Times Square is an attraction that could only be found in the modern world.


 Hummingbirds are the smallest birds on Earth, and they are also the most fascinating. Hummingbirds live in the Americas, with a _(1)_ in Central and South America. The life of an active little hummingbird revolvesaround getting food. On a regular day, one hummingbird will visit _(2)_ 1,000 flowers to find nectar. To ensurethat they get enough protein in their diet, they also prey on spiders in their webs and small insects.  
   _(3)_, a human''s heart beats 72 times per minute. While doing something strenuous, that number candouble. Hummingbirds'' heartbeats, however, can get all the way _(4)_ 1,260 beats per minute. This is because they flap their wings incredibly fast when they fly, never stopping. Hummingbirds are the only birds _(5)_ wings can move in a complete circle. This _(6)_ them to fly forwardsbackwardssideways, and even upside down. They can also move their wings in a figure eight shape so they can hover in the air like a helicopter.
   Like most birds, hummingbirds dislike cold weather and _(7)_ south for the winter. This is most impressivefor birds from North America, which travel all the way to Central America. Canadian hummingbirds travel the farthest, flying 4,000 kilometers to reach a warmer environment. On one leg of the journey, the hummingbirds fly over 1,000 kilometers without stopping at all. Don''t underestimate the diminutive hummingbird: it''s more powerful than it looks!

1. (A) plenty   (B) capacity   (C) majority  (D) popularity
2. (A) barely   (B) roughly    (C) practically (D) relatively
3. (A) On average (B) On the spot (C) Above all  (D) At one time
4. (A) as much as (B) such as    (C) to and fro (D) up to
5. (A) what    (B) which     (C) whose    (D) their
6. (A) forces   (B) enables    (C) makes    (D) lets
7. (A) migrate   (B) immigrate   (C) explode   (D) expand

  1. Hummingbirds live in the Americas, with a majority in Central and Southern America.
    a. (A) plenty n. 大量,眾多
    plenty of...  許多的……
    例: There is plenty of room here to install a chandelier.

    (B) capacity n. 容量
    have a capacity of + 數字  有……的容量,可容納……
    例: The auditorium has a seating capacity of 3,000.
    (這座大禮堂可以容納 3 千人。)

    (C) majority n. 大多數
    a majority of...  大多數……
    例: A majority of the students will come for the concert.

    (D) popularity n. 流行;普及
    b. (A) plenty 前不可有不定冠詞,而 (D) popularity 為不可數名詞,故均不可選;(B) capacity 置入後不合語意,故亦不可選。
    c. 根據上述,可知 (C) 應為正選,表蜂鳥『大多』分佈於中南美洲。
  2. On a regular day, one hummingbird will visit roughly 1,000 flowers to find nectar.
    a. (A) barely adv. 幾乎沒有;勉強地
    = hardly
    = almost not
    例: Please turn up the radio. I can barely hear the music.

    (B) roughly adv. 大致上,大約
    例: It has been roughly one month since I last saw him.

    (C) practically adv. 幾乎
    practically 通常用來修飾涵蓋性完全的詞類,共計有 4 個:every、no、all、any。
    例: Practically all my friends enjoy singing.

    (D) relatively adv. 相對地
    例: Because of my tight schedule, I''m going to stay here for a relatively short time.

    b. 根據語意及用法,可知應選 (B),置入後,表一隻蜂鳥一天可以造訪『大約』一千朵花以尋找花蜜。
  3. On average, a human''s heart beats 72 times per minute.
    a. (A) on average  平均而言
    例: On average, Brazil receives 450 centimeters of rainfall per year.
    (巴西一年的平均降雨量為 4 千 5 百公釐。)

    (B) on the spot  當場
    例: The boy was caught stealing a toy on the spot.

    (C) above all  尤其是,最重要的是
    例: The doctor told my dad that he should go on a diet, and above all, he should stop smoking.

    (D) at one time  一度,曾經
    例: At one time, there were millions of dinosaurs on Earth.

    b. 根據語意,可知 (A) 為正選,置入後,表『平均來說』,人類的心跳每分鐘可達 72 下。
  4. Hummingbirds'' heartbeats, however, can get all the way up to 1,260 beats per minute.
    a. (A) as much as...  多達……
    (B) such as...  像是……
    (C) to and fro  來回地
    例: John kept walking to and fro as if something was bothering him.

