Oxygen bars offer an unusual nightlife alternative.

 When you visualize Tokyo''s nightlife, you might think of dance clubs, KTVs, and pubs full of off-duty workers smoking and drinking the troubles of the week away. These days, however, a new healthier craze has _(1)_ in Tokyo: the oxygen bar.
   Although the Japanese have been inhaling high concentrations of oxygen as medical _(2)_ for more than 50 years, a few Tokyo operators began to offer oxygen for recreational purposes in the mid-1990s. _(3)_ a break from Tokyo''s pollution, patrons could drop in, put on a facemask or insert nasal tubes, and enjoy a few minutes of air with high levels of oxygen. _(4)_ the industry developed, bars began offering "flavored" air with scents ranging from mint to strawberry to even vodka.
   Naturally, people have to pay through the nose for the privilege of putting scented oxygen up their noses. The cost _(5)_ from place to place but is usually around US$1 per minute, and sessions can last for 10 to 20 minutes. Even though there is no medical evidence to support the health declarations made by oxygen bars, patrons claim that a 20-minute breather leaves them feeling _(6)_ and calm, and the oxygen bar concept has spread all over the world. In _(7)_ California, for example, oxygen dispensaries, self-operated machines thatdistribute oxygen, are common sights in gyms and malls. Tokyo, however, remains one step ahead. In 2007, Japan''s Air Press opened its first oxygen bar for dogs.

1. (A) stood by (B) caught on (C) broken up (D) fallen off
2. (A) behaviors (B) distractions (C) performances (D) treatments
3. (A) Craves (B) Crave (C) Craving (D) Craved
4. (A) If (B) As (C) For (D) Whether 
5. (A) varies (B) maintains (C) relies (D) stabilizes
6. (A) ashamed (B) paralyzed (C) refreshed (D) depressed
7. (A) health-conscious (B) healthy-conscious (C) healthful-conscious (D) consciously-healthy

  1. These days, however, a new healthier craze has caught on in Tokyo: the oxygen bar.
    a. (A) stand by  隨時準備好,待命
    例: The rescue team stood by to rescue the hostages.

    (B) catch on  成為流行/趨勢
    例: The designer predicts that mini skirts will catch on again next year.

    (C) break up  分離;斷裂
    (D) fall off  掉下;(數量等)下降
    b. 空格前有名詞 craze(風尚),故根據語意,可知應選 (B)。
  2. Although the Japanese have been inhaling high concentrations of oxygen as medical treatments for more than 50 years, ...
    a. (A) behavior n. 行為(不可數)
    = conduct n.
    (B) distraction n. 使人分心的事物
    例: If the TV is a distraction for you, I can turn it off.

    (C) performance n. 表演
    (D) treatment n. 治療
    (a) medical treatment  醫療(方式)
    例: Ruth requires another six months of medical treatment to be cured.
    (露絲需要再 6 個月的醫療才能痊癒。)

    b. 空格前有形容詞 medical(醫療的),故根據語意,可知應選 (D)。
  3. Craving a break from Tokyo''s pollution, patrons could drop in, put on a facemask or insert nasal tubes, ...
    a. 本空格測試分詞句構的用法,本句原為:
    Patrons craved a break from Tokyo''s pollution, patrons could drop in, ... (╳)
    b. 原句為無連接詞連接的錯誤句構,補救之道為:將第一個子句依照分詞句構化簡法變成分詞片語。故將第一句中相同主詞 Patrons 刪除,其後動詞 craved 改成現在分詞 craving 即可。
    c. 根據上述,可知應選 (C)。
    d. crave vt. 渴望
    例: Al craves the excitement of skydiving.
  4. As the indury developed, bars began offering "flavored" air with scents ranging from mint to strawberry to even vodka.
    a. (A) If(如果)、(B) As(隨著)、(C) For(因為)以及 (D) Whether(是否)皆可當連接詞連接兩個完整的句子,然僅 As 置入後符合語意,表『隨著』這個行業的發展,氧氣吧也開始提供有味道的空氣,故 (B) 為正選。
    例: As his daughter grew, so did Kent''s pride for her.

    b. for 除可作介詞外,亦可作副詞連接詞,表『因為』之意,且使用時多置於主要子句之後,其前通常置逗點。
    例: I enjoy reading very much, for it can broaden my horizons.

  5. The cost varies from place to place but is usually around US$1 per minute, and sessions can last for 10 to 20 minutes.
    a. (A) vary vi. 變化
    vary from place to place  因地而異
    vary from...to...  從……到……有所不同
    例: The side effects of this drug vary from person to person.

    (B) maintain vt. 維持,保持
    (C) rely vi. 依靠,依賴
    rely on...  仰賴/依靠……
    = count on...
    = depend on...
    例: Jim relies on a cup of coffee to give him some energy each morning.

