The food on your dinner table may be causing global warming.

 These days, supermarkets stock a wide range of produce from all over the world. _(1)_ What's more, all of these foods are available year round at reasonable prices. It should be perfect for consumers, but many environmentalists believe this convenience comes with a very high hidden cost.   
                  The term "food miles" was introduced in the early 1990s by environmentalists trying to understand the ecological impact of food production. When adding up the environmental damage on the food chain, they realized that transportation costs needed to be factored into the calculation. _(2)_ These extra miles are accumulated in trucks or airplanes, which create greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. Therefore, the miles contribute to global warming. _(3)_
    While some governments are working to control these miles with legislation, other groups are choosing a better solution―urban farming. _(4)_ These farms are supported by governments, charities, and community groups, with goals ranging from education to for-profit production. Local people work on farms, growing food for themselves and their families or even for selling to other residents nearby. Supporters say urban farming offers a perfect way to use wasted land, allows people to become self-sufficient, improves the environment, and helps reduce food miles. _(5)_ Nevertheless, given the choice between imported food and fresh local food, most consumers would choose the latter.
(A) Urban farming schemes have grown and thrived from Beijing to Boston.
(B) For example, studies estimate that food in the US travels anywhere from 1,500 to 2,500 miles from farms to consumers' plates.
(C) Of course, with the huge populations in many modern cities, urban farming can only be a small part of the solution to decreasing food miles.
(D) You can buy beef from Australia, vegetables from Japan, and fruits from the US all in the same store.
(E) What's even worse, these miles are built into the way our modern industrial food system works.

1. 第一題空格應選 (D)
a. 空格前的句子說,現今的超級市場架上有各式各樣來自世界各地的產品(produce from all over the world)。
b. 選項 (D) 的句子則說,你可以在同一家店裡買到來自澳洲的牛肉、日本的蔬菜還有美國的水果。此句呼應上句而舉出來自世界各地的產品例子,語意連貫,故選之。


2. 第二題空格應選 (B)
a. 空格前的句子提到,當環保人士加總食物鏈的環境損害時,發現到運輸成本(transportation costs)需要被列入計算的因素當中。空格後的句子則說額外的里程(miles)累積來自會製造二氧化碳等溫室氣體的卡車或飛機。
b. 選項 (B) 的句子說,舉例而言,研究估計美國的食物要從農場抵達消費者的盤中,需經過 1,500 到 2,500 英里不等的距離,以實例來解釋運輸成本,並與下一句說明里程累積的來源相呼應,故選之。
a. estimate vt. 估計,估算 例: It is estimated that the construction of the new building will last two years. (這棟新大樓的建造工程估計將費時兩年。)
b. anywhere from A to B  介於 A 到 B 之間 例: I usually spend anywhere from NT$200 to NT$1,000 on my friends' birthday gifts. (我通常花兩百元到一千元不等買朋友的生日禮物。)
c. consumer n. 消費者


3. 第三題空格應選 (E)
a. 空格前的句子提及,額外的里程(extra miles)累積來自會製造二氧化碳等溫室氣體的卡車或飛機。因此,這些里程(miles)會導致全球暖化。
b. 選項 (E) 的句子說,更糟的是,這些里程(miles)還是現代食品工業系統運作的的其中一環,置入空格後,更突顯食物里程對環境的不良影響,且前後皆有關鍵字 miles,故選之。
a. What's even worse, S + V  更糟的是,…… 例: I'm locked out of my house. What's even worse, I forgot to turn off the stove. (我被鎖在自己家門外。更糟的是,我忘了關爐火。)
b. industrial a. 工業的


4. 第四題空格應選 (A)
a. 空格前一句說,某些政府正努力以立法控制這些里程數,但有些團體則選擇一項更好的解決方式――都市農耕(urban farming)。
b. 選項 (A) 的句子說,都市農耕(urban farming)的計畫從北京到波士頓逐漸發展興盛。置入後前後語意連貫,故選之。
a. urban a. 城市的
b. scheme n. 方案,計劃
c. thrive vi. 興盛,成功 例: During the Renaissance, science and art thrived in Europe. (在文藝復興時期,科學和藝術在歐洲蓬勃發展。)


