The berry of the Açai has been marketed as a cure-all, but not everyone is convinced.

 Many exotic foods are sold for their health benefits. The newest food to claim the title of healthiest food is the Açai berry from South America. _(1)_ It is about the size of a grape, but with a much bigger seed. This berry is used in many different ways in Brazil and other South American countries. _(2)_ 
   However, it has recently become very popular outside its native habitat. Even Oprah Winfrey promoted the berry as a superfood on her TV show. Consequently, many companies now sell a variety of Açai berry products including dried fruit, Açai-based drinks, and even pills. _(3)_
   Unfortunately, there is no evidence that the Açai berry has any unique benefits for dieters. _(4)_ Like most fresh fruit, it contains antioxidants, which scientists believe help fight cancer. However, the berry has only averagelevels of antioxidants compared to other fruits.
   In conclusion, the Açai berry craze is just a health food fad. Bad science and aggressive marketing haveconvinced people that there is something unique about it. _(5)_ Although governments are cracking down onthe false claims about the Açai berry, some people will continue to hope that the Açai berry is the answer to their problems.

(A) Likewise, there is nothing exclusive about its other properties.
(B) These different Açai products are sold mostly as dietary aids, but some manufacturers claim they canimprove energy levels or help cure diabetes or cancer.
(C) As a resultdishonest companies sell this "miracle" food to people desperate for help with any health issues.
(D) For example, it is used to flavor ice cream or as a traditional pudding served with tapioca.
(E) The berry is the fruit of the Açai palm.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句的主詞為 The newest food(最新的一種食物),此為單數名詞詞組,空格後一句的主詞為單數代名詞 It,故選項中的主詞亦應為單數,以求一致。
    b. 選項中,(E) 項的 The berry 為單數,置入空格後,前後意思連貫,且兩句中皆有關鍵字 Açai,故為正選。
    a. berry n. 莓果;漿果
    b. palm n. 棕櫚樹

  2. 第二題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前提到巴西莓有許多不同的用途,可知下一句應舉例說明有何種用途。
    b. (D) 選項提到這種苺可用來調味冰淇淋或作為布丁食用,說明這種苺果的用途。此外,空格前一句的主詞為單數名詞詞組 This berry(這種莓),而 (D) 項的主詞為單數代名詞 it,即指 This berry,語意連貫,故為正選。
    a. flavor vt. 調味 & n. 味道
    例: Chinese people flavor a lot of food with soy sauce.

    b. pudding n. 布丁
    c. tapioca n. 樹薯粉

  3. 第三題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前的句子表示巴西莓被製成多種產品(a variety of Açai berry products)販售。
    b. (B) 選項的句子主詞為 These different Açai products(這些不同的巴西莓產品),與空格前的句子形成關聯,故為正選。
    a. dietary a. 節食的;依規定飲食的
    b. aid n. 輔助物;幫助 & vt. 幫助
    aid sb in V-ing  幫助某人(做)……
    = assist sb in V-ing
    例: The mother could not aid her son in hiding what he had done any longer.

    c. manufacturer n. 製造商
    d. improve vt. 增進;改善
    例: Those new bus lanes have improved the flow of traffic.

    e. energy n. 活力,精力
    f. diabetes n. 糖尿病

  4. 第四題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前的句子表示,沒有證據顯示巴西莓對減肥者有任何特殊的好處(any unique benefits)。
    b. (A) 項的句子亦表示,它的其他特性也沒什麼特別之處(nothing exclusive about its other properties),語意連貫,故選之。
    a. likewise adv. 同樣地
    = by the same token
    例: My father is named Ted. Likewise, my younger brother is also named Ted.

    b. exclusive a. 獨一無二的;專有的
    例: Usually, writers have exclusive rights to the things they have written.

    c. property n. 特性

  5. 第五題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前的句子表示,貧乏的科學知識和積極的市場行銷使人們相信巴西莓有特殊的功效。
    b. (C) 項的句子則提到,昧著良心的公司行號將這種『奇蹟』食品販售給急於追求健康療效的人,語意連貫,故選之。
    a. As a result, S + V  結果/因此,……
    = Consequently, S + V
    例: The pilots were on strike. As a result, all flights were canceled.

    b. dishonest a. 不誠實的
    c. desperate a. 極度渴望的
    be desperate for...  極度渴望……
    例: Larry was desperate for a girlfriend, so he put a personal ad in the newspaper.

  1. benefit n. 好處,利益
    for the benefit of...  為……的利益
    = in the interest of...
    = for the good of...
    例: Beth gave up smoking for the benefit of her unborn baby.

  2. promote vt. 推廣,提倡;宣傳
    例: The company is promoting their new product.

  3. a variety of...  各式各樣的……
    例: The doctor prescribed a variety of treatments for Sam's heart condition.

  4. compared to/with...  與……比起來
    = in comparison to/with...
    例: Compared to that singer, my sister is a much better performer. 

  5. In conclusion, S + V  總之,……
    = To sum up, S + V
    例: In conclusion, Henry is the only person we can count on now.

  6. convince vt. 說服,使信服
    convince sb + that 子句  使某人相信……
    convince sb of sth  使某人相信某事
    例: Ed finally convinced me that what he said was the truth.
    例: Bill tried to convince the boss of his ability to handle the problem.

  7. crack down on...  取締……;嚴厲處罰……
    例: The police are cracking down on the production of fake rice wine.

  8. an/the answer to...  (針對)……的答案
    例: Raise your hand if you know the answer to the question.

  1. hoax n. 騙局
  2. exotic a. 外來的;有異國風情的
  3. grape n. 葡萄
  4. seed n. 種子
  5. native a. 土生的
  6. habitat n.(植物的)產地;(動物的)棲息地
  7. pill n. 藥丸
  8. dieter n. 減肥者;節食者
  9. antioxidant n. 抗氧化劑
  10. average a. 普通的,一般的
  11. craze n. 狂熱
  12. fad n. 一時的流行
  13. aggressive a. 積極的
  14. false a. 謬誤的


標準答案: 1. (E) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C)

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