A controversial new idea says that the best diet for you might depend on what blood type you have.

A fairly new theory about diet and health has attracted a lot of attention, both negative and positive. This is sometimes called "the blood type diet." _(1)_ But before we continue, here is a warning: the ideas behind this diet are controversial, and many people believe that this approach to dieting is completely wrong. Still, it's interesting to think about how the blood type diet might lead to something useful if more research is done.
   It has long been known that there are different types of blood: O, A, B, and AB. _(2)_ Peter D'Adamo, aphysician, thinks that lectins (凝集素), a kind of protein in foods, react differently with each blood type. D'Adamo published his ideas in a book called Eat Right for Your Type. _(3)_ Having a healthy diet could be as simple asfiguring out what kind of food is best for your blood. D'Adamo also explains what he thinks each type shouldinclude in their diet. People who have blood type O should eat a higher protein diet. Type A is healthiest with lots of vegetables instead of meat. _(4)_
   It certainly is an interesting idea, and there are always new things we can learn about our bodies and our health. However, don't go changing your diet to match your blood type just yet. _(5)_ It's important to have your approach to health based on good ideas and solid research.

(A) Type B can eat a lot of dairy products, and type AB does best with a diet somewhere in between type A andB.
(B) If he's right, then maybe different people need different diets according to their blood type.
(C) Many scientists and doctors have written about D'Adamo's research, saying that his conclusions can't be trusted at all.
(D) The man behind the theory believes that people with different blood types should eat differently for optimumhealth.
(E) This is important when someone needs a blood transfusion because doctors have to be sure that the blood they give a patient matches the patient's type.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前兩句提到,一種相當新穎的飲食和健康理論吸引了許多毀譽參半的注意。這項理論有時被稱作『血型飲食法』("the blood type diet")。
    b. (D) 選項提及,提出這個理論的人,相信不同血型(blood types)的人應該有不同的飲食方式來達到最高的健康效益,語意連貫,且選項中的 blood types 為關鍵字,故選之。
    a. blood type n. 血型
    b. differently adv. 不同地
    c. optimum a. 最理想的
    例: To ensure optimum performance, get a good night's sleep the day before the exam.

  2. 第二題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前提到,長久以來,我們都知道有 O、A、B 和 AB 這些不同的血型。
    b. (E) 選項提及,血型很重要,因為當有人需要輸血時,醫生必須確定輸給病人的血液符合病人的血型,進一步補充有關血型的資訊,故選之。
    a. transfusion n. 輸血,輸液
    blood transfusion  輸血
    b. match vt. 相稱,相配
    例: The recruiter's job is to match an applicant's skills with the right job.

  3. 第三題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前兩句提到,彼得•戴德蒙認為凝集素與不同的血型會產生不同的化學反應(lectins...react differently with each blood type)。戴德蒙集結自己的理論,出版了《吃對血型》一書。
    b. (B) 選項說,如果他的理論正確,那麼根據血型,不同的人需要不同的飲食方式,此處的理論就是指 lectins...react differently with each blood type 這件事,置入後語意連貫,故選之。
    a. diet n. 飲食;節食 & vi. 按規定進食
    b. according to...  根據……
    例: According to what I've heard, Joseph must be a good teacher.

  4. 第四題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前兩句提到,O 型血的人應該攝取蛋白質較高的食物;用大量的蔬菜取代肉類則對 A 型血的人最為健康。
    b. (A) 選項說,B 型血的人可以食用大量的乳製品,而最適合 AB 血型的飲食方式則介於 A 和 B 型血之間,接續介紹不同血型所最適合的飲食方式,語意連貫,故選之。
    a. dairy products  乳製品
    dairy a. 乳品(業)的
    b. in between A and B  介於 A 和 B 之間
    例: The state of Pennsylvania is roughly in between New York and Ohio.

  5. 第五題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前提到,不過用不著現在就依照自己的血型改變飲食習慣(don't go changing your diet to match your blood type just yet)。
    b. (C) 選項接著說,許多科學家和醫生就戴德蒙的理論寫出相關評論,指出戴德蒙的結論根本不足以採信(his conclusions can't be trusted at all),進一步說明戴德蒙的理論並未得到科學家和醫生的支持,提醒讀者不需現在就採納,故選之。
    a. conclusion n. 結論
    come to the conclusion + that 子句  達成/得到……的結論
    = reach the conclusion + that 子句
    例: The committee came to the conclusion that the plan was not feasible.

    * feasible a. 可行的
    b. not...at all  一點也不……
    = not at all...
    例: The movie was not entertaining at all.

  1. attract a lot of attention  吸引眾多注意
    attract one's attention  引起某人的注意
    例: Catherine's beauty always attracts people's attention.

  2. controversial a. 有爭議的
    例: The origins of the human race can be a controversial subject.

  3. approach n. 方法(其後通常與介詞 to 並用)
    例: For me, the best approach to meeting strangers is just saying hello.

  4. react with...  與……產生化學反應
    react to...  對……起反應
    react vi. 反應(與介詞 to 並用)
    例: How did the boss react to my proposal?

  5. figure out...  理解/想出……
    例: Jim couldn't figure out why his parents would decide to get a divorce.

  6. be based on/upon...  根據……
    例: This book is based upon my childhood.

  1. fairly adv. 相當地
  2. negative a. 負面的
  3. positive a. 正面的
  4. physician n. 內科醫師
    surgeon n. 外科醫師
  5. lectin n. 凝集素
  6. protein n. 蛋白質
  7. include vt. 包含
  8. solid a. 穩固的,牢靠的

   長久以來,我們都知道有 O、A、B 和 AB 這些不同的血型。血型很重要,因為當有人需要輸血時,醫生必須確定輸給病人的血液符合病人的血型。彼得•戴德蒙是位內科醫師,他認為凝集素,也就是一種食物中的蛋白質,與不同的血型會產生不同的化學反應。戴德蒙集結自己的理論,出版了《吃對血型》一書。如果他的理論正確,那麼根據血型,不同的人需要不同的飲食方式。想要吃得健康相當簡單,只要找出最有利於自身血型的食物即可。戴德蒙也說明他認為每種血型所應該含括的飲食。O 型血的人應該攝取蛋白質較高的食物;用大量蔬菜取代肉類則對 A 型血的人最為健康。B 型血的人則可以食用大量的乳製品,而最適合 AB 血型的飲食方式則介於 A 和 B 型血之間。
  標準答案: 1. (D) 2. (E) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C)

For Your Information ]
根據彼得•戴德蒙醫生的理論,O 型血的人適合攝取動物性高蛋白質的食物,但最好避免大量含碳水化合物的食物,尤其是麵包。A 型血的人應多食用蔬菜、豆腐、黃豆製品和穀類等,而因為消化系統敏感、胃酸不足,不易消化肉類,若進食大量脂肪,容易將脂肪囤積體內。B 型血的人則體質需要有卡路里的奶類食物,故應該多攝取此類食物;AB 型血的人消化系統適合消化肉類,但不宜過量,且食用肉類時,要與蔬菜及豆類一起進食才能提高新陳代謝,亦可以多吃蛋白質豐富的魚蟹類、蛋及奶類。

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