Shearers, wool handlers, and wool pressers can be champions at the Golden Shear competition.
From March 3 to March 5 this year, fit and well-trained sheep shearers will head to the Wairarapa district of Masterton, New Zealand to test their skills in the Golden Shears Championship. The first of its kind, this event is still _(1)_ as the most prestigious sheep shearing competition in the world. Started in 1958 by a group of farmers, this sheep shearing contest attracted _(2)_ from the northern and southern islands of New Zealand. Its popularity was undeniable, so the organizers decided they needed a bigger venue and a _(3)_ name to draw more attention, and thus the Golden Shear was born. In 1961, the first official Golden Shear was held, and so many people came that the police had to be _(4)_ for crowd control.
_(5)_ anything popular, competition sprung up, and tons of sheep shearing contests were taking place all over New Zealand in the 1970s and 1980s. Companies sponsored shearers, and farmers started training and fitness regimens. This would help them have an advantage _(6)_ others. In 1980, the World Shearing Championships were held for the first time, and sheep shearing had gone big time.
Over the years, the rules to sheep shearing contests have been _(7)_ to fit the ever-changing times. However, the one thing that has stayed the same is that professional shearers desire to be champions at the most esteemed competition in the world—the Golden Shear.
1. (A) looked into (B) looked down (C) looked upon (D) looked over
2. (A) participants (B) instruments (C) monuments (D) attendants
3. (A) normal (B) visual (C) clumsy (D) catchy
4. (A) picked on (B) laid off (C) called in (D) ruled out
5. (A) Alike (B) Like (C) Likely (D) Likewise
6. (A) for (B) off (C) with (D) over
7. (A) testified (B) modified (C) falsified (D) signified
1. The first of its kind, this event is still looked upon as the most prestigious sheep shearing competition in the world.
a. (A) look into... 調查…… = investigate vt. 例: The mayor promised to look into the scandal. (市長承諾會調查那樁醜聞。) (B) look down 常與介詞 on 並用,形成以下用法: look down on sb 瞧不起某人例: You shouldn't look down on people just because they are poor. (你不應該因為別人窮就輕視他們。) (C) be looked upon as... 被認為(是)…… 例: Terry is looked upon as the most talented pianist in the music world. (泰瑞是音樂界公認最具天份的鋼琴家。) (D) look over... 仔細看∕瀏覽…… 例: Could you look over my report to see if there are any mistakes? (你可以幫我看一下報告是否有錯誤的地方嗎?)
b. 根據用法及語意,可知應選 (C)。
2. Started in 1958 by a group of farmers, this sheep shearing contest attracted participants from the northern and southern islands of New Zealand.
a. (A) participant n. 參與者例: Before the announcement of the winner was made, all the participants were on pins and needles. (在宣布優勝者之前,所有參賽者都如坐針氈。) (B) instrument n. 儀器;樂器(= musical instrument) (C) monument n. 紀念碑 (D) attendant n. 服務員 a flight attendant 空服員
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A)。
3. Its popularity was undeniable, so the organizers decided they needed a bigger venue and a catchy name to draw more attention, and thus the Golden Shear was born.
a. (A) normal a. 正常的 (B) visual a. 視覺的 (C) clumsy a. 笨拙的例: Ed is so clumsy that he cannot hold a cup of coffee without spilling some. (艾德真是笨手笨腳,他手中拿著咖啡的時候,一定會濺出來。) (D) catchy a. 悅耳易記的,琅琅上口的例: Anna couldn't get the song's catchy melody out of her head. (安娜腦海裡迴盪著那首歌曲琅琅上口的旋律。)
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。
4. In 1961, the first official Golden Shear was held, and so many people came that the police had to be called in for crowd control.
a. (A) pick on sb 找某人的麻煩;與某人過不去例: It seems that the boss is always picking on Raymond. (老闆似乎總是找雷蒙的麻煩。) (B) lay off sb 解雇某人例: The company laid off 10,000 employees last month. (該公司上個月解雇了一萬名員工。) (C) call in sb 請某人來(幫忙)例: The police were called in to assist during the evacuation. (警方被請來協助疏散群眾。) (D) rule out... 排除…… 例: We can rule out buying a house until we save at least NT$600,000. (我們沒存到 60 萬台幣就別想要買房子。)
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。
5. Like anything popular, competition sprung up, and tons of sheep shearing contests were taking place all over New Zealand in the 1970s and 1980s.
