Food banks can help feed those in need.

 Despite its economic success, some 38 million Americans have a hard time getting enough to eat each day. Soup kitchens have provided free meals for many years, but these places can only help a small section of town, and a lot of the leftover food goes to waste. To _(1)_ the needs of a hungry nation and to fight famine, the first food bank opened in the 1960s.
   John van Hengel was a retired businessman who enjoyed spending his free time _(2)_ at his local soup kitchen. He started to use his former work experience to increase the donations for food at the soup kitchen. Van Hengel soon found that oftentimes, people's generosity was greater than the needs of his small community, and _(3)_ his soup kitchen had too much food. About the same time, someone mentioned to van Hengel that every day, supermarkets were _(4)_ food that was edible but couldn't be sold. Van Hengel decided to organizethe different charities, supermarkets, and nearby farms together, _(5)_ all the food in the first food bank. This bank would then offer the food to soup kitchens and homeless _(6)_ all over the city.    _(7)_ van Hengel's work, in 1976 his food bank became a nationwide non-profit organization. Today, food banks in countries all over the world follow this model to help the hungry no matter where they live.
1. (A) carry (B) hold (C) meet (D) gain
2. (A) purchasing (B) consuming (C) exercising (D) volunteering
3. (A) smoothly (B) amazingly (C) mistakenly (D) urgently
4. (A) counting on(B) throwing away (C) running out of (D) falling short of
5. (A) gathering (B) gathered     (C) gathers (D) to gather
6. (A) habitats (B) properties (C) shelters (D) monuments
7. (A) As with (B) Except for (C) Prior to (D) Because of

 To meet the needs of a hungry nation and to fight famine, the first food bank opened in the 1960s.

  1. 理由:
    a. 本空格測試以下固定用法:
    meet the needs of...  符合/滿足……的需求
    例: We hope to meet the needs of all our customers.

    b. 根據上述,可知應選 (C)。
  2. John van Hengel...enjoyed spending his free time volunteering at his local soup kitchen.
    a. (A) purchase vt. 購買
    例: Jason recently purchased a large tract of land in the mountains.

    (B) consume vt. 消耗;吃喝
    (C) exercise vi. 運動,鍛鍊
    (D) volunteer vi. 自願,當志工
    例: More women than men volunteer at this children's hospital.

    b. 空格後為一地方副詞片語 at his local soup kitchen(在當地的食品救助所),可知空格應置入不及物動詞,故 (A)、 (B) 不可選,而 (C) 置入後語意不符,可知應選 (D)。
  3. ..., people's generosity was greater than the needs of his small community, and amazingly his soup kitchen had too much food.
    a. (A) smoothly adv. 順利地,平順地
    (B) amazingly adv. 令人驚異地
    例: Amazingly, this kind of plant only blossoms once every 10 years.
    (令人驚異地,這種植物每 10 年才開一次花。)

    (C) mistakenly adv. 錯誤地
    例: The chef mistakenly added sugar to the soup.

    (D) urgently adv. 急迫地
    例: A good teacher was urgently needed at that school.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。
  4. About the same time, someone mentioned to van Hengel that every day, supermarkets were throwing away food that was edible but couldn't be sold.
    a. (A) count on...  依賴/信賴……
    = depend on...
    = rely on...
    例: John is a man of his word, so we can count on him for help.

    (B) throw away...  丟掉……
    例: The toothbrush was worn out, so I threw it away.

    (C) run out of...  用光……
    例: My scooter ran out of gas on the way to the amusement park.

    (D) fall short of...  未達到……(目標、期望等)
    例: Edward's performance in the speech contest fell short of my expectations.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。
  5. Van Hengel decided to organize the different charities, supermarkets, and nearby farms together,gathering all the food in the first food bank.
    a. 空格前已有動詞 decided(決定),得知空格內若置 (B) gathered 或 (C) gathers,則 decided 與 gathered 或 gathers 兩個動詞間並無連接詞連接,是錯誤的用法,故兩者皆不可選。
    b. 一句中有兩個動詞同時存在,彼此間有逗點相隔而無連接詞時,則第二個動詞要變成現在分詞,本句動詞 decided 及 gathered 之間無連接詞連接,但有逗點相隔,因此第二個動詞應改為現在分詞 gathering,故 (A) 為正選。
    例: Al goes jogging every morning, hoping that it will help him lose some weight.
    c. 不定詞 to 加原形動詞可表目的,但使用時前面不可有逗點,故 (D) to gather 亦不可選。
    例: Jim went to America to visit his best friend.
  6. This bank would then offer the food to soup kitchens and homeless shelters all over the city.
    a. (A) habitat n.(動物的)棲息地
    (B) property n. 財產
    personal/private property  私有財產
    (C) shelter n. 避難所(可數)& 遮蔽,庇護(不可數)
    homeless shelters  遊民收容所
    seek/take shelter  尋求遮蔽/庇護
    例: It's raining hard. Let's take shelter in that temple over there.

