Scientists are coming up with new findings about brain-boosting colors.

 On the final day of any golf tournament that he is involved in, Tiger Woods wears a favorite red shirt. Over the years, Woods has realized that red signifies power, dominance, and enthusiasm. _(1)_
   Now, scientists are catching up with Tiger Woods' way of thinking, but they are also studying different colors. Red is associated with ambulances, stop signs, and danger, so people usually want to avoid red. Scientists knew from previous studies that red provoked an interest in food and sexual activity. _(2)_ On the other hand, blue has always been known as a calming color. Recently, it was found to help people be more explorative or creative. _(3)_
   Professors tested 600 people to figure out if their performances varied when they were shown the colors red, blue, or white. _(4)_ The red group could remember things better and performed at a higher level withspellchecking and punctuation. The blue group exceeded the red group at making creative uses for a brick or creating toys from shapes. There wasn't a noticeable difference with the white group.
   It seems as though others have known for years what scientists are now just figuring out. _(5)_ Also, creative people have long known that one room in their house or apartment needs to be blue to stimulate their minds.

(A) This is because most people associate blue with oceans, the sky, or other safe places.
(B) For example, many of the walls in The New York Times' editorial department are painted tomato-can red.
(C) Participants performed tasks with words or images displayed against colored backgrounds.
(D) But now, they believe that people perform better on detail- or performance-oriented tasks if they are promptedby the color red.
(E) Consciously or unconsciously, he uses this to his advantage because when Woods is wearing red, he is nearly impossible to beat.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前提及,多年來,伍茲(Woods)發現紅色(red)代表力量、掌控和熱情。
    b. (E) 選項中提到,不管是有意還是無意,老虎伍茲(Woods)利用這點作為利器,因為當他穿著紅色衣服(red)時,幾乎無人能敵,語意連貫,且前後皆有關鍵字 Woods 和 red,故選之。
    a. consciously adv. 有意識地
    b. unconsciously adv. 下意識地
    c. to one's advantage  對某人有利
    例: Whatever John does, he does it to his advantage.

    d. beat vt. 打敗,勝過
    例: Eric teamed up with Carl and beat their opponents at tennis.

  2. 第二題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前說,科學家從先前的研究得知紅色(red)能激起人們對食物和性方面的興趣。
    b. (D) 選項提到,但現在他們相信,人們在從事需要注重細節或表現取向的項目時,紅色(red)能激發他們的表現,進一步說明紅色對人的影響,且前後亦皆有關鍵字 red,故 (D) 為正選。
    a. detail-oriented a. 注重細節的
    performance-oriented a. 注重表現的
    -oriented a. 以……為導向的,重視……的
    例: Walt Disney produces family-oriented movies.

    b. prompt vt. 促使,激勵
    prompt sb to V  促使/激勵某人(做)……
    例: The wave of murders prompted the mayor to hire 100 new police officers.
    (一連串的謀殺事件促使該市長多聘請 100 名警察來支援。)
  3. 第三題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前提及,最近的研究發現藍色(blue)能讓人更具冒險精神和創造力。
    b. (A) 選項進一步說,這是因為大多人數一想到藍色(blue)就會聯想到海洋、天空,或是其他安全的地方,解釋前一句為何藍色對人有如此的影響,語意連貫,故選之。
    associate A with B  將 A 與 B 聯想在一起
    例: Most people associate Paris with fashion.
  4. 第四題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前說,多名教授測試了 600 位民眾,看看受測者的表現是否會隨著看見紅色、藍色或白色(red, blue, or white)而有所不同。
    b. (C) 選項接著說,測試的項目會有不同的顏色背景(colored backgrounds),受測者便在這種情況下進行文字或圖像測試,語意連貫,且選項中的 colored backgrounds 和前一句中的 red, blue, or white 相呼應,故選之。
    a. participant n. 參與者
    b. display vt. 陳列,展出
    例: The artist proudly displayed his pottery.

    c. background n. 背景
  5. 第五題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及,看來其他人早就知道科學家現在發現的測試結果,後一句則說到,有創意的人都知道,家裡一定要有間漆成藍色的房間以助腦力激盪。
    b. (B) 選項提到,舉例來說,《紐約時報》編輯部許多面牆壁被漆成如蕃茄罐頭般的紅色,置入後語意連貫,與空格後一句皆在舉例說明,對科學家現在發現的測試結果,其他人不僅早就知道,而且行之多年,故 (B) 為正選。
    a. editorial a. 編輯的
    b. tomato-can a. 蕃茄罐頭的
    tomato can  蕃茄罐頭

  1. be involved in...  參與……;牽涉……
    例: Linda has been involved in three car accidents in the last two months.
    (過去兩個月來,琳達牽扯進 3 起車禍中。)

  2. signify vt. 表示;有……的意思
    例: This ring signifies my love for you.

  3. catch up with...  迎頭趕上……
    例: If you don't study harder, you'll never catch up with us.

  4. be associated with...  與……有關聯;與……有所聯想
    例: English countrysides are associated with magnificent gardens.

  5. provoke vt. 激起;誘導
    例: Tom provoked Bill into hitting him by calling him bad names.

  6. vary vi. 變化,改變
    vary  從……到……有所不同
    例: My collection of books varies from historical novels to science fiction.
    例: Customs vary from country to country.

  7. exceed vt. 勝過;超過
    例: His success in business exceeds his father's.

  8. noticeable a. 顯著的
    例: Under Mrs. Wang's guidance, Peter made noticeable progress.

  9. stimulate vt. 刺激,激勵
    例: The company tried to stimulate sales of their new product by advertising on the radio.

  1. tournament n. 比賽
  2. dominance n. 優勢;支配(地位)
  3. enthusiasm n. 熱情
  4. ambulance n. 救護車
  5. previous a. 先前的
  6. calming a. 令人平靜的
  7. explorative a. 探險的
  8. spellchecking n. 拼字檢查
  9. punctuation n. 標點符號
  10. brick n. 積木;磚塊

  1. on the other hand  另一方面來說
  2. figure out...  想出/理解……

   多名教授測試了 600 位民眾,看看受測者的表現是否會隨著看見紅色、藍色或白色而有所不同。測試的項目會有不同的顏色背景,受測者便在這種情況下進行文字或圖像測試。紅色背景的那組在記憶、拼字校正和標點符號方面有較佳的表現。而藍色背景那組在使用積木的創意和利用各種形狀製作玩具上,表現比紅組來得優異。白色背景那組則無明顯的差異。

標準答案: 1. (E) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (B)

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