Many people are affected by aerophobia.
Despite a number of well-publicized airplane crashes, flying is still much safer than driving or taking the bus. Some blame the media for creating the false impression that flying is more dangerous. Critics claim that by over-sensationalizing these unfortunate incidents, the media obscure the fact that air traffic safety is continually improving. In fact, commercial airlines remain _(1)_ mode of transportation by far. Still, some people are terrified to fly and suffer from aerophobia, which is an _(2)_ fear of flying. This disorder _(3)_ a surprising number of people from all walks of life. Recently, NBA rookie Royce White of the Houston Rockets revealed that he was afraid to fly and planned to take a bus _(4)_ possible to games. Unfortunately, his plan didn't work out, and he is causing a lot of trouble for the team.
Fortunately, effective treatment is available and usually does not require medication. According to Dr. Todd Farchione, a psychologist at Boston University's Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, 80 percent of those treated respond _(5)_. Treatment focuses first on identifying and challenging the patient's fear-provoking thoughts. The next step is gradually to get the person to _(6)_ the fear by having them imagine they are flying and then finally having them do it. Many programs use flight simulators with video screens that look like windows and show the ground and various airports. According to Caitlin Condon of Cambridge, Massachusetts, information was the key _(7)_ her recovery. She did her own research and found that was good enough to eliminate her fear. Now she flies anytime she wants.
1. (A) the safest (B) safer (C) much safer (D) much too safe
2. (A) outgoing (B) irrational (C) extravagant (D) indignant
3. (A) exceeds (B) lessens (C) indulges (D) afflicts
4. (A) whichever (B) whatever (C) whenever (D) whoever
5. (A) compassionately (B) favorably (C) contemporarily (D) dreadfully
6. (A) qualify (B) update (C) confront (D) strain
7. (A) as (B) on (C) in (D) to
In fact, commercial airlines remain the safest mode of transportation by far.
a. 本空格測試以下固定用法:
the + 最高級形容詞 + by far 最最……的
= by far + the + 最高級形容詞
Miranda is by far the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
b. 根據上述用法,(A) 項應為正選。
Still, some people are terrified to fly and suffer from aerophobia, which is an irrational fear of flying.
a. (A) outgoing a. 直率的;外向的
Cindy is so outgoing that she feels comfortable even around strangers.
(B) irrational a. 不理性的
The woman was prey to irrational fears.
(C) extravagant a. 奢侈的
It was very extravagant of you to buy such an expensive sports car.
(D) indignant a. 憤怒的,憤慨的
Chris was indignant about the way he was treated at the shop.
b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
This disorder afflicts a surprising number of people from all walks of life.
a. (A) exceed vt. 超過
We estimate that our profit this year will exceed US$10 million.
我們估計今年的利潤將超過 1 千萬美金。
(B) lessen vt. 減輕,減低
Knowing that my family loves me lessens the pain of being away from them on the holidays.
(C) indulge vi. 沉迷
indulge in... 沉迷於……
We indulged in playing video games during our summer vacation.
(D) afflict vt. 使痛苦,折磨
Molly has been afflicted with deafness from birth.
b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
Recently, NBA rookie Royce White of the Houston Rockets revealed that he was afraid to fly and planned to take a bus whenever possible to games.
a. (A) whichever pron. 無論哪個
At the end of the game, whichever has the most points is the winner
(B) whatever pron. 不管什麼
As far as I'm concerned, you can do whatever you want.
(C) whenever conj. 無論何時
You shouldn't give in to your children whenever they want something.
(D) whoever pron. 無論是誰
Whoever breaks the rule will be faced with a heavy fine.
b. 根據題意,(C) 項應為正選。
According to Dr. Todd Farchione, a psychologist at Boston University's Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, 80 percent of those treated respond favorably.
a. (A) compassionately adv. 富同情心地
Larry looked at the injured stray dog compassionately.
(B) favorably adv. 讚許地
The audience responded favorably to the new play.
