From farms in Australia to snowboard lodges in Canada, many young people are enjoying working holidays.


  Once many students finish high school or college, they have the uncanny desire to travel as far away from home as possible. Visiting new places and seeing exotic locales around the world _(1)_ can be a great learning experience, but there is one big problem that these young travelers face—a lack of money. Most countries nowadays are _(2)_ young globetrotters by offering a six- to twelve-month working holiday for anyone between the ages of 18 and 30. _(3)_, they will be able to experience new cultures while making enough money tosurvive.
   In Australia, the working holiday program has been a phenomenal success. In its first year of existence, 1975, 2,000 working visas were _(4)_. By 2006, this number had increased to 113,000, which is estimated to have added US$1.3 billion to Australia's economy in that year. Many of the positions _(5)_ are in the hospitality industry or harvest work, but some travelers are getting jobs in finance, health care, and education.
   For Australians, Britons, and New Zealanders, a popular place to spend a working holiday is Canada, _(6)_ there are numerous ski and snowboard resorts. Jobs as lift operators, snowboard coaches, or as members of the resort staff are _(7)_ simple. The biggest benefit in Canada is that all workers get free lift passes while they are employed. A working holiday is the perfect solution for those who want to see the world but need some help to finance their once-in-a-lifetime trip.

1. (A) on leave  (B) in person    (C) off record  (D) by surprise
2. (A) applying to (B) leading to    (C) occurring to (D) catering to
3. (A) As yet    (B) On the contrary (C) This way (D) By all means
4. (A) squeezed   (B) issued      (C) featured   (D) inspired
5. (A) available  (B) vacant      (C) inclusive   (D) essential
6. (A) that     (B) what       (C) when     (D) where
7. (A) relatively (B) casually     (C) frankly    (D) sincerely

  1. Visiting new places and seeing exotic locales around the world in person can be a great learning experience, ...
    a. (A) on leave  休假中
    例: Albert is on leave from his military duty to attend his sister's wedding.

    (B) in person  親自
    例: The manager couldn't attend the morning meeting in person.

    (C) off record 須與 the 並用,形成下列用法:
    off the record  私下的,非正式的
    例: Don't publish what I said today─it's off the record.

    (D) by surprise 用於下列片語中:
    take sb by surprise  使某人吃驚
    例: Ed's proposal really took me by surprise, and I didn't know what to say to him.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B),置入後表『親身』造訪新地方、到充滿異國風情的地方旅遊是很棒的學習經驗。
  2. Most countries nowadays are catering to young globetrotters by offering a six- to twelve-month working holiday...
    a. (A) apply to...  向……(提出)申請
    例: Keith didn't apply to that university because it's too expensive.

    (B) lead to...  導致/引起……
    例: Too much pressure can lead to physical illness.

    (C) ...occur to sb  某人突然想起/想到……
    例: A good idea occurred to me as I was about to give up the plan.

    (D) cater to...  迎合……
    例: This club only caters to the rich.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。
  3. This way, they will be able to experience new cultures while making enough money to survive.
    a. (A) As yet, S + V  至目前為止,……
    as yet 通常與現在完成式並用。
    例: As yet, there has been no news about the missing people.

    (B) On the contrary, S + V  相反地,……
    例: I love swimming. On the contrary, Rudy can't stand the water.

    (C) This way, S + V  這樣一來,……
    That way, S + V  那樣一來,……
    例: Please pay for my dinner. This way, you can pay me back the money you owe me.

    (D) By all means, S + V  無論如何,……
    例: By all means, get Mom a gift for her birthday.

    b. 根據語意,可知 (C) 為正選,置入後表『這樣一來』,他們在體驗新文化的同時,也能賺取足夠的生活費用。
  4. In its first year of existence, 1975, 2,000 working visas were issued.
    a. (A) squeeze vt. 擠,壓
    (B) issue vt. 核發;發佈
    例: The United States issued over one million green cards last year.
    (去年美國核發超過 100 萬張的綠卡。)

    (C) feature vt. 以……為特色/重點
    例: This book features the beauty of nature.

    (D) inspire vt. 鼓舞,激勵
    inspire sb to V  鼓舞/激勵某人(做)……
    例: My teacher inspired me to follow my dreams and become a pilot.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。
  5. Many of the positions available are in the hospitality industry or harvest work, ...
    a. (A) available a. 可得到的;可利用的
    例: We still have six rooms available for the weekend.
    (我們這個週末還有 6 間空房。)

    (B) vacant a. 空著的,未被佔用的
    例: There were some vacant seats in the front row.

