These distinctive Dutch shoes were first worn for practicality.

The Dutch are the most notable group of people to have worn clogs (木鞋) even though these interesting and useful shoes were very popular throughout Europe. Farmers, miners, factory workers, and others who needed to protect their feet while on the job were the first ones to _(1)_ wooden clogs. Clogs were comfortable to walk and work in, and their sturdy structure prevented _(2)_. In addition, clogs were _(3)_ in keeping feet dry and clean. Most clogs were made of alderbirchsycamorewillow, or beech wood, and they were usually worn _(4)_, with thick pieces of straw often put inside to add cushioning for the feet. The Dutch style of wooden clogs was used in England, Belgium, and France. Sweden is recognized for its clogs as well, but its style differs from_(5)_ of the Netherlands.
   Because they were made of cheaper materials, wooden clogs were seen as _(6)_ footwear, limiting their use. However, "dress-up" clogs were then created at one point because wearers enjoyed them so much. This meant a person had one pair of clogs for work and everyday use, and another pair that was worn for _(7)_ activities like festivals. Up until the 1910s, clogs were chiefly made _(8)_.
   Wooden clog wearers came to enjoy the sound the shoes made on stone streets so much that clog dancing, which _(9)_ the British Isles, was created. Dancers used different methods to create contrastingsounds, such as dancing on wooden platforms and adding metal to the _(10)_ of the clogs. Clog dancing led to the creation of tap dancing after it was introduced to North America. Traditional Dutch clogs are popular withtourists in the Netherlands and are still worn by gardeners and farmers around the world.

(A) lower-class (B) barefooted (C) bottom (D) that (E) put on (F) by hand (G) effective (H) injuries (I) social (J) originated in

  1. Farmers, miners, factory workers, and others who needed to protect their feet while on the job were the first ones to put on wooden clogs.
    a. 空格前有不定詞 to,其後有名詞詞組 wooden clogs(木鞋),可知空格內應置入原形的及物動詞或及物片語動詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (C) bottom(在……上裝底)及 (E) put on(穿上,戴上),惟 put on 置入後符合語意,故選 (E)。
    c. put on...  穿上/戴上……
    take off...  脫掉……
    例: You should put on a raincoat before going out in the storm.

  2. Clogs were comfortable to walk and work in, and their sturdy structure prevented injuries.
    a. 空格前有及物動詞 prevented(防止,預防),可知空格內應置入名詞或代名詞作其受詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (C) bottom(底部)、(D) that(那個人/事物)及 (H) injuries(傷害),然僅 (H) 置入後符合語意,表這些堅固耐穿的鞋子能防止『受傷』,故選 (H)。
    c. injury n. 傷害
  3. In addition, clogs were effective in keeping feet dry and clean.
    a. 空格前有 be 動詞 were,其後有介詞詞組 in keeping feet dry and clean(保持雙腳乾燥清爽),可知空格應置入形容詞或分詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) lower-class(下層階級的)、(B) barefooted(赤腳的)、(G) effective(有效的)以及 (I) social(社交的),然僅 (G) 置入後符合語意,表木鞋也能『有效』保持雙腳乾燥清爽,故選 (G)。
    c. effective a. 有效的
    例: The new drug is effective for the treatment of heart diseases.

  4. Most clogs were made of alder, birch, sycamore, willow, or beech wood, and they were usually wornbarefooted, ...
    a. 空格前為一完整的句構 they were usually worn(它們通常被穿著),可知空格內應置入副詞修飾句中動詞 worn。
    b. 選項中可作副詞的有 (B) barefooted(赤腳地)及 (F) by hand(手工地),然僅 (B) 置入後符合語意,表人們通常會『赤腳』穿上木鞋,可知應選 (B)。
    c. barefooted adv. 赤腳地
    例: The couple walked barefooted along the beach as the sun set.

  5. Sweden is recognized for its clogs as well, but its style differs from that of the Netherlands.
    a. 本空格測試下列固定用法:
    在英文句子中,前面出現過的名詞之後若再提到,為避免重複,需改用 that 與 those;that 代替單數名詞,those 則代替複數名詞。
    例: Jack's salary is comparable to that of a senior engineer.
    例: Students of this school study harder than those at that school.