    (D) up to + 數字  多達……
    例: Up to eight thousand people can attend the free concert.
    (多達 8 千名觀眾可以免費參加這場演唱會。)

    b. (A) as much as 用於表不可數名詞的涵義中,而(B) such as 前面通常有複數名詞,故均不可選。
    c. 根據上述及語意,可知 (D) 應為正選,置入後,表蜂鳥的心跳則可一路飆『達』每分鐘 1,260 下。
  5. Hummingbirds are the only birds whose wings can move in a complete circle.
    a. what 為複合關係代名詞,即等於 the thing(s) which,使用時其前不可再有先行詞,而此處空格前有 birds(鳥類),用法不合,故 (A) 不可選。
    b. 關係代名詞 which 雖然可修飾空格前的 birds(鳥類),但由於 which 為主格或受格,因此無法用來修飾空格後的名詞 wings(翅膀),故 (B) 不可選。
    c. whose 為關係代名詞所有格,其後必須有名詞,方能用以代替人或物引導形容詞子句,修飾其前的名詞。本空格後有名詞 wings(翅膀),whose 置入後符合用法,故選 (C)。
    d. their 為代名詞所有格,置於此處不合用法,會造成兩句在一起無連接詞相連,故 (D) 不可選。
  6. This enables them to fly forwards, backwards, sideways, and even upside down.
    a. (A) force sb to V  迫使/強迫某人(做)……
    例: Don''t force me to do anything I don''t want to do.

    (B) enable sb to V  使某人能夠……
    例: This ramp enables people in wheelchairs to enter the store.

    b. (C) makes 和 (D) lets 均為使役動詞,加受詞後,其後須接原形動詞作受詞補語,而不可接不定詞。
    c. 根據上述用法及語意,可知應選 (B)。
  7. Like most birds, hummingbirds dislike cold weather and migrate south for the winter.
    a. (A) migrate vi.(鳥類)遷徙
    例: Geese migrate from north to south as the weather cools.

    (B) immigrate vi.(從外)移入
    例: Thousands of people immigrate to Australia each year.

    (C) explode vi. 爆炸,爆發
    (D) expand vi. 擴展,擴張
    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A),置入後,表蜂鳥討厭寒冷的天氣,而在冬天往南『遷徙』。

  1. revolve vi. 旋轉
    revolve around...  以……為重心;環繞著……
    例: Nina''s life revolves around chatting on the Internet.

  2. ensure vt. 確保,保證
    ensure + that 子句  確保/保證……
    例: Please ensure that you don''t forget to pay me back.
  3. prey on...  獵食……
    例: Bats prey on insects.

  4. strenuous a. 費力的;艱苦的
    例: That was strenuous work. I need some water.

  5. upside down  上下顛倒地
    inside out  裡外相反地
    例: When cats fall, they never land upside down.
    例: Al was unaware that he was wearing his sweater inside out.
  6. hover vi. 盤旋;徘迴
    例: The helicopter is hovering above the village.

  7. impressive a. 令人印象深刻的
    例: Her proficiency in foreign languages is quite impressive.

  8. underestimate vt. 低估
    overestimate vt. 高估
    例: Don''t underestimate Tina. She''s stronger than she looks.
    例: I overestimated how many people would come to the play.

  1. hummingbird n. 蜂鳥
  2. fascinating a. 迷人的
  3. active a. 愛活動的;活躍的
  4. regular a. 固定的,定期的
  5. nectar n. 花蜜
  6. protein n. 蛋白質
  7. double vi. 加倍
  8. flap vt. 拍動(翅膀)
  9. incredibly adv. 非常地;令人難以置信地
  10. circle n. 圓形
  11. forwards adv. 向前地
  12. backwards adv. 向後地,倒退地
  13. sideways adv. 橫向地
  14. figure n. 數字
  15. helicopter n. 直升機
  16. leg n.(旅程、賽程等)一段
  17. diminutive a. 極小的

   平均來說,人類的心跳每分鐘可達 72 下,但在進行費力的活動時,心跳的次數則可多達兩倍。然而,蜂鳥的心跳則可一路飆到每分鐘 1,260 下。這是因為牠們飛行時以驚人的速度揮動翅膀,毫不間斷。蜂鳥是唯一能 360 度轉動翅膀的鳥類,這使牠們能前後左右,甚至上下顛倒地飛行。蜂鳥也能用翅膀揮舞出數字 8 的形狀,讓自己像直升機一樣盤旋在空中。
   如同大多數鳥類,蜂鳥討厭寒冷的天氣,而在冬天往南遷徙。這對生活在北美洲的鳥類來說更是了不起,因為牠們得千里迢迢飛到中美洲。而加拿大蜂鳥遷徙路途最為遙遠,飛行 4 千公里才能到達溫暖的環境。遷徙過程中,蜂鳥可以飛行一千多公里而不需中途休息。別低估了體型嬌小的蜂鳥,牠們可是比外表看起來厲害許多!

標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (C) 6. (B) 7. (A)

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