There's a good chance you've never heard of canoe polo.

This summer at the World Games, many people might see or attend a canoe polo match for the first time in Taiwan. It's fairly simple to understand because it's a lot like water polo_(1)_ canoe polo is played using small boats on an indoor or outdoor pool. There are two teams with five players each, and the teams score points by getting the ball in the opponent's net. The _(2)_ is that the players aren't swimming like they do in water polo. They are each in a small kayak, which is _(3)_ a canoe in most countries. Kayaks are narrow boats in which one pers on sits very low in the water. Because of their shape and size, kayaks are _(4)_ for maneuvering quickly.
   Canoe polo _(5)_ an exciting, splash-filled game. Players use their paddles to hit or block the ball while _(6)_ team is trying to score. The paddle can also be used to protect the net if an opponent goes for a goal. However, most of the action _(7)_ players throwing and catching the ball because they can only hold on to it for five seconds. It might not be a familiar sport to many people in Taiwan, but once you see canoe polo for yourself, you will realize it offers players and viewers boatloads of fun.

1. (A) despite that (B) except that (C) so that (D) now that
2. (A) purpose (B) similarity (C) variety (D) difference
3. (A) considered (B) criticized (C) regarded (D) referred
4. (A) sincere   (B) capable     (C) ideal (D) anxious
5. (A) picks on   (B) takes after (C) calls off (D) makes for
6. (A) other   (B) the other (C) another (D) one another
7. (A) involves   (B) involves with (C) is involved (D) is involved in


  1. It's fairly simple to understand because it's a lot like water polo except that canoe polo is played using small boats on an indoor or outdoor pool.
    a. (A) 無 "despite + that 子句" 的用法。despite 是介詞,其後不可直接接 that 子句作受詞,而須先在其後加 the fact,然後再接 that 子句,此 that 子句乃其前 the fact 的同位語。
    despite the fact + that 子句  儘管/雖然……
    例: Despite the fact that they got married, they still live separately.

    (B) except that + S + V  除了……以外
    例: My new computer is just like my old one except that it has more memory.

    (C) so that + S + V  如此……,以便……
    = in order that + S + V
    例: We should leave now so that we won't miss the beginning of the movie.

    (D) now that + S + V  既然/現在……
    例: Now that you've found out the truth, what will you do next?

    b. 根據語意及用法,可知應選 (B)。
  2. The difference is that the players aren't swimming like they do in water polo.
    a. (A) purpose n. 目的,意圖
    for the purpose of...  為了……的目的
    例: The meeting was held for the purpose of electing a new chairman.

    (B) similarity n. 相似(點)
    (C) variety n. 變化,多樣化
    (D) difference n. 差別,差異
    the difference between A and B  A 與 B 之間的不同/差異
    例: Can you tell the difference between a frog and a toad?

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。
  3. They are each in a small kayak, which is considered a canoe in most countries.
    a. (A) be considered (to be) + N/adj.  被視為……
    例: Anthony is considered to be an expert on information technology.

    (B) criticize vt. 批評
    (C) be regarded as...  被視為……
    = be seen/viewed as...
    = be looked upon/thought of as...
    例: Bach is regarded as one of the greatest composers ever.

    (D) refer vi. 指;稱
    be referred to as...  被稱為……
    例: Taiwan was referred to as Formosa by Portuguese sailors.

    b. 根據語意及用法,可知應選 (A)。
  4. Because of their shape and size, kayaks are ideal for maneuvering quickly.
    a. (A) sincere a. 真誠的,衷心的
    (B) capable a. 有能力的
    be capable of + V-ing  有能力做……
    例: Larry is capable of holding his breath underwater for two minutes.

    (C) ideal a. 理想的
    be ideal for...  對……而言很理想/適合
    例: The game is ideal for children to play.

    (D) anxious a. 焦慮的;渴望的
    be anxious for...  渴望……
    例: The old man is anxious for a chance to see his children again.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。
  5. Canoe polo makes for an exciting, splash-filled game.
    a. (A) pick on sb  找某人麻煩
    例: The three girls picked on Sue every day at the bus stop.
    (那 3 個女孩每天在公車站都會找蘇的麻煩。)

    (B) take after sb  長得像某人
    例: Cathy takes after her grandmother.