    b. 空格前的 style(風格)為單數名詞,根據上述,故選 (D)。
  6. Because they were made of cheaper materials, wooden clogs were seen as lower-class footwear, limiting their use.
    a. 空格後有名詞 footwear(鞋類),可知空格內應填入可修飾名詞的形容詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) lower-class(下層階級的)以及 (I) social(社交的),然僅 (A) 置入後符合語意,表木鞋以往都是用較便宜的材質所製成,所以曾被視為『低下階層的』人才會穿的鞋,故選 (A)。
    c. lower-class a. 下層階級的
  7. ..., and another pair that was worn for social activities like festivals.
    a. 空格後有名詞 activities(活動),可知空格內應填入可修飾名詞的形容詞。
    b. 選項中為形容詞的僅剩 (I) social(社交的),置入後亦符合語意,social activities 表『社交活動』,可知 (I) 為正選。
    c. social a. 社交的;社會的
  8. Up until the 1910s, clogs were chiefly made by hand.
    a. 空格前為一完整的句構 clogs were chiefly made(木鞋大多被製成),可知應置入副詞修飾句中動詞 made。
    b. 選項中可作副詞的僅剩 (F) by hand(手工地),置入後亦符合語意,表直到 1910 年代,木鞋大多都還是『手工』製作的,可知 (F) 為正選。
    c. by hand  以手工(製造)地
    by machine  以機器(製造)地
    例: This store sells bags that are made by hand.
    例: Things made by hand are usually more expensive than those made by machine.

  9. Wooden clogs wearers came to enjoy the sound the shoes made on stone streets so much that clog dancing, which originated in the British Isles, was created.
    a. 空格前的關係代名詞 which 為形容詞子句中的主詞,而空格後則為受詞 the British Isles(不列顛群島),可知空格內應置入及物動詞或及物片語動詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (J) originated in(源自於),置入後亦符合語意,表『發源自』不列顛群島的木鞋舞因此被創造出來,故選 (J)。
    c. originate in + 地方  起源/源自於某地
    例: I heard that British milk tea actually originated in Mongolia.

  10. ..., such as dancing on wooden platforms and adding metal to the bottom of the clogs.
    a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,其後有介詞詞組 of the clogs(木鞋的),可知空格內應置入名詞。
    b. 選項僅剩 (C) bottom(底部),置入後亦符合語意,表在木造平台上跳舞或是在木鞋『底部』加上金屬片,可知應選 (C)。
    c. bottom n. 底部,底層
    from the bottom of one's heart  (某人)誠懇地,由衷地
    例: I'd like to apologize to you from the bottom of my heart.

  1. notable a. 著名的,引人矚目的
    例: John has written a lot of novels, but the most notable one is about war.
  2. differ from...  和……不同,不同於……
    = be different from...
    例: Gina's personality differs from her twin sister's.
  3. be seen as...  被視為……
    = be viewed/regarded as...
    = be looked upon/thought of as...
    例: Doctor Harris is seen as a leader in his field of medicine.
  4. dress-up a. 精心裝扮的;穿著正式的
    dress up  盛裝打扮
    例: It's a formal party, so you'll have to dress up.
  5. chiefly adv. 主要地
    = mainly adv.
    例: The boy became ill chiefly because of his bad eating habits.
  6. contrasting a. 形成鮮明對比的
    contrast vt. 使對比,使對照 & n. 對比,對照
    contrast A with B  將 A 與 B 做對照
    by contrast  相對之下
    = in contrast
    例: After contrasting the prices here with those at the other store, I made my purchase.
    例: This draft, by contrast, is much easier to understand than the earlier version.
  7. be introduced to + 地方  引進某地
    例: The idea of chain stores was introduced to Taiwan for the first time in 1986.
    (連鎖商店的概念於 1986 年首次被引進到台灣。)

  1. clatter n. 叩叩聲,硬物撞擊聲
  2. clog n. 木鞋
  3. miner n. 礦工
  4. sturdy a. 堅固的,耐用的
  5. alder n. 赤楊
  6. birch n. 樺木
  7. sycamore n. 美國梧桐
  8. willow n. 柳樹
  9. beech wood n. 山毛(櫸)木材
  10. cushioning n. 緩衝
    cushion vt. 緩衝 & n. 緩衝物;墊子
  11. footwear n. 鞋類
  12. platform n. 平台
  13. tap dancing n. 踢躂舞

  1. on the job  在工作中
  2. at one point  在某個時間
  3. add A to B  把 A 加進 B
  4. be popular with/among...   在……中很普及/受到歡迎

   木鞋以往都是用較便宜的材質所製成,所以曾被視為低下階層的人才會穿的鞋,因而限制了木鞋的用途。然而,由於穿木鞋的人們太熱愛木鞋,後來又設計出『搭配裝扮』的木鞋。這表示人們會有一雙工作及平時穿的木鞋,另外還會有一雙則是在像慶典的社交活動上穿。直到 1910 年代,木鞋大多都還是手工製作的。
標準答案: 1. (E) 2. (H) 3. (G) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (I) 8. (F) 9. (J) 10. (C)

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