5. 第五題空格應選 (C)
a. 空格前一句說,支持者表示都市農耕提供了絕佳的方法來使用廢棄土地、讓人們變得自給自足、改善環境,以及幫助減少食物里程。後一句則說,儘管如此,在進口食物和新鮮當地食物兩種選擇之中,多數消費者還是會選擇後者。可見空格中應填入能說明都市農耕雖然可行,但仍有其限制的選項。
b. 選項 (C) 的句子說,想當然爾,許多現代都市的人口眾多,都市農耕只是減少食物里程解決方式中的其中一小環。符合上述推測,且置入後前後語意連貫,故選之。
a. population n. 人口
b. the/a solution to...  ……的解決方法 注意: 此處的 to 為介詞,表『針對』之意。 例: We finally came up with a solution to the problem. (我們終於想出那個問題的解決之道。)
c. decrease vt. 減少

1. produce n.(農)產品(不可數)
2. environmentalist n. 環保人士
3. ecological a. 生態的
4. impact n. 影響
5. food chain n. 食物鏈
6. transportation n. 運輸
7. calculation n. 計算,估計
8. greenhouse gas  溫室氣體 * 指能引起溫室效應的氣體,如二氧化碳、甲烷等。
9. carbon dioxide n. 二氧化碳
10. legislation n. 制定法律,立法
11. for-profit a. 營利性的
non-profit a. 非營利性的
12. resident n. 居民
13. wasted a. 廢棄的

1. a wide range of...  範圍很廣的……
例: These shoes come in a wide range of colors. (這些鞋子的顏色種類繁多。)
2. available a. 可買到的;可獲得的
例: Is this novel available in paperback? (這本小說有平裝本嗎?)
3. reasonable a. 合理的 at reasonable prices  以合理的價格
例: You can pick up quality products at reasonable prices in this store. (你可以在這家店買到物美價廉的商品。)
4. add up...  把……加起來
例: All the votes need to be added up before a winner can be declared. (宣佈獲勝者前,必須先加總所有的選票。)
5. factor vt. 把……作為因素計入 & n. 因素 be factored into...  被計入…… factor in.../  把……作為因素計入
例: You should factor in shopping expenses when figuring out the price of the trip. (計算旅程的費用時,應該把血拼的費用算進去。)
6. accumulate vt. 累積
例: It is easy to accumulate credit card debt but hard to get rid of it. (信用卡卡債很容易累積,卻很難擺脫。)
7. contribute to + N/V-ing  導致∕造成……
例: Drunk driving contributes to hundreds of deaths in this city each year. (酒駕造成這座城市每年好幾百人喪生。)
8. range from A to B  範圍從 A 到 B(都有)
例: The school offers courses ranging from basic to advanced levels. (這間學校提供的課程範圍從基礎到進階都有。)
9. self-sufficient a. 自給自足的
例: Nick lives a self-sufficient life now that he has moved to the countryside. (尼克既然搬到了鄉下,便過著自給自足的生活。)
10. the latter  後者 the former...the latter...  前者……後者……
例: Bob and Sam are cousins. The former is a teacher, and the latter is a dentist. (鮑伯和山姆是表兄弟。前者是老師,後者是牙醫。)
   『食物里程』一詞是在 1990 年代初期由環保人士所提出,他們想試圖了解製造食物所帶來的生態影響。當他們在加總食物鏈的環境損害時,發現到運輸成本需要被列入計算的因素當中。舉例而言,研究估計美國的食物要從農場抵達消費者的盤中,需經過 1,500 到 2,500 英里不等的距離。這些額外的里程累積來自會製造二氧化碳等溫室氣體的卡車或飛機。因此,這些里程會導致全球暖化。更糟的是,這些里程還是現代食品工業系統運作的其中一環。
答案: 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (E) 4. (A) 5. (C)
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