observed during the first full week in March, CYNW is packed with activities and events centered on names.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is,後有介詞 with,可知空格應置入形容詞或分詞。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (H) packed(擁擠的),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. be packed with... 擠滿∕充滿…… = be filled with... = be full of... 例: The auditorium was packed with fans waiting for the famous singer to arrive. (禮堂擠滿了等待那位知名歌手到來的歌迷。)
9. The whole week is focused on developing a genuine appreciation of and having fun with not only one's name but all names in general.
a. 空格前有形容詞 genuine(真誠的),後有介詞 of,可知空格應置入名詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) embrace(擁抱)以及 (I) appreciation(欣賞;理解),惟 appreciation 置入後符合語意,故選 (I)。
c. appreciation n. 欣賞;理解 例: John has no appreciation of classical music. (約翰不懂得欣賞古典音樂。)
10. People worldwide are encouraged to embrace their names whether they are common or unique.
a. 空格前有不定詞 to,後有名詞詞組 their names(他們的名字),可知空格應置入原形及物動詞。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (B) embrace(欣然接受;擁抱),且置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. embrace vt. 欣然接受,擁抱 例: Mr. Lee embraces every opportunity to learn new skills. (李先生欣然接受每個學習新技能的機會。)
1. wear...out/wear out... 磨損…… 例: You'd better replace the tires on your car because they are all worn out. (你最好把車子的輪胎換掉,因為全都磨損了。)
2. If it weren't for + N, S + 過去式助動詞 + V 若非∕要不是……,…… * 此為表與現在事實相反的假設語氣用法。例: If it weren't for my alarm clock, I would be late for school every day. (要不是有我的鬧鐘,我每天上學都會遲到。)
3. neglect vt. 忽略,忽視;疏忽例: The manager neglected his duties and was eventually fired. (那個經理怠忽職守,最終遭到革職。)
4. spark vt. 激發,鼓舞 spark one's interest in... 激發某人對……的興趣例: Reading Andre Agassi's autobiography sparked Alan's interest in tennis. (閱讀安卓‧阿格西的自傳激起艾倫對網球的興趣。)
5. be dedicated to + N/V-ing 致力於……,獻身於…… 例: Miranda has been dedicated to the field of fashion design for 20 years. (米蘭達致力於時尚設計已有 20 年之久。)
6. blossom into... 發展成…… 例: The small fishing village has blossomed into an international port. (那個小漁村已發展成國際港口。)
7. observe vt. 慶祝(= celebrate)例: The couple observed Valentine's Day by having a romantic dinner. (那對情侶共進一頓浪漫的晚餐來慶祝情人節。)
8. start off 開始,展開例: The leading electronics company started off by making TVs. (那家龍頭電子公司是以製造電視機起家。)
9. in general 總體上;一般而言例: We still need to work out some details, but the plans look good in general. (我們還必須解決一些細節,但計劃總體看來還不錯。)例: In general, women live longer than men. (一般說來,女人比男人長壽。)
10. encourage vt. 鼓勵,激勵 encourage sb to V 鼓勵∕激勵某人(去)…… 例: My mother encouraged me to follow my dream of becoming an actress. (媽媽鼓勵我追求成為女演員的夢想。)
11. identity n. 身分;認同例: The identity of the murderer is yet unknown at this point. (兇手至今仍身分未明。)
1. specific a. 特定的
2. personality n. 名人
3. character n.(小說)角色
4. festivity n. 慶祝活動,歡慶(常用複數)
5. namesake n. 同(姓)名的人
6. middle name (姓和名之間的)中間名,號
last name 姓
first name 名字
7. genealogy n. 家系;系譜(圖)
8. genuine a. 真誠的;真正的
姓名萬萬歲名字絕非僅只是個名字。它讓你獨樹一格,所以該好好為它和自己慶祝一番。 你知道美國有超過一萬個人的名字叫麥可‧傑克森嗎?你相信有超過一百人的名字和哈利‧波特如出一轍?當然,我們大多數人都把這些名字和特定的人物或角色聯想在一起。事實上,這些名字再普通不過。若非某些名人和這些名字有所關連,我們根本不會對它們多加思索。即使如此,我們還是該慶祝而非忽視我們的名字。這就是為何創立一個節日來表揚名字的原因。
傑瑞‧希爾小時候聽說家鄉的一個男孩遇害身亡。相當有趣的是,那位男孩和希爾的名字一模一樣。這件事激發希爾對名字的興趣,當他漸漸長大,他對名字的好奇心也越發強烈。他創立了一個專屬姓名的網站,而該網站發展出的成果遠超過它的名字所代表的意義。1997 年,第一屆『慶祝姓名週』誕生,自此之後日益茁壯。
『慶祝姓名週』是在 3 月第一個完整的星期慶祝,當週有許多關於姓名的活動及項目。慶祝活動從『同名同姓日』的星期日開始,接下來分別是『姓名趣味真相日』、『特殊姓名日』、『了解自己姓名日』、『自我命名日』、『揭曉中間名日』,一直到星期六的『姓名系譜日』。這一整週著重在培養對自己及其他所有名字的真誠欣賞,並透過它們獲得樂趣。這個慶祝活動鼓勵全世界的民眾欣然接受自己的名字,不管它們是普通或特別。藉由今年 3 月的『慶祝姓名週』,你與你的名字和身分認同的關係將更加緊密。
答案: 1. (G) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (E) 5. (J) 6. (C) 7. (F) 8. (H) 9. (I) 10. (B)
1. be linked with... 和……有關係 = be associated with... = be connected with...
2. be going strong 持續蓬勃發展
3. be centered on... 以……為主;集中在……
- May 29 Sun 2011 21:33