Described as the feline equivalent to smiling, purring is the ultimate expression of affection.
Cats make strange noises called purrs, but they don't come from their stomachs. The average domestic cat purrs _(1)_ around 25 decibels. This buzzing sound varies in tone and loudness from species to species. However, scientists are not sure how cats create this _(2)_ phenomenon. The best explanation they've given is that the muscles around the cat's larynx (喉頭) alternately tighten and loosen to create the audible vibrations.
Why cats purr is another question that has puzzled scientists. The most commonly accepted theory is that it's an expression of affection. Most cat owners know that their cats purr when being petted. It's also a _(3)_ tool, with mother cats purring to help their blind and deaf newborn kittens locate them during nursing. Oddly enough, cats also purr when they are nervous, stressed, or injured. This is their built-in remedy for _(4)_ tension. This supports the new theory that purring releases endorphins (腦內啡), which _(5)_ painkillers and help with relaxation.
Speaking of purring, Smokey is the world's loudest cat because her deafening purr measures 80 to 85 decibels on average, with a top reading of _(6)_ 92 decibels. _(7)_ a running lawnmower next to your ear and you'll know what 92 decibels feel like. Her owners often have a hard time hearing the television when she's in the room, but they are rest assured that her purring is just Smokey being a happy cat.
1. (A) in (B) at (C) for (D) with
2. (A) verbal (B) vacant (C) visual (D) vocal
3. (A) description(B) recommendation(C) transportation (D) communication
4. (A) relieving (B) polishing (C) extending (D) interrupting
5. (A) hand in (B) carry out (C) serve as (D) apply to
6. (A) owing to (B) as well as (C) up to (D) as long as
7. (A) Imagining (B) Imagine (C) To imagine (D) By imagining
1.The average domestic cat purrs at around 25 decibels.
a. 本空格在測試 『介詞 at + 數字或與數字有關之名詞』的用法:
凡表『年紀』、『速度』、『價格』或與『數字』有關之名詞,如:decibel(分貝,音量強度單位)、age(年齡)、speed(速度)、cost(價格、代價)、price(價格)等,均與介詞 at 並用。
at + 數字 + decibel(s) 以若干分貝
at the age/speed of + 數字 以若干年紀∕速度
at the cost/price of + 數字 以若干價格
例: Listening to music at over 85 decibels for a long period of time can cause damage to hearing.
(長期以 85 分貝以上的音量聽音樂可能會造成聽力受損。)
例: The actor died at the age of 35.
(那名男演員 35 歲時去世。)
b. 根據上述,可知應選 (B)。
2.However, scientists are not sure how cats create this vocal phenomenon.
a. (A) verbal a. 言語的
(B) vacant a. 空缺的;未被佔用的
例: There were some vacant seats in the front row.
(C) visual a. 視力的;視覺的
(D) vocal a. 聲音的
b. 貓咪發出的呼嚕聲是一種『聲音的』現象,故根據語意,可知應選 (D)。
3.It's also a communication tool, with mother cats purring to help their blind and deaf newborn kittens locate them during nursing.
a. (A) description n. 描寫,敘述
beyond description
例: My trip to Spain last month was beyond description.
(B) recommendation n. 推薦
(C) transportation n. 運輸
(D) communication n. 交流,溝通
例: Deaf people use sign language as a form of communication.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。
4.This is their built-in remedy for relieving tension.
a. (A) relieve vt. 緩和,減輕
例: I had to lie on my side to relieve the pressure in my lower back.
(B) polish vt. 磨光,擦亮
例: The soldier finished polishing his boots just in time for inspection.
(C) extend vt. 延伸,延長
(D) interrupt vt. 打斷,中斷
例: It's impolite to interrupt others while they are talking.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A),置入後表這是牠們體內一種『減輕』壓力的機制。
5.This supports the new theory that purring releases endorphins, which serve as painkillers and help with relaxation.
a. (A) hand in... 繳交∕遞交……
= turn in...
例: We turned in our report a day early to get extra points.
(B) carry out... 執行……
例: We need more money to carry out the plan.
(C) serve as... 充當……(之用);作為……
例: These lamps mainly serve as decorative pieces.
(D) apply to... 適用於……;向……提出申請
例: These new regulations apply to everyone in the office.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。
6.Speaking of purring, Smokey is the world's loudest cat..., with a top reading of up to 92 decibels.
a. (A) owing to... 由於……
例: We were an hour late owing to the traffic jam.
(因為塞車,我們遲到了 1 小時。)
(B) as well as... 和……一樣好;以及……
例: I like to listen to hip-hop as well as electronic music.
(C) up to + 數字 高達∕多達……(數目)
例: Billy can eat up to five bowls of rice in one sitting.
