The time-based currency offers a fairer solution to work.


 Everyone's life is precious, so why do some people—doctors, managers, or CEOs—get so much more money for their time than other people like teachers, cleaners, and garbage men? Most people say it is _(1)_ their special skills and education, but others believe this system is flawed. They believe that everyone's time is _(2)_ important, and to reflect that, they have established a different payment system: the time-based currency.
   This payment system begins with the idea that one person's time is _(3)_ as much as another person's time. Every hour of work earns one time dollar, which can be exchanged for another time dollar from someone else. _(4)_, everyone's time has exactly the same value. In the real-world economy, a gardener may have to work for three hours to be able to _(5)_ a tutor. Using a time-based currency, they simply trade an hour for an hour.
   This system allows people to exchange services _(6)_, and offers incentives to help each other when one isn't so busy, in return for help when they are. Importantly, a time-based currency _(7)_ people to do community work such as childcare, which is usually poorly paid or unpaid. Because of this, and because most schemesare localized, time banks introduce people to each other, as well as build and support communities.
   Of course, there are problems. Actually keeping the bank's records takes time and needs someone _(8)_. Also, there is little incentive for well-paid workers such as dentists to _(9)_ to the scheme, so professionalservices are not always available. _(10)_, the idea is gaining in popularity, and there are now over 50 registeredtime banks in the US, and more worldwide. With time, this currency that treats everyone as an equal will reach more people.

(A) afford (B) Even so (C) worth (D) equally (E) informs (F) due to (G) efficiently (H) As a result (I) contribute (J) encourages (K) by means of 
(L) trustworthy

  1. Most people say it is due to their special skills and education, ...
    a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is,後有名詞詞組 their special skills and education(他們的專業技能和學歷),可知空格應置入『形容詞 + 介詞』或介詞(片語)。
    b. 符合上述條件的選項有 (C) worth(值得……)、(F) due to(因為/由於……)及 (K) by means of(藉由……),然僅 due to 置入後符合語意,故選之。
    c. be due to...  由於……,因……而起
    例: The landslide was due to the heavy rains.
  2. They believe that everyone's time is equally important, ...
    a. 空格之前有 be 動詞 is,空格後有形容詞 important(重要的),可知空格應置入副詞來修飾 important。
    b. 選項中為副詞的有 (D) equally(相同地)和 (G) efficiently(有效率地),然僅 (D) 置入後符合語意,表他們認為每個人的時間都『同等』重要,可知應選 (D)。
  3. This payment system begins with the idea that one person's time is worth as much as another person's time.
    a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is,後有名詞詞組 as much as another person's time(等同於另一個人的時間),可知空格應置入『形容詞 + 介詞』或介詞(片語)。
    b. 符合上述條件的選項有 (C) worth(值得……)及 (K) by means of(藉由……),然僅 worth 置入後符合語意,故選 (C)。
    c. worth prep. 值得
    be worth + N/V-ing  值得……
    例: This CD is worth listening to again and again.
    (這張 CD 值得一聽再聽。)
  4. As a result, everyone's time has exactly the same value.
    a. 空格位於句首,後為完整的句構,可知空格內應置入首字母大寫的副詞或副詞片語。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) Even so(縱然如此)和 (H) As a result(因此、結果),然僅 (H) 置入後符合語意,故選之。
    c. As a result, S + V  因此/結果,……
    例: There was an earthquake last night. As a result, several mountain roads are now closed.
  5. In the real-world economy, a gardener may have to work for three hours to be able to afford a tutor.
    a. 空格前有不定詞 to,後有名詞詞組 a tutor(家教),可知空格內應置入原形及物動詞或及物動詞片語。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) afford(負擔的起)和 (I) contribute(貢獻),然僅 afford 置入後符合語意,表園丁或許得工作 3 小時才能夠『負擔』一名家教的費用,可知應選 (A)。
    c. afford vt. 負擔得起
    afford 通常要與助動詞 can/be able to 或 can't /be unable to 並用,而不可單獨使用,其後則可接名詞或不定詞作受詞。
    例: The trip is so expensive that the average person can't afford it.
  6. This system allows people to exchange services efficiently, and offers incentives to help each other...
    a. 空格前為完整的句構,可知空格內應置入副詞。
    b. (G) efficiently(有效率地)為副詞,置入後亦符合語意,表這個系統讓人『有效率地』交換服務,故選之。
    c. efficiently adv. 有效率地
    例: She runs the office very efficiently.
  7. Importantly, a time-based currency encourages people to do community work such as childcare, ...
    a. 空格前有名詞詞組 a time-based currency(時間貨幣),後有名詞 people(人們),可知空格內應置入第三人稱單數的及物動詞或及物動詞片語。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (E) informs(告知)和 (J) encourages(鼓勵)。但 inform 接受詞後通常與介詞 of 並用,形成 "inform sb of sth"(告知某人某事)之用法,而空格後為介詞 to,故 (E) 用法不合而不可選。encourages 置入後符合語意及用法,故選 (J)。
    c. encourage sb to V  鼓勵某人……
    例: The teacher encourages her students to practice their French with each other.
  8. Actually keeping the bank's records takes time and needs someone trustworthy.
    a. 空格前有不定代名詞 someone(某人),可知空格內應置入形容詞作後位修飾。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅有 (L) trustworthy(可靠的,可信的),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
    c. trustworthy a. 可靠的,可信的
    例: I consider Ben a trustworthy man.
  9. Also, there is little incentive for well-paid workers such as dentists to contribute to the scheme, ...
    a. 空格前有不定詞 to,後有介詞 to,可知空格內應置入原形不及物動詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (I) contribute(貢獻),置入後符合語意,並與 to 形成下列用法:
    contribute to...  貢獻……
    例: Although insects are annoying, they contribute to the food chain in many ways.