a. (A) alike a. 相像的(只置於 be 動詞或 look 之後作補語)& adv. 同樣地 A and B alike A 與 B(一樣) = both A and B 例: The twin brothers look very much alike. (這對雙胞胎兄弟長得很像。)例: Paul and Jimmy alike are fond of eating pizza. (保羅和吉米都喜歡吃披薩。) (B) like prep. 像…… Like + N, S + V 像……一樣,…… 例: Like my father, I am interested in politics. (和爸爸一樣,我也對政治有興趣。) (C) likely a. 有可能的 be likely to V 有可能…… 例: It is likely to rain tomorrow. (明天有可能會下雨。) (D) likewise adv. 同樣地例: The rich are not necessarily happy. Likewise, the poor are not necessarily sad. (有錢人未必快樂。同樣地,窮人未必悲傷。)
b. 根據語意及用法,可知 (B) 應為正選。
6. This would help them have an advantage over others.
a. 本空格在測試以下固定用法: have an advantage over... 比……佔優勢 advantage n. 優勢例: Tall basketball players have an advantage over shorter ones. (身材較高的籃球員比個子矮的球員佔優勢。)
b. 根據上述用法,可知應選 (D) over。
7. Over the years, the rules to sheep shearing contests have been modified to fit the ever-changing times.
a. (A) testify vt. 作證(以 that 子句作受詞)例: My neighbor testified in court that my brother had stolen her money. (我的鄰居出庭作證,說我哥哥偷了她的錢。) (B) modify vt. 修改;修飾例: Andy modified his article according to his professor's advice. (安迪根據教授的意見來修改文章。) (C) falsify vt. 竄改;偽造例: The company falsified the accounts to avoid paying taxes. (該公司竄改帳目來逃漏稅。) (D) signify vt. 象徵,意味著例: Do you think wrinkles signify wisdom? (你認為皺紋象徵智慧嗎?)
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。
1. championship n. 冠軍頭銜∕地位∕稱號 champion n.(比賽的)冠軍 win the championship 贏得冠軍例: Judging from Julie's performance, I think she will win the championship. (從茱莉的表現看來,我認為她會贏得冠軍。)
2. prestigious a. 有名望的例: I'm happy to have been accepted into such a prestigious school. (我真高興能被這樣一所名校錄取。)
3. competition n. 競爭,競賽 fierce/intense competition 激烈的競爭 in competition with... 與……競爭例: We're in fierce competition with three other companies for that contract. (我們與其他 3 家公司正激烈爭取那份合約。)
4. undeniable a. 不可否認的 It is undeniable + that 子句 不可否認地,…… 例: It is undeniable that money is important if you want a higher education. (不可否認地,如果想接受更高教育,金錢是很重要的。)
5. official a. 正式的;官方的例: We are still awaiting the official announcement regarding the new law on taxation. (我們仍在等候稅務新法的正式宣佈。)
6. spring up 如雨後春筍般出現例: Branches of that popular donut shop are springing up all over town. (那間高人氣的甜甜圈連鎖店在鎮上各地紛紛出現。)
7. sponsor vt. 贊助例: The company sponsors several projects that help local communities develop. (那間公司贊助好幾個有助當地社區發展的計劃。)
8. esteemed a. 受人尊敬的 esteem n. 尊重,尊敬 hold sb in high esteem 非常尊敬某人 = hold sb in high respect 例: Ted is held in high esteem for his athletic ability as well as his modesty. (泰德因為他的運動能力和謙虛而受到敬重。)
1. shear n. & vt. 剪(羊毛);修剪
shearer n. 剪羊毛的人
2. well-trained a. 訓練有素的
3. district n. 地區
4. venue n.(事件、行動等的)發生地
5. fitness n. 健壯;健康
6. regimen n.(借助於有規律的飲食、運動等的)養生法
7. ever-changing a. 不斷改變的
8. professional a. 職業的
amateur a. 業餘的
go big time 變得流行起來 = become popular
今年 3 月 3 日到 3 月 5 日,體魄強健、訓練有素的剪羊毛達人將會前往紐西蘭馬斯特頓的懷拉拉帕區,在金剪刀剪羊毛大賽中一試身手。這項賽事是所有剪羊毛比賽的先驅,至今仍被視為是世界上最富盛名的剪羊毛比賽。
這項剪羊毛比賽是一群農夫於 1958 年所發起,吸引紐西蘭北島和南島的參賽者前來。它受歡迎的程度受到公認,所以組織賽事的人決定需要一個更大的比賽地點,以及一個琅琅上口的名稱來吸引更多的目光,金剪刀剪羊毛大賽於焉誕生。1961 年首屆金剪刀剪羊毛大賽正式舉辦,由於前往的人數太多,還得請警方前來管制人群。
就和任何受歡迎的事物一樣,競爭紛紛出現,在 1970 至 1980 年代期間,許多剪羊毛比賽在紐西蘭各地舉行。剪羊毛達人得到廠商贊助,而農夫開始進行訓練與增強體能的養生課程,好在比賽中佔優勢。1980 年世界盃剪羊毛大賽首度舉行,剪羊毛活動也就蔚為風潮。
答案:1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (D) 7. (B)
- May 29 Sun 2011 22:22