(C) contemporarily adv. 當代地
contemporary a. 當代的
This exhibition features the paintings of contemporary artists.
(D) dreadfully adv. 可怕地
dreadful a. 可怕的
Sometimes the dreadful experiences bring out the best in you.
b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
The next step is gradually to get the person to confront the fear by having them imagine they are flying and then finally having them do it.
a. (A) qualify vi. 有資格;合格
You have to meet our criteria to qualify for membership.
(B) update vt. 更新
The scientist's findings were just old ideas repackaged in an updated form.
(C) confront vt. 對抗;面對
The rookie fireman confronted his fears and entered the burning building.
(D) strain vt. 使緊張;拉緊
Using a computer for hours at a time strains your eyes.
b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
According to Caitlin Condon of Cambridge, Massachusetts, information was the key to her recovery.
a. 本空格測試以下固定用法:
the key to N/V-ing ……的關鍵
Experiencing the world as a child is the key to having a sharp mind.
b. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。
blame vt. 歸咎;指責
blame sb for sth 為某事責備某人
Diana blamed her brother for breaking her laptop.
obscure vt. 使模糊
The writer's difficult style obscures the meaning of his works.
terrified a. 害怕的
be terrified of... 害怕……
Ted is like a girl sometimes, because he is terrified of all kinds of insects.
from all walks of life 來自各行各業的
Harry Potter has fans of all ages and all walks of life.
effective a. 有效的
These pills are effective in curing headaches.
require vt. 需要;要求
All employees are required to attend the meeting tomorrow.
identify vt. 辨識,認出
My uncle's hoarse voice is easy to identify.
simulator n. 模擬裝置
simulate vt. 模擬
Pilots are trained on computers that simulate real flights.
recovery n. 康復
The support of her family made a big difference in the speed of Emily's recovery from malaria.
eliminate vt. 消滅,去除
The government worked hard to eliminate poverty in the country.
aerophobia n. 飛行恐懼症
well-publicized a. 極度宣傳的
crash n.(飛機)墜毀
false a. 謬誤的
impression n. 印象
critic n. 批評者
sensationalize vt. 渲染
mode of transportation 交通方式
medication n. 藥物治療
disorder n. 失調
provoke vt. 激發
various a. 各式各樣的
research n. 研究,調查(不可數)
work out 行得通;(問題)逐漸解決
focus on... 著重於……;專心在……上
儘管有多起飛機失事案件被大肆報導,但飛行仍然比開車或搭公車安全多了。有些人責怪媒體製造飛行比較危險的不實印象。批評者聲稱,藉由過度渲染這些不幸的事件,媒體模糊了航空安全持續在改善的事實。事實上,商務航空公司到目前為止一直是最最安全的交通方式。不過,仍然有些人害怕飛行,並飽受飛行恐懼症之苦,那是一種對於飛行非理性的恐懼。社會各階層的人都受到這種失調症狀折磨。近來,NBA 休士頓火箭隊的新人洛伊斯‧懷特便透露他很害怕飛行,而且計劃能隨時盡量搭公車去比賽。不幸的是,他的計劃並沒有成真,而且他也造成了球隊很多麻煩。
幸運的是,現在已經有有效的治療方法,而且通常不需要採用藥物。根據來自波士頓大學焦慮症及相關疾病研究中心的心理學家 Todd Farchione 博士所言,百分之八十接受治療的病患都反應良好。療程起初著重於發現並挑戰喚起病人恐懼的念頭。下一個步驟是藉由讓他們想像自己在飛行,逐漸地讓病人面對恐懼,最後真的要他們那麼做。許多計劃使用飛行模擬訓練裝置,那有看似窗戶的影像螢幕播放地面和各種機場的畫面。根據來自麻薩諸塞州劍橋的凱特琳‧康頓,資訊是她復原的關鍵。她自己做功課並發現那好到足以消滅她的恐懼。現在她隨時想飛就飛。
答案:1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B
6. C 7. D