    c. 根據上述,可知應選 (I)。
  10. Even so, the idea is gaining in popularity, and there are now over 50 registered time banks in the US, and more worldwide.
    a. 空格位於句首,後為完整的句構,可知空格內應置入首字母大寫的副詞或副詞片語。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (B) Even so(縱然如此),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
    c. Even so, S + V  縱然如此,……
    例: The weather was bad. Even so, we enjoyed our trip.

  1. flawed a. 有缺點的
    flawless a. 無暇的,完美的
    flaw n. 缺點,瑕疵
    例: James played a flawless game, but his team still lost.
    例: There was an apparent flaw in their approach to the mission.
  2. reflect vt. 反映;反射 & vi. 反省;思考
    reflect on/upon...  反省……;仔細考慮……
    例: The lake reflected the sunlight.
    例: You need to spend some time reflecting on your future.
  3. exchange vt. & n. 交換,交易
    be exchanged for...  用來交換……
    exchange A for B  以 A 交換 B
    = trade A for B
    in exchange for...  換取/交換……
    例: Mark exchanged his sweater for a new pair of pants.
    例: I gave Tom my watch in exchange for his fountain pen.
  4. incentive n. 刺激,誘因
    例: John has a strong incentive to learn English.
  5. in return for...  以回報……
    例: Is there anything I can do in return for your help?
  6. introduce A to B  將 A 介紹給 B 
    例: Don't worry. I will introduce you to my boss later.
  7. available a. 可用的;可得到的
    例: Are there any seats available on the afternoon flight?

  1. precious a. 珍貴的
  2. CEO = chief executive officer  執行長
  3. establish vt. 建立,設立
    set up...
  4. payment n. 付款,支付
  5. time-based a. 以時間為基礎的
  6. currency n. 貨幣
  7. gardener n. 園丁
  8. tutor n. 家教老師
  9. poorly adv. 不好地,糟糕地
  10. unpaid a. 無報酬的
  11. scheme n. 計劃,方案
  12. localized a. 地區的,局部的
  13. professional a. 專業的,職業性的
  14. registered a. 註冊的,登記的

  1. keep the/a record  做紀錄
  2. gain in popularity  受到歡迎,開始流行
  3. with time  假以時日,逐漸地

   這種支付系統出自一個概念,就是一個人的時間價值等同於另一個人的時間。工作一小時,就能賺得一小時的時間貨幣,得以和別人的時間貨幣交換。因此,每個人的時間都具有相同的價值。但在真正的經濟體系裡,一名園丁或許得工作 3 小時才能夠負擔一名家教的費用;而使用時間貨幣,他們只需要互相以一小時交換即可。
   當然,這套系統有自身的問題。銀行做記錄需要花時間,也得由可靠的人來執行。而對於像是牙醫等高收入的人來說,他們願意參與這項方案的誘因較低,也造成專業服務的不足。即使如此,這種想法正蔚為風潮,在美國已有 50 多家登記註冊的時間銀行,世界上許多國家也加入這個行列。假以時日,這種能平等對待每個人的貨幣將深入更多人的生活角落。

標準答案: 1. (F) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (H) 5. (A) 6. (G) 7. (J) 8. (L) 9. (I) 10. (B)

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