Modern forensic science has its roots in China.

Forensic science is familiar to most viewers of popular TV shows like CSI or Law and Order, but it has always had a role in real police work. Although these days the term suggests high-tech laboratory work, the use of science in law cases has a much longer history.
   The word forensics is from Latin, and it means "in front of a forum." Since the Roman legal system used groups of people—forums—as juries, the word came to mean legal proof. Forensic science is therefore science used to prove a legal case. However, the first discussion of forensic techniques comes not from Rome, but from Ancient China.
   Around AD 1250, a Chinese doctor called Song Ci put together a book called Collected Cases of Injustice Rectified. It included information on how to examine corpses to find cause of death and gave examples of how the close examination of details helped to solve crimes. The most famous story is that of the sickle murder, in which an investigator solved a murder case by examining the suspects' sharp farming tools. Used for many tasks, such dangerous blades were very common in ancient China. Therefore, their presence alone wasn't enough evidence to identify the murderer. However, on a hot day, flies were attracted to the residual traces of blood on a single weapon, showing who the murderer was.
   These days, forensic science uses far more advanced techniques. For example, when a gun is used,ballistics can identify the type of gun and even the individual weapon from the markings on bullets. Song Ci would not recognize the equipment in a modern crime laboratory. Even so, he would recognize the same principles of forensic science—attention to detail and careful scientific analysis—being used to help bring the guilty to justice.

1. Why does the word forensics mean legal proof?
(A) It's rooted in Latin.
(B) Things needed to be proven "in front of groups of people."
(C) Song Ci invented the word in his first book.
(D) Romans changed the meaning of the word to fit in with their culture.

2. The word corpse in the third paragraph means _____.
(A) a criminal (B) a crime scene
(C) a dead body (D) a weapon used for murder

3. According to the article, why would Song Ci understand modern forensic science?
(A) The technology he used back then hasn't changed over the years.
(B) He believed forensic science was an important method for finding criminals.
(C) He's been a consultant for many of these TV shows.
(D) He could see into the future.

  1. be familiar to sb  對某人而言很熟悉
    be familiar with...  熟悉……
    例: This song is familiar to me, but I just can't think of the title.
    例: I'm still not familiar with the roads around my new apartment.
  2. suggest vt. 使人聯想到
    例: The cloud suggests a butterfly to me.
  3. discussion n. 討論;談論
    under discussion  在討論之中
    例: This subject is still under discussion; we'll make a decision tomorrow.

  4. put together...  (通過收集資料)整理出……
    例: After years of writing for magazines, John finally put together a book of short stories.

  5. examine vt. 檢查
    例: The engineer put on his gloves to examine the machine.

  6. detail n. 細節
    in detail  詳細地
    = at length
    例: The teacher asked the student to answer the question in detail.

  7. suspect n. 嫌疑犯 & vt. 懷疑
    suspect sb of V-ing  懷疑某人(做)……
    例: We suspected Gary of stealing the money.

  8. identify vt. 識別,辨別
    例: Can you please identify which bag is yours?

  9. be attracted to...  被……吸引
    = be drawn to...
    例: Flies are attracted to bright lights.

  10. trace n. 痕跡,蹤跡
    disappear without a trace  消失得無影無蹤
    = vanish without a trace
    * vanish vi. 消失
    例: The man disappeared without a trace after committing several murders.
  11. recognize vt. 認出;明白
    例: The singer disguised herself for fear that her fans might recognize her.

  12. bring sb to justice  使某人受審,將某人繩之以法
    justice n. 公平,正義
    例: The murderer must be arrested and brought to justice.

  13. be rooted in...  起源於……
    例: The chaos of the city's traffic is rooted in poor planning and overpopulation.

  14. fit in with...  與……相符;適應/融入……
    例: Jimmy's description did not fit in with what I had witnessed.
    例: Linda can't fit in with her new classmates.
  15. see into...  看穿……
    例: The woman said if I paid her NT$300, she could see into the future and tell me my fortune.
    (那位婦人說如果我付她 300 元台幣,她就能透視未來並跟我說我的命運。)


  對於經常收看熱門影集《CSI 犯罪現場》和《法網風雲》的觀眾來說,鑑識科學一點也不陌生,但在真實的警察工作中,它扮演著一定的角色。雖然現在鑑識科學讓人聯想到與高科技有關的實驗室工作,但這門學問運用在法律案件上已有長久的歷史。
forensics(鑑識學)源自拉丁文,表『在論壇前』。因為羅馬的法治體系使用一群人(forum)來做陪審團,forensics 後來便有法定證據之意。因此鑑識科學就是用來查驗法律案件的科學。但是首次關於鑑識技巧的討論並非來自羅馬,而是中國古代。
大約西元 1250 年的時候,一位名叫宋慈的中國大夫集結出了一本《洗冤集錄》。這本書含括了如何檢驗屍體以找出死因的資料,並附上實例說明詳實的檢驗細節如何幫助破案。其中最著名的故事便是一起鐮刀謀殺案,調查員靠著檢驗嫌犯的銳利農具,使得謀殺案水落石出。鐮刀這種危險的刀具常作為許多用途,在中國古代極為常見。因此單單這項物品並不足以成為確認兇手的證據。然而,大熱天中,兇器上殘留的血跡會引來蒼蠅,讓真正的兇手現形。

  1. forensic science  鑑識科學;法醫學
    forensic a. 用於法庭的;法醫的
  2. laboratory n. 實驗室,研究室
  3. forensics n. 鑑識科學;辯論學
  4. forum n. 論壇;討論會
  5. jury n. 陪審團
  6. technique n. 技術;技巧
  7. injustice n. 不公正
  8. rectify vt. 矯正,改正
  9. corpse n. 屍體
  10. sickle n. 鐮刀
  11. investigator n. 調查員
  12. blade n. 刀片
  13. presence n. 存在;出現
  14. residual a. 殘留的,剩餘的
  15. advanced a. 先進的
  16. ballistics n. 彈道學
  17. marking n. 標誌,記號
  18. bullet n. 子彈
  19. analysis n. 分析(單數)
    analyses n. 分析(複數)
  20. consultant n. 顧問

1. 為什麼 forensics 這個字代表法定證據?
(A) 因為它源自拉丁文。
(B) 事情需要在一群人前被證明。
(C) 宋慈在他的第一本書中發明了這個字。
(D) 羅馬人改變了這個字的字義,以符合其文化。
題解: 根據本文第二段,forensics 源自拉丁文,表『在論壇前』。因為羅馬的法治體系使用一群人(forum)來做陪審團,forensics 後來便有法定證據之意,可知應選 (B)。

2. 第三段中的 "corpse" 這個字表 _____。
(A) 一名罪犯 (B) 一個犯罪現場
(C) 一具屍體 (D) 一把兇器
題解: corpse 為『屍體』之意,可知 (C) 為正選。

3. 根據本文,為什麼宋慈會了解現代的鑑識科學?
(A) 他當時使用的技術多年來都沒變。
(B) 他相信鑑識科學是找到罪犯的重要方法。
(C) 他身兼多部鑑識科學的電視影集顧問。
(D) 他能透視未來。
題解: 根據本文最末段,宋慈並不認得現代犯罪實驗室裡的設備儀器。即使如此,他還是明白能把兇手繩之以法的鑑識科學相同原則──注意細節和仔細的科學分析,可知應選 (B)。

標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (B)

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