To outsiders, Buzkashi might seem violent and strange.

 Polo involves teams of riders on horseback who use mallets to try and hit a small ball into a goal. Popular in England and India, polo has long been a game for kings, princes, and wealthy people to play at country clubs. A Central Asian sport called Buzkashi (奪羊大賽) often gets compared to polo, but _(1)_, it is very different. In Buzkashi, skilled riders gallop around in a field and try to grab the body of a beheaded calf or goat. The aim is to get the carcass away from other players and take it across a goal line.
   This rough sport is extremely popular in Afghanistan, _(2)_ training for the competition begins at a very young age. Most people aren''t considered masters _(3)_ they are over the age of 40. While competing on the field, players can use different tactics to try and get a(n) _(4)_ over the others. These can _(5)_ the violent use of force like hitting, kicking, or even whipping. The only thing not _(6)_ in Buzkashi is tripping another rider''s horse because this could cause serious injuries to the riders or horses. The day before a Buzkashi game, a calf isslaughtered and put in water so that it won''t _(7)_ easily during the game. The sport may seem grisly tooutsiders, but in countries like Afgha nistan, a winner of a Buzkashi game is celebrated as a grand champion.

1. (A) in some ways (B) by no means (C) at all costs (D) in other words
2. (A) when   (B) where   (C) which    (D) what
3. (A) since   (B) once   (C) until    (D) except
4. (A) benefit   (B) advantage  (C) profit    (D) encouragement
5. (A) include   (B) maintain  (C) encounter (D) consist
6. (A) allowing   (B) allowed   (C) allows    (D) to allow
7. (A) come around (B) break down (C) put aside  (D) fall apart

  1. A Central Asian sport called Buzkashi often gets compared to polo, but in some ways, it is very different.
    a. (A) In some ways, S + V  就某方面來說,……
    例: In some ways, the manager is hard to get along with.

    (B) by no means...  絕不……
    by no means 視為否定副詞片語,故置於句首時,其後須接倒裝句構。
    例: By no means will I reveal your secret to others.

    (C) at all costs  無論如何,不惜任何代價
    例: She is determined to win the gold medal at all costs.

    (D) In other words, S + V  換句話說,……
    = That is (to say), S + V
    例: Al never buys anything he doesn''t really need. In other words, he''s rather frugal.

    b. 根據語意、用法,可知應選 (A),表『奪羊大賽』是中亞的一種運動,常與馬球相提並論,但『就某些方面而言』,兩者又大不相同。
  2. This rough sport is extremely popular in Afghanistan, where training for the competition begins at a very young age.
    a. 由於空格前的先行詞 Afghanistan(阿富汗)為表『地方』的名詞,且空格後為一完整的子句,故空格內應置入能修飾地方的關係副詞 where 來引導形容詞子句。
    例: That village is the place where I was born.

    b. 根據上述,可知應選 (B)。
  3. Most people aren''t considered masters until they are over the age of 40.
    a. (A) since conj. 自從……;因為
    (B) once conj. 一旦
    (C) until conj. 直到……時
    not...until...  直到……才……
    例: I will not go to bed tonight until I''ve finished my homework.

    (D) except conj. 除了……
    例: We could do nothing except step back and watch the building burn.

    b. 根據語意、用法,可知應選 (C),表大部分的選手『要到』40 歲以上才會被視為大師級的人物。
  4. While competing on the field, players can use different tactics to try and get an advantage over the others.
    a. (A) benefit n. 利益,好處
    for the benefit of...  為了……的利益
    例: Ted planted trees for the benefit of the environment.

    (B) advantage n. 優勢
    get/have an advantage over...  比……佔有優勢
    例: Because of his experience, Rob has an advantage over Tim for the promotion.

    (C) profit n. 利潤;利益
    make a profit  獲利
    例: Nick was in business for five years before he made a profit.
    (尼克從商 5 年後才開始賺錢。)

    (D) encouragement n. 鼓勵
    b. 因空格後有介詞 over,故根據語意及用法,可知應選 (B)。
  5. These can include the violent use of force like hitting, kicking, or even whipping.
    a. (A) include vt. 包含
    例: Our art collection includes two Monets.

