One man's garbage is another man's treasure.

 Do you like to save things? Most people like to keep some things of limited use around the house—childhood toys, souvenirs, tools, or items that may come in handy one day—but some people hate to throw anything out. These people are called hoarders, and in extreme cases, it can be a serious mental illness.
There are several kinds of hoarding behavior recognized by psychiatrists. The most common is simple object hoarding. _(1)_ For instance, an object hoarder will keep things that are broken or food long past its expirationdate. This garbage accumulates, usually taking up much of the space and often increasing the health risks of living in the hoarder's home. _(2)_
Other kinds of hoarding include bibliomania (藏書狂) and animal hoarding. Bibliomaniacs obsessively collect books. _(3)_ Animal hoarders collect pets and often have collections far larger than they can look after properly. Yet, like other hoarders, they are passionately attached to their collection. _(4)_
Psychologists believe that hoarding behavior is actually a natural human response because many animals also hoard food. _(5)_ Nevertheless, when this response gets out of control, it can become a real problem for the sufferer. Fortunately, hoarding is a rare condition and storing some old junk in a cupboard just in case of anemergency is perfectly normal behavior.

(A) It is hard for these animal hoarders to see that they are doing themselves and their pets harm.
(B) Object hoarders collect and keep things most people would simply throw away.
(C) However, they often collect paperbacks and end up having collections too big for them to ever actually read.
(D) Humans just extend this behavior to the tools and objects that are part of human life.
(E) Even so, hoarders will fiercely resist any attempts to dispose of their collections.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提到,最常見的囤積行為就是囤積物品(object hoarding)。
    b. (B) 選項接著說,囤積物品者(Object hoarders)會收集並保存那些會被大多數人丟掉的東西,語意連貫,且 object hoarding 和 Object hoarders 形成關聯,故選之。
    a. hoarder n. 喜歡囤積東西的人
    b. throw away.../throw...away  丟棄……
    例: The toothbrush was worn out, so I threw it away.

  2. 第二題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前提到,這些垃圾(This garbage)不斷累積,通常會佔掉家中大部分的空間,並對健康造成威脅。
    b. (E) 選項則說,即使如此,囤積物品者會強烈反抗任何丟掉自己收藏品(their collections)的意圖,前後語意連貫,其中 their collections 指的就是前一句的 This garbage,故選之。
    a. Even so, S + V  即使如此,……
    例: The weather was bad last weekend. Even so, we enjoyed our trip.

    b. fiercely adv. 強烈地;極度地
    c. resist vt. 抵抗,反抗
    例: It's hard to resist ice cream on a hot day.

    d. attempt n. 企圖,嘗試
    e. dispose of...  丟棄……;處理……
    例: It is not easy to dispose of toxic waste.

    f. collection n. 收藏品,蒐集的東西
  3. 第三題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前提到,藏書狂會瘋狂收集書本(collect books)。
    b. (C) 選項接著說,他們通常收藏平裝書,而且到頭來會因為藏書太多,他們根本沒辦法真正讀完這些書,前後語意連貫,可知 (C) 為正選。
    a. paperback n. 平裝書
    b. end up + 現在分詞  結果/到頭來……
    例: The gambler ended up losing everything.

  4. 第四題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前提到,就像其他囤積者一樣,他們(they)都非常喜愛自己的收藏(collection)。
    b. (A) 選項則說,這些動物收藏者(these animal hoarders)根本就很難了解這些行為對自己及寵物(pets)所造成的傷害,前一句的 they 就是指 these animal hoarders,而 collection 指的就是他們所養的寵物(pets),語意連貫,故選之。
    a. see + that 子句  了解……;發現……
    例: At first, I thought Jim was mean, but now I see that he is just shy.

    b. do sb harm  對某人有害
    = do harm to sb
    do sb good  對某人有好處,對某人有益
    * 無 do good to sb 的用法。
    例: Smoking will do you harm.

  5. 第五題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前提到,心理學家相信囤積行為是人類自然的反應(a natural human response),因為許多動物也會囤積食物。
    b. (D) 選項提及,人類(Humans)只是把這種行為延伸到生活週遭的工具和其他物品上,進一步解釋為何囤積行為是人類自然的反應,故選之。
    a. extend t. 擴大;延長
    例: We extended our stay in the US by two days.

    b. behavior n. 行為(不可數)
    c. tool n. 工具
    d. object n. 物體

  1. come in handy  派上用場,隨時用得到
    例: You'd better carry an umbrella with you; it will come in handy if it rains.

  2. recognize vt. 識別;認出
    例: I can hardly recognize Lucy since she has lost so much weight.
  3. expiration n. 到期,期滿
    expire vi. 到期,過期
    the expiration date  有效日期;保存期限
    例: My driver's license expires at the end of this month.

  4. accumulate vi. 累積,堆積
    例: Peter never lets his workload accumulate.

  5. take up...  佔用/佔據……(時間或空間)
    例: The project took up most of Bill's time.

  6. look after...  照顧/照料……
    例: Can you look after my dog while I'm gone?

  7. be attached to sb/sth  喜愛某人/某物
    例: Jimmy is attached to his new puppy.

  8. passionately adv. 熱情地
    passionate a. 熱情的
    be passionate about...  熱衷……,對……熱愛
    例: Mandy was passionate about painting. 
  9. response n. 反應(與介詞 to 並用)
    例: The mayor's response to the accusation of corruption was to deny everything.

  10. get out of control  失控
    例: My car went out of control and crashed into a tree this morning.

  1. compulsive a. 強迫的;強制的
  2. souvenir n. 紀念品
  3. hoarding n. 貯藏,囤積
    hoard vt. 貯藏,囤積
  4. psychiatrist n. 精神病學家
  5. bibliomania n. 藏書癖
  6. bibliomaniac n. 有藏書癖的人
  7. obsessively adv. 過度地;著魔地
  8. properly adv. 恰當地
  9. cupboard n. 櫥櫃
  10. emergency n. 緊急情況
  11. perfectly adv. 完全地;絕對地

  1. in extreme cases  在極端的案例/情形下
  2. in case of...  萬一/倘若……


標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (E) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D)

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