    (D) stabilize vi. & vt.(使)穩定
    例: The people were protesting that the government failed to stabilize housing prices.

    b. 空格後有 from place to place(從甲地到乙地),故根據語意及用法,可知應選 (A)。
  6. ...patrons claim that a 20-minute breather leaves them feeling refreshed and calm, and the oxygen bar concept has spread all over the world.
    a. (A) ashamed a. 感到羞愧的
    shameful a. 可恥的
    be ashamed of...  因……感到羞愧/丟臉
    例: The girl was ashamed of the holes in her old shoes.
    例: It is shameful that you''ve been cheating on your wife.

    (B) paralyzed a. 癱瘓的
    (C) refreshed a. 神清氣爽的
    例: Nothing can beat the refreshed feeling one gets after soaking in a hot spring.

    (D) depressed a. 沮喪的,憂鬱的
    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。置入空格後,表顧客表示吸入 20 分鐘的高濃度氧氣讓他們『神清氣爽』、思緒清晰。
  7. In health-conscious California, for example, oxygen dispensaries, self-operated machines that distribute oxygen, are common sights in gyms and malls.
    a. health-conscious a. 注重健康的;有健康意識的
    -conscious a. 注重……的;有……意識的
    -conscious 之前可與少數名詞並用,形成複合形容詞,例如:
    fashion-conscious a. 很注重時尚的
    image-conscious a. 注重形象的
    money-conscious a. 很注重錢的;金錢觀念很強的
    safety-conscious a. 有安全意識的
    例: Tracy is very health-conscious. She only eats organic food.
    例: Paris is a fashion-conscious city.

    b. 根據上述用法,可知應選 (A)。

  1. a breath of fresh air  一股新鮮空氣
    例: I''m going to step outside and get a breath of fresh air.

  2. visualize vt. 想像(= imagine)
    例: I closed my eyes and visualized myself walking on the beach.

  3. off-duty a. 下班的
    off duty  下班
    on duty  值班,值勤
    例: Helen was on duty when two men came into the ER with gunshot wounds.

  4. drop in  順道拜訪
    = drop by
    drop in on sb  順道拜訪某人
    例: Let''s drop in on Nick on our way home.

  5. insert vt. 插入,嵌入
    insert A into B  將 A 插入 B
    例: The miners carefully inserted the explosives into the hole.

  6. range from A to B  範圍從 A 到 B
    例: Colin''s tastes in music range from reggae to punk.

  7. pay through the nose  付出很高的價錢
    例: Sam really paid through the nose to have his apartment redecorated.
  8. privilege n. 特權
    have the privilege of V-ing  有特權從事……;從事……感到榮幸
    例: May I have the privilege of dancing with you during this song, miss?

  1. craze n. 風尚,狂熱
  2. oxygen n. 氧氣
  3. inhale vt. 吸入
  4. concentration n. 濃度
  5. operator n.(企業)經營者
  6. recreational a. 消遣的,娛樂的
  7. patron n. 主顧,(老)顧客
  8. facemask n. 面罩
  9. nasal a. 鼻的
  10. flavored a. 有味道的
  11. mint n. 薄荷
  12. vodka n. 伏特加酒
  13. scented a. 有氣味的
  14. session n.(某項活動的)期間
  15. declaration n. 聲明,宣告
  16. breather n. 片刻的休息,喘口氣
  17. concept n. 概念
  18. dispensary n. 診療所;醫務室
  19. distribute vt. 分送,配送

* be full of...  充滿……
be filled with...

  當你想像東京的夜生活,腦中或許會浮現出舞廳、KTV 和擠滿酒吧的下班民眾,他們在那裡喝酒抽菸,想忘卻一星期的辛勞。如今,東京卻風行一種更健康的潮流──氧氣吧。
   在日本,雖然吸入高濃度的氧氣作為醫療用途已有 50 多年之久,在 90 年代中期,有些東京業者就開始提供氧氣,讓人作為休養放鬆之用。想從東京汙染的空氣中喘一口氣時,顧客就會到氧氣吧,戴上面罩或是插入鼻管,享受幾分鐘的高純氧空氣。隨著這個行業的發展,氧氣吧也開始提供有『味道』的空氣,氣味從薄荷到草莓,甚至連伏特加都有。
   當然,人們得為享有特權般的行為付出不小的代價,才能夠吸入有氣味的氧氣。價格雖因地而異,但通常一分鐘要價約一塊錢美金,而每一次過程則長達 10 到 20 分鐘。雖然沒有任何醫學證明可證實氧氣吧宣稱的健康療效,但光顧過的顧客都表示,吸入 20 分鐘的高濃度氧氣讓他們神清氣爽、思緒清晰,而氧氣吧這樣的概念也傳遍全世界。舉例來說,在重視健康的加州,自助式氧氣機在健身房和大型賣場隨處可見。不過東京目前仍獨步全球,2007 年日本的 Air Press 公司開設了首家狗兒專屬的氧氣吧。

標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (A)

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