(比利一餐最多可以吃下 5 碗飯。)
(D) as long as... 和……一樣長;只要……
b. 空格後有 92 decibels(92 分貝),故根據上述語意及用法,可知應選 (C),置入後表牠震耳欲聾的呼嚕聲,最高曾測到『高達』 92 分貝。
7.Imagine a running lawnmower next to your ear and you'll know what 92 decibels feel like.
a. 本空格在測試以下固定用法:
以原形動詞起首的命令句(,) and/or + 主詞 + 助動詞(will, may, can)+ 原形動詞 ……,(那麼)∕否則……
上述用法中的 and 譯成『那麼』,亦可視情況不必譯出。
例: Take the medicine the doctor gave you and you will feel better.
例: Hurry up or we'll miss the flight.
數量詞 + 名詞(,) and + 主詞 + 助動詞(will, may, can)+ 原形動詞 ……,(那麼)……
例: Three more hours and I'll be leaving for Canada.
(再過 3 個小時,我就要動身前往加拿大了。)
b. 空格後有名詞詞組 a running lawnmower(運作中的割草機)及連接詞 and ,故根據上述,可知應選 (B) Imagine.
1.vary vi. 變化
vary in... 在……方面有所不同
vary 從……到……有所不同
例: My grandmother's roses vary in color and size.
例: The side effects of this drug vary from person to person.
2.alternately adv. 交替地;輪流地
例: This baseball game has been alternately boring and exciting.
3.vibration n. 顫動,震動
例: Vibrations could still be felt three minutes after the earthquake.
(地震發生過後的 3 分鐘仍可感到震動。)
4.puzzle vt. 使迷惑,使困惑 & n. 謎題
solve a puzzle 解開謎題
例: This question puzzles me. I have no idea what the answer is.
5.affection n. 情感;情愛
例: The couple showed their affection by holding hands on the street.
6.locate vt. 找出……的位置
例: The police located the suspects after getting an anonymous tip.
7.Oddly enough, S + V 奇怪的是,……
oddly adv. 奇怪地,古怪地
例: Oddly enough, Kent's dog only barks at girls with long hair.
8.remedy n. 補救(方法);治療(與介詞 for 並用)
例: Coca-Cola was originally a remedy for stomach problems.
9.Speaking of sb/sth, S + V 提到∕說到某人∕某事,……
例: Speaking of universities, did you know that I got accepted into NYU?
10.on average 平均而言
例: On average, we work five hours of overtime each week.
(平均而言,我們 1 個星期加班 5 個小時。)
11.have a hard time + V-ing/with + N 做……有困難;在……方面有困難
= have problems + V-ing/with + N
= have trouble + V-ing/with + N
= have difficulty + V-ing/with + N
例: When Toby got promoted, he had a hard time adapting to his new duties.
例: Iris always has problems with math.
(艾莉絲數學總是算不好。) assured + that 子句 某人大可放心……
assured a. 得到保證的
例: You can rest assured that I will pay the money back to you.
1.purr n.(貓發出的)呼嚕聲 & vi.(貓)發出呼嚕聲
2.domestic a. 馴養的;家庭的
a domestic animal 家畜
3.buzzing a. 發出嗡嗡聲的
4.tone n. 音調;音色
5.phenomenon n. 現象(單數形)
phenomena n. 現象(複數形)
6.explanation n. 解釋,說明
7.larynx n. 喉頭
8.tighten vi. 變緊;繃緊
9.loosen vi. 變鬆;鬆弛 a. 可聽見的
11.expression n. 表達,表示 vt. 撫摸
13.newborn a. 新生的
14.kitten n. 小貓
15.nurse vi. 餵奶;(嬰兒)吃奶
16.stressed a. 感到有壓力的
17.built-in a. 天生的;崁入的
18.tension n.(精神上的)緊張
19.endorphin n. 腦內啡(腦分泌的具有鎮痛作用的氨基酸)
20.painkiller n. 止痛藥
21.relaxation n. 放鬆
22.deafening a. 震耳欲聾的
23.reading n. 讀數
24.lawnmower n. 割草機
貓咪會發出稱為呼嚕聲的奇怪聲音,但這種聲音並不是從牠們肚子發出來的。一般家貓發出的呼嚕聲大約為 25 分貝。這種呼嚕響的聲音因貓品種的不同,而在聲調和音量上有所差別。然而,科學家不確定貓咪是如何製造出這種聲音現象。他們提供最佳的解釋就是貓咪喉頭附近的肌肉會交替收縮和放鬆,製造出這種聲音震動。
說到呼嚕,Smokey 可是世界上呼嚕最大聲的貓,因為牠震耳欲聾的呼嚕聲被測出平均有 80 到 85 分貝,最高還曾測到高達 92 分貝。想像一台運作中的割草機在你耳邊隆隆作響,你就曉得 92 分貝到底有多吵。Smokey 在房間時,牠的飼主常聽不見電視機的聲音,但他們很放心,因為 Smokey 的呼嚕只是表示牠是隻非常開心貓咪。
答案:1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (B)