Animals are sometimes kept in atrocious conditions.
We often read or hear about animal cruelty cases involving dogs, cats, and less frequently, other animals. In these cases, the authorities step in to _(1)_ the pets from their inhumane conditions and neglectful masters. In addition, investigations are carried out and charges may be _(2)_ against these owners. Yet in the world of factory farming, practices that cause great discomfort and pain to the livestock occur on a routine _(3)_, with only a limited amount of public opposition.
One common element of factory farming is the extremely packed conditions in which the animals are _(4)_ to live. In poultry production, for example, egg-laying hens are _(5)_ into small cages, which are stacked one on top of the other. It's _(6)_ uncommon for hundreds of thousands of captive hens to exist in a single building. Conditions can be even less humane in another aspect of poultry farming—chickens raised for food. Since animals herded together in crowded conditions are more apt to fight, farmers sometimes debeak the chickens, which involves cutting their beaks off so they can't peck at each other.
Pigs raised for pork production go through a different painful procedure known _(7)_ docking. This refers to cutting their tails off so that they are not bitten by other pigs. Another _(8)_ that causes concern for animal rights activists is the use of gestation crates. These enclosures made of steel bars are _(9)_ small that a breeding sow is unable to turn around or stretch at all. This means the animals are forced to live in their own filth. While some countries have _(10)_ laws to improve conditions for the animals in factory farms, there is still a lot more that needs to be done.
(A) not (B) filed (C) basis (D) remove (E) practice
(F) forced (G) as (H) crammed (I) enacted (J) so
1.In these cases, the authorities step in to remove the pets from their inhumane conditions and neglectful masters.
a. 空格前有 to,當知之後應接原形動詞,形成 to 所引導的不定詞片語,選項中只有 (D) 項 remove (移除)及 (E) 項 practice(綀習)為原形動詞。惟按語意,僅 (D) 為正選。
b. 此動詞可與介詞 from 搭配形成下列固定用法:
remove A from B 把 A 從 B 上移除
This detergent can remove most stubborn stains from your clothes.
c. conditions n. 環境(恆用複數)
Can you tell me under what conditions plants grow best?
2.In addition, investigations are carried out and charges may be filed against these owners.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞,得知空格內可能置形容詞、過去分詞或現在分詞以形成主詞補語,符合上述的選項計有 (B) filed (被提出)、(F) forced (被強迫)、(H) crammed (被塞入)及 (I) enacted (被頒布),惟 filed 填入後符合語意,故選 (B) 項。
file a charge / lawsuit against...
The family has filed a lawsuit against the department store for the discrimination.
b. 空格內也可置名詞,然而 (C) basis (基礎)前須加冠詞 a 或 the,故 (C) 項不可選。而填入 (E) 項 practice (做法、綀習),語意不合,故也不能選。
3.Yet in the world of factory farming, practices that cause great discomfort and pain to the livestock occur on a routine basis, with only a limited amount of public opposition.
a. 空格前有介係詞 on,之後接不定冠詞 a,再接形容詞 routine (日常的,例行的),得知此處
空格應放名詞且須與 on 並用,因此應選 (C) basis,可形成下列固定用法:
on a... basis 在……的基礎上
You should exercise on a weekly basis for the sake of your health.
4.One common element of factory farming is the extremely packed conditions in which the animals are forced to live.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞,可知空格內應置形容詞或
分詞形成主詞補語。符合上述的選項僅剩選項 (F) forced (被強迫)、(H) crammed (擁擠的、填塞)及 (I) enacted (制定、頒佈法案),本空格僅 forced 填入後符合語意,故選項 (F) 為正選。
b. 本題測試下列句型:
be forced to... 被迫從事……
Because of his injury, Peter was forced to drop out of the competition.
5.In poultry production, for example, egg-laying hens are crammed into small cages, which are stacked one on top of the other.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 are,得知空格內可置形容詞、過去分詞或現在分詞形成主詞補語,但空格後頭有介係詞 into,選項中僅 (H) crammed (擁擠的、填塞)能與之並用,故選 (H) 為答案。
b. be crammed into... 被塞進……
Over 50 workers were crammed into the back of the truck.
6.It's not uncommon for hundreds of thousands of captive hens to exist in a single building.
a. 空格後有否定形容詞 uncommon (罕見的)。故空格內應填入 (A) not 形成 be not uncommon,表『非常普遍』之意。
It's not uncommon... ……是很普遍的
= It's very common...