    (D) monument n. 紀念碑
    例: They set up a monument to honor the fallen soldiers.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。
  7. Because of van Hengel's work, in 1976 his food bank became a nationwide non-profit organization.
    a. (A) as with...  如同/就像……
    例: As with all of the girls he's dated, Ryan's new girlfriend is a model.

    (B) except for...  除了……之外
    例: Except for the piano, everything in the store is for sale.

    (C) prior to...  (時間)在……之前
    例: Prior to the accident, Mary was in perfect health. Now, she has trouble walking.

    (D) because of...  由於/因為……
    = as a result of...
    = on account of...
    = owing to...
    = due to...
    例: The baseball game was postponed because of the bad weather.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。

  1. despite prep. 儘管
    = in spite of...
    despite the fact + that 子句  雖然/儘管……
    = in spite of the fact + that 子句
    例: Despite his many hardships, Jim finally succeeded in becoming an astronaut.
    例: Laura went to the party despite the fact that she had not been invited.
  2. have a hard time + V-ing  做……有困難
    = have problems + V-ing
    = have trouble + V-ing
    = have difficulty + V-ing
    例: Nina usually has a hard time getting her car started in the morning.
  3. go to waste  被浪費掉
    例: If you don't eat these eggs today, they will go to waste.
  4. spend vt. 花費(時間或金錢)
    spend + 時間/金錢 + V-ing  花……(時間/金錢)從事……
    例: It's worthless to spend so much time playing video games.
  5. offer sth to sb  提供某物給某人
    = offer sb sth
    例: Hank offered his seat to the elderly woman.
  6. non-profit a. 非營利的
    profit n. 利潤,收益 & vi. 獲益
    profit from...  從……中獲益
    例: The project was a success because it yielded a huge profit last year.
    例: Do you think we can profit from this project?
  7. no matter + 疑問詞  不管/不論……
    例: No matter how long it takes, I am determined to get my pilot's license.

  1. soup kitchen n. 發放食物給窮人的處所
  2. section n. 區域;部分
  3. leftover a. 剩餘的,未吃完的
    leftovers n. 剩菜剩飯(恆用複數)
  4. famine n. 飢荒
  5. retired a. 退休的
  6. donation n. 捐贈
  7. oftentimes adv. 往往,常常
  8. generosity n. 慷慨
  9. edible a. 可食用的
    potable a. 可飲用的
  10. organize vt. 組織
  11. charity n. 慈善團體
  12. nearby a. 附近的
  13. nationwide a. 全國性的

  儘管美國經濟發達,境內仍有約 3 千 8 百萬的人每天難以飽食。食品救助所多年來都在提供免費食物,但這些場所只能幫助到地方上一小部分的人,而且有許多剩菜剩飯被浪費掉。為了滿足國家內飢餓的人們以及對抗飢荒,第一家食物銀行於 60 年代開張。
   John van Hengel 是一位喜歡利用空閒時間在當地食品救助所當義工的退休商人。他開始利用先前的工作經驗為食品救助所增加食物的捐獻。不久後,van Hengel 發現人們的慷凱解囊常會超出他們小社區的需求,而令人驚異地,食品救助所收到了太多的食物。大約在此同時,有人向 van Hengel 提到超市每天都會丟掉尚可食用但卻不能販售的食物。van Hengel 決定要將不同的慈善機構、超市以及附近的農場組織起來,然後將收集的食物放置在第一家食物銀行。自此食物銀行開始提供食物給城市裡所有的食品救助所和遊民收容所。
   由於 van Hengel 的努力,他的食物銀行在 1976 年變成全國性的非營利機構。今天,全球各個國家的食物銀行也循著這種模式,幫助各個角落飢餓的人們。

標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (D)

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