    (B) maintain vt. 維持,保持
    (C) encounter vt. 遇到;遭遇
    例: The proposed new law encountered opposition in the legislature.

    (D) consist vi. 組成,構成
    consist of...  由……所組成
    = be composed of...
    = be made up of...
    例: Stainless steel consists of iron, carbon, and chromium.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A),表這當中『包括』激烈的肢體衝突,像是攻擊、踹踢甚至是鞭打。
  6. The only thing not allowed in Buzkashi is tripping another rider''s horse because this could cause serious injuries to the riders or horses.
    a. 本空格在測試形容詞子句化簡為分詞片語的用法,本句原為: 
    The only thing that is not allowed in Buzkashi is tripping another rider''s horse because...
    b. 原句中的形容詞子句 "that is not allowed in Buzkashi" 可化簡為分詞片語,即:省略關係代名詞 that,其後的 be 動詞 is 變成現在分詞 being 後可予以省略,即成 "The only thing not allowed in Buzkashi is...",故選 (B)。
  7. The day before a Buzkashi game, a calf is slaughtered and put in water so that it won''t fall apart easily during the game.
    a. (A) come around  甦醒,恢復知覺
    例: It took the boxer ten minutes to come around after he got knocked out.
    (這名拳擊選手被擊昏後 10 分鐘才清醒過來。)

    (B) break down  故障,拋錨;崩潰
    例: I was late because my scooter broke down.

    (C) put aside...  把……放一邊;擱置……
    例: You need to put aside your troubles and have some fun.

    (D) fall apart  散開;解體
    例: When I sat down, the chair fell apart.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D),表在奪羊大賽的前一天,會先將牛隻宰殺放入水中,這樣在比賽中牛屍才不容易被『扯爛』。

  1. involve vt. 需要;牽涉
    例: My job involves a lot of computer work.
  2. compare vt. 比較;比喻
    be compared to...  和……比較;被比喻為……
    be compared with...  和……比較
    例: Compared to/with plastic bags, paper bags are more environmentally friendly.
    例: Life is often compared to a long journey.
  3. grab vt. 抓取;奪取
    grab sb by the + 身體部位  抓住某人的某部位
    例: He grabbed me by the arm and said, "Please don''t tell the police!"
  4. be considered (to be) + N/adj.  被認為是……
    例: This movie is generally considered Steven Spielberg''s best.
  5. compete vi. 競爭;比賽
    例: Iris didn''t compete in last Tuesday''s marathon.
  6. so that...  如此/以便……
    = in order that...
    例: Jack took the day off from work so that he could pick up his parents from the airport.

  1. polo n. 馬球
  2. horseback n. 馬背
    on horseback  騎著馬;在馬背上
  3. mallet n.(馬球的)球棍
  4. goal n.(足球等運動的)球門
  5. skilled a. 熟練的;有技巧的
  6. gallop vi. 騎馬奔馳
  7. beheaded a. 被砍掉頭的
  8. calf n. 小牛
  9. carcass n.(動物的)屍體
  10. goal line  球門線
  11. rough a. 粗暴的
  12. competition n. 比賽
  13. tactic n. 戰術
  14. whip vi. 鞭打
  15. trip vt. 將……絆倒
  16. slaughter vt. 宰殺
  17. grisly a. 可怕的;令人厭惡的
  18. outsider n. 局外人

   這種煙硝味十足的運動在阿富汗極為盛行,那裡的選手從小就接受比賽的訓練。大部分的選手要到 40 歲以上才會被視為大師級的人物。在場上比賽時,選手可以使盡各種方式以佔得上風。這當中包括激烈的肢體衝突,像是攻擊、踹踢甚至是鞭打。唯一被禁止的行為是去絆倒其他選手的坐騎,因為這可能會對選手或馬匹造成嚴重的傷害。在奪羊大賽的前一天,會先將牛隻宰殺放入水中,這樣在比賽中牛屍才不容易被扯爛。這項運動對局外人來說或許太過殘暴,但在像阿富汗這樣的國家裡,贏得奪羊大賽的冠軍會被當做勇士,受到人民的崇拜。

標準答案: 1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (A 6. (B) 7. (D)

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