It is not uncommon for college students to have student loans.
b. 根據上述,僅 (A) 項符合語意,故為正選。
7.Pigs raised for pork production go through a different painful procedure known as docking.
a. 空格前有過去分詞 known,known 作過去分詞當形容詞使用時,可與下列介系詞搭配形成下列固定用法:
be known as... 被稱為……
Taiwan was once known as "Formosa."
be known to sb 為某人所熟知
The acclaimed movie star is known to every one of us.
be known for... 因……而聞名
France is known for its fine wine.
b. 根據上述,應選 (G) 項為正選。
c. 本句原等於:
Pigs (which are) raised for pork production go through a different painful procedure (that is) known as docking.
8.Another practice that causes concern for animal rights activists is the use of gestation crates.
a. 空格前有限定詞 Another (另一個),得知空格內應置名詞。選項中僅剩 (E) practice (做法)為名詞,故為正選。
b. practice n. 做法
common / standard / normal practice
It's standard practice to request parental consent in order for students to go on field trips.
9.These enclosures made of steel bars are so small that a breeding sow is unable to turn around or stretch at all.
a. 空格後有 that 所引導的副詞子句,表『以致於……』,得知空格內應填 so,形成 "so + 形容詞 + that..."(如此……以致於……)的結構,that 在此處為副詞連接詞,引導的副詞子句修飾其前的 so,。故此處應選 (J) so (如此)。
Eric was so weak that he could barely stand.
10.While some countries have enacted laws to improve conditions for the animals in factory farms, there is still a lot more that needs to be done.
a. 空格前有現在完成式的助動詞 have (已經),得知空格內應填入過去分詞且為及物動詞,使後面的 laws 為其受詞,故僅 (I) 為正選。
b. enact vt. 制定法律,頒佈法案
The sheriff refused to enact the law in his county.
1.step in 介入,干預
= intervene vi.
The military may step in if the crisis continues.
2.carry out... 執行……
Carrying out experiments on animals is regarded as inhumane.
3.opposition n. 反對
oppose vt. 反對
be opposed to + N/Ving 反對……
Some parents are opposed to their children having boyfriends or girlfriends before they are 18.
有些父母反對小孩 18 歲以前交男女朋友。
4.stack vt. 把……疊成一堆
Kevin got a job stacking boxes at a shipping company.
5.herd vt. 把……趕在一起
The prisoners were herded together into the yard for an announcment.
那些犯人被集體趕進院子裡聆聽宣佈事項。 apt to V 有……的傾向,易於……
= tend to V
Babies are apt to put objects into their mouths.
7.refer to... 指的是……
The stars in front of the vocabulary words refer to those that are intended for advanced learners.
8.enclosure n. 圍場;圍住
a wildlife enclosure 野生動物圍場
The zoo's new bear enclosure is finally open for viewing.
9.stretch vt. 伸展肢體
After sitting for a long time, I stood up to stretch my legs.
1.factory farming 集約畜牧
2.atrocious a. 駭人聽聞的
3.cruelty n. 虐待,殘酷的行為
4.the authorities n. 相關當局
5.inhumane a. 不人道的
6.neglectful a. 疏忽的;不注意的
7.investigation n. 調查
8.discomfort n. 不舒服
9.livestock n. 家畜
10.packed a. 擁擠的
11.poultry n. 家禽(集合名詞,不可數)
12.on top of... 在……之上
13.captive a. 受監禁的
14.aspect n. 方面
15.debeak vt. & vi. 切去(雞等家禽)的嘴尖;去喙
16.beak n. 鳥嘴
17.peck vt. & vi. 啄
18.docking n. 剪短動物的尾巴
19.activist n. 激進分子
20.a gestation crate
gestation n. 懷孕;懷孕期
crate n. 條板箱
21.a breeding sow 母種豬
breeding a. 繁殖用的
sow n. 母豬
22.filth n. 骯髒;污物
答案:1. D 2. B 3. C 4. F 5. H
6. A 7. G 8. E 9. J 10. I
Since animals herded together in crowded conditions are more apt to fight, farmers sometimes debeak the chickens, which involves cutting their beaks off so they can't peck at each other.
= Since animals which are herded together in crowded conditions are more apt to fight, farmers sometimes debeak the chickens, which involves cutting their beaks off so that they can't peck at each other.