    (C) inclusive a. 包含的
    be inclusive of...  包含……
    例: This trip is not inclusive of meals.

    (D) essential a. 必要的
    b. 空格位於名詞後,可知應置入可作後位修飾的形容詞。在所有選項中,僅 available 可置於名詞後作後位修飾,故選 (A)。
  6. ..., a popular place to spend a working holiday is Canada, where there are numerous ski and snowboard resorts.
    a. 空格前有表地方的名詞 Canada(加拿大),而空格後為一完整的子句,可知空格內應置入能修飾地方的關係副詞 where 來引導形容詞子句。
    例: The murder happened in Arizona, where my best friend lives.

    b. 根據上述,可知應選 (D)。
  7. Jobs as lift operators, snowboard coaches, or as members of the resort staff are relatively simple.
    a. (A) relatively adv. 相當地
    例: It's relatively hot today.

    (B) casually adv. 隨意地;悠閒地
    (C) frankly adv. 坦白地
    Frankly speaking, S + V  坦白說,……
    例: Frankly speaking, Larry is not the man I want.

    (D) sincerely adv. 真誠地
    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A),置入後,表這類工作都『相當』簡單。

  1. Once + S + V, S + V  一旦……,……
    此處的 once(一旦)為副詞連接詞,引導副詞子句,修飾主要子句。
    例: Once I leave the office, I will meet up with Ken for a cup of coffee.
  2. as + adj./adv. + as possible  儘可能……
    = as + adj./adv. + as one can
    例: Please call me back as soon as possible.
  3. survive vi. 倖存,活下來
    例: Only one person survived in the accident.
  4. phenomenal a. 驚人的;傑出的
    例: The phenomenal success of the iPhone has led to many knock-offs.
    (iPhone 的大成功導致一堆仿冒品的出現。)
  5. estimate vt. 估計
    It is estimated + that 子句  據估計……
    例: It is estimated that the construction of the new MRT line will last five years.
    (這條新的捷運路線建造工程估計將費時 5 年。)
  6. add A to B  將 A 加進 B
    例: Sandy added milk to her cereal for breakfast.
  7. finance n. 金融 & vt. 提供資金
    例: Dad promised to finance my college education.
  8. benefit n. 好處,利益
    for the benefit of...  為……的利益
    = in the interest of...
    = for the good of...
    例: Peter quit smoking for the benefit of his grandchildren.
  9. employ vt. 僱用(= hire)
    例: The factory employs a great number of foreign laborers.

  1. vocational a. 職業的
    vocation n. 職業
    a vocational school  職業學校
  2. uncanny a. 不尋常的;怪異的
  3. exotic a. 異國情調的;外來的
  4. locale n. 地點,現場
  5. globetrotter n. 環球旅行者
  6. existence n. 存在
  7. visa n.(護照上的)簽證
  8. position n. 工作,職位
  9. hospitality industry  餐旅服務業
    * hospitality 本為『好客、熱情招待』之意。
  10. harvest n. 收割,收穫
  11. numerous a. 許多的,為數眾多的
  12. ski n. 滑雪屐 & vi. 滑雪
  13. snowboard n. 滑雪板
  14. resort n. 渡假勝地
  15. lift operator  雪地纜車操作員
  16. coach n. 教練
  17. staff n. 工作人員;職員(集合名詞,不可數)
    a staff of 65  65 名職員
    65 staff members
  18. lift pass  纜車通行證
  19. once-in-a-lifetime  一生一次的(作形容詞用)

  許多學生從高中或大學一畢業後,就渴望能離家旅行,地方越遠越好。親身造訪新地方、到充滿異國風情的地方旅遊是很棒的學習經驗,但這些年輕的旅者面臨著一個最大的問題,就是缺乏旅費。現今大多數國家為迎合這些喜愛環球旅遊的年輕人,提供 6 到 12 個月的打工渡假,凡是 18 歲到 30 歲者皆可以申請。這樣一來,他們在體驗新文化的同時,也能賺取足夠的生活費用。
   在澳洲,打工渡假的方案非常成功。 1975 年第一年實行時,總共核發了兩千張的打工簽證。到 2006 時,簽證數量已經增加到 11 萬 3 千張,估計為澳洲賺近 13 億美元。開放打工的職業許多都是餐旅服務業或是幫忙收割,但有些則是與金融、醫療和教育事業有關。

標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (D) 7. (A)

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