Derek Diedricksen proves that big things come in small packages..
With all the skyscrapers and tall structures built recently, many people in the world are of the opinion that bigger is better. Derek Diedricksen is heading in the opposite direction because he _(1)_ tiny houses. Whether it's a one-room cabin, mini greenhouse, or children's fort, Diedricksen does it all. His architectural designs are for small living spaces that are versatile and even portable at times.
One great example of Diedricksen's _(2)_ creations is the Hickshaw. This six-and-a-half-foot-long narrow room has a low slanted roof, large windows, and space for one. Like all his designs, the Hickshaw's basic structure is _(3)_ recycled, salvaged, or found materials. What gives it its name is the wheelbarrow handles and precisely placed wheels, which make the Hickshaw easy to move _(4)_.
Described as personable, funny, entertaining, and always up to something interesting, Diedricksen _(5)_ his creations with his online TV show, Tiny Yellow House. However, episodes are not solely centered on architecture. Tiny Yellow House also provides tips _(6)_ simple living, where to find materials, how small structures can be used, or any other topic that happens to come up.
Diedricksen also _(7)_ travel stories and other reports about small structures from around the world on his blog, The uses for small structures are endless, and as long as Derek Diedricksen is around, imaginative designs for them will be, too.
1. (A) objects to (B) applies for (C) specializes in (D) negotiates with
2. (A) enormous (B) miniature (C) potential (D) clumsy
3. (A) turned into (B) used as (C) followed by (D) made from
4. (A) from case to case(B) from place to place (C) from cover to cover (D) from person to person
5. (A) shows off (B) runs over (C) fills in (D) throws out
6. (A) at (B) from (C) on (D) with
7. (A) features (B) installs (C) protects (D) defends
Derek Diedricksen is heading in the opposite direction because he specializes in tiny houses.
a. (A) object to + N/V-ing 反對……
= be opposed to + N/V-ing
= oppose vt.
例: Phoebe objects to buying products that have been tested on animals.
(B) apply for... 申請(貸款、獎學金等);應徵(工作)
例: David plans to apply for that job.
(C) specialize in... 專精於……
specialize vi. 專精於;專攻
例: That doctor specializes in heart problems.
(D) negotiate with... 與……協商∕談判
negotiate vi. 協商,交涉;談判
例: Gary is negotiating with his supplier for a better price.
b. 根據前後語意,可知 (C) 應為正選。
One great example of Diedricksen's miniature creations is the Hickshaw.
a. (A) enormous a. 巨大的,龐大的
(B) miniature a. 微型的;迷你的
例: The miniature building looked exactly like Taipei 101.
(這棟微型建築看起來和台北 101 大樓一模一樣。)
(C) potential a. 潛在的,可能的
例: This advertising campaign aims to attract more potential customers.
(D) clumsy a. 笨拙的
例: Bob's clumsy fingers had a hard time untying the knot.
b. 由第一段得知,戴瑞克.狄卓克森精通於建造微型房屋,由此可知,本空格應選 (B)。
Like all his designs, the Hickshaw's basic structure is made from recycled, salvaged, or found materials.
a. (A) be turned into... 被轉變成……
(B) be used as... 被用來當作……
例: My grandfather's umbrella can be used as a cane when he goes hiking.
(C) be followed by... 接著就是……
例: The first act of the play will be followed by a brief intermission.
(D) be made from... 由……製成(產品的性質與原料不同)
be made of... 由……製成(產品仍具原料性質)
例: Wine is made from grapes.
例: This statue is made of bronze.
b. 根據語意,可知 (D) 應為正選。
What gives it its name is the wheelbarrow handles and precisely placed wheels, which make the Hickshaw easy to move from place to place.
a. (A) from case to case 從一案到另一案
(B) from place to place 從一地到另一地;到處
例: The travelers went from place to place seeking an available room.
(C) from cover to cover
例: Larry never reads novels from cover to cover.