    (C) call off...  取消……
    例: Andy called off the wedding after he had a big fight with Beth.

    (D) make for...  造成……
    例: Candlelight and soft music can make for a romantic evening.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。
  6. Players use their paddles to hit or block the ball while the other team is trying to score.
    a. (A) other 表『其他的』,前面若無定冠詞 the 時,通常要接複數名詞,故不可選。
    (B) the other 用來表示限定兩者中的『另一個』,常見的用法如下:
    one...the other...  一個……另一個……
    例: He has two sons. One is a lawyer, and the other is a doctor. 

    (C) another 表示『另一個』,常見的用法如下:
    one...another...  一個……另一個……(用於非限定的兩者)
    例: Everyone has a favorite season. One might like summer, while another enjoys winter.

    (D) one another  彼此,互相
    b. 從第一段可知,輕艇水球的參賽隊伍為兩支,而此句的前半段已有 Players 表示其中一隊的成員,因此空格應選 (B) the other 來表示兩個限定隊伍中的另一隊。
  7. However, most of the action involves players throwing and catching the ball...
    a. involve vt. 包含,需要;牽涉
    be involved in...  涉入/參與……
    例: Training for a marathon involves exercising and eating right.
    例: Jack has been involved in a top-secret government project for three years.
    (傑克參與一項高度機密的政府計劃已有 3 年。)

    b. 根據上述,(B) 和 (C) 置入後不合文法,故不可選。而根據語意,可知應選 (A)。

  1. fairly adv. 相當地
    例: Vanessa speaks Mandarin fairly well.

  2. score vt. & vi. 得分 & n. 得分;比數
    score a point  得一分
    例: It will be hard to score points without Bobby on the team.
    例: What was the final score of the basketball game?

  3. maneuver vi.(巧妙地)移動/操作
    例: The sports car was able to maneuver in and out of traffic quickly.

  4. block vt. 阻擋;堵住
    例: The overturned truck blocked the road for two hours.

  5. protect vt. 保護
    protect sb/sth from + V-ing  保護某人/某物免於……
    例: It's the responsibility of all parents to protect their children from being hurt.
  6. hold on to...  緊緊握住……,抓牢……
    例: The old lady held on to the railing as she walked down the stairs.

  7. familiar a. 熟悉的
    be familiar to sb  對某人而言很熟悉
    be familiar with sb/sth  熟悉某人/某物
    例: This story is familiar to most students in Taiwan.
    例: I'm still not familiar with the roads around my new apartment.

  1. boatload n. 船的載貨量;許多
    a boatload of...  一船的……
  2. canoe polo n. 輕艇水球
    canoe n. 獨木舟
    polo n. 馬球
  3. water polo n. 水球
  4. opponent n. 對手
  5. kayak n. 小皮艇,輕型獨木舟
  6. splash-filled  充滿水花的,水花四濺的
    splash n. 濺潑聲
  7. paddle n. 槳
  8. goal n.(足球、曲棍球等)得分
    go for a goal  爭取得分
    score a goal  得一分

  今年夏天的世界運動會裡,可能是許多人第一次在台灣看見或參與輕艇水球的競賽。這項競賽的方法很容易理解,因為它很像水球運動,只不過在室內或戶外水池中進行的輕艇水球是使用小船。兩隊的隊員各有 5 位,每一隊得分的方式就是將球打進對方的網子裡。不同之處在於參賽者並不像在水球運動時得游泳比賽。每位參賽者獨自坐在輕艇(kayak)中,不過在大多數國家中,則是稱之為獨木舟(canoe)。輕艇是種狹小的船,只能容納一人坐進低於水位的船身中。由於其形狀及大小,輕艇是讓人快速移動和操作的理想工具。
   輕艇水球是個刺激又水花四濺的運動。當另一隊試圖要得分時,隊員就會使用他們的槳去打擊或阻攔球。當對手想得分時,槳也可以被用來保護網子。不過,因為球在每位隊員手上的時間只能有 5 秒,所以大部分的動作都是隊員相互傳球和接球。對許多在台灣的人而言,這或許不是項熟悉的運動,但只要你親自看過輕艇水球競賽,你就會了解它帶給參賽者和觀賽者的無限歡樂。

標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (A)

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