(D) from person to person 從一人到另一人
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。
Described as..., Diedricksen shows off his creations with his online TV show, Tiny Yellow House.
a. (A) show off.../ 炫耀……
例: Anna put on her new shoes and showed them off to her friends.
(B) run over.../run...over 輾過……
例: The stray dog came close to being run over by a car.
(C) fill in... 填寫……
= fill out...
例: Fill in these forms before you see the doctor.
(D) throw out.../throw...out 扔掉……
例: Al cleaned his room and threw out everything he didn't need.
b. 根據語意,可知 (A) 應為正選。
Tiny Yellow House also provides tips on simple living, where to find materials, how small structures can be used, or any other topic that happens to come up.
a. 本空格在測試以下固定用法:
a tip on... 有關……的秘訣
tip n. 秘訣
例: The chef taught his assistant some tips on how to prepare expensive beef.
b. 根據上述,可知應選 (C)。
Diedricksen also features travel stories and other reports about small structures from around the world on his blog,
a. (A) feature vt. 介紹;刊載;以……為主要內容
例: The magazine featured an article on the leader of the rebel group.
(B) install vt. 安裝,設置
例: To guard against theft, we installed alarms on all our windows.
(C) protect vt. 保護
(D) defend vt. 防衛,防禦
例: The soldiers were successful in defending the border against attack.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A)。
Sb is of the opinion + that 子句 依某人之見,……
= In one's opinion, S + V
= In one's view, S + V
例: I am of the opinion that Mark is qualified for the job.
versatile a. 多用途的;多才多藝的
例: Edward is versatile. For instance, he can sing, dance, and act.
portable a. 便於攜帶的;手提式的
例: The equipment is lightweight, portable, and easy to store.
precisely adv. 精準地,準確地
例: Please tell me precisely when and where I am supposed to meet you.
be described as... 被描述成∕形容為……
= be depicted as...
例: The pop singer has been described as the next Michael Jackson.
be up to sth 做∕圖謀某事(通常為壞事)
例: Jane is acting very suspiciously. I think she's up to something.
be centered on... 集中於……;以……為主
例: The novel is centered on the struggles of a poor young man.
solely adv. 僅僅(= only);完全地
例: John failed solely because he was lazy.
as long as + S + V 只要……
例: It doesn't matter where we live as long as we're together.
imaginative a. 富於想像力的
例: The inventor is said to have been very imaginative as a child.
structure n. 建築物;結構
skyscraper n. 摩天大樓
opposite a. 相反的;相對的
cabin n. 小屋
mini a. 迷你的,袖珍的
greenhouse n. 溫室
fort n. 堡壘
architectural a. 建築的
slanted a. 傾斜的
recycled a. 回收的
salvaged a. 廢物利用的
wheelbarrow n.手推車;獨輪車
handle n. 把手,握柄
personable a. 有魅力的
episode n.(節目、影集的)一集
architecture n. 建築
endless a. 無止盡的
Hickshaw 是狄卓克森微型創作的傑作之一。這個長 6 呎半的狹小房間有著低矮傾斜的屋頂、大大的窗戶,和僅能容納一人的空間。如同他所有的設計品一樣,Hickshaw 的基本結構是由回收的、廢物利用的,或隨處可以找到的素材所建成。它的推車把手和精準設置、讓它能輕易四處移動的輪子是它獲致此名的原因。
狄卓克森被形容為充滿魅力、風趣、逗人開心,而且老想出一些有意思的玩意兒,他用自己專屬的 Tiny Yellow House 網路電視節目大秀他的創作。不過,節目內容並不只圍繞在建築方面而已。它也提供一些小撇步,像是簡單生活、找尋建築素材的地方、微型建築的使用,或任何碰巧想到的主題。
狄卓克森也在他的部落格 介紹旅遊故事和世界各地有關微型建築的報導。微型建築的運用是永無止盡的;只要戴瑞克‧狄卓克森還繼續創作,充滿想像力的設計就會源源不絕。
答案:1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (A)