Up, up, and awaaaaaaaay!!!!

The mechanics of bungee jumping are well known. The jumper, wearing a harness attached to a long,elastic cableleaps from a platform high above the ground. As the jumper plunges _(1)_, his or her fall is slowed by the springy bungee cable, which causes the jumper to bounce up and down like a yo-yo before being loweredgently to the ground.
   A reverse bungee operates on the same principle, but turns it on its head. _(2)_ the bungee jumper starts high, the reverse bungee riders start on a ground-level platform. The riders are strapped into a capsule _(3)_ by elastic cables between two telescopic towers. The capsule is held to the platform by an electromagnetic switch, and the riders lie back and watch the towers _(4)_ higher and higher, which stretches the bungee cords.
   When the towers have reached their _(5)_ heights and the cables are at their tightest, the ride operator flipsa switch to release the capsule. Like a rocket being launched, the riders and capsule are hurled skyward _(6)_ speeds close to 200km/h before being stopped by the twin bungee cords. Once the trip ends, gravity _(7)_ and the riders fall back down to Earth and are stopped again by the elastic cords before hitting the ground. After a minute or two of bouncing, the riders are lowered towards the ground, shaken, but often wanting another ride.

1. (A) upward (B) wayward   (C) outward (D) downward
2. (A) Whereas (B) Despite that(C) As long as (D) No matter what
3. (A) suspended (B) discovered (C) distributed (D) suspected
4. (A) extends (B) to extend (C) extend (D) will extend
5. (A) distant (B) opposite (C) maximum (D) temporary
6. (A) in (B) at     (C) by     (D) to
7. (A) breaks out(B) catches on (C) shows off (D) takes over

  1. As the jumper plunges downward, his or her fall is slowed by the springy bungee cable, ...
    a. (A) upward adv. 向上地,上升地
    (B) wayward a. 任性的,恣意妄為的
    例: The wayward boy is always getting into trouble.

    (C) outward adv. 向外地
    (D) downward adv. 向下地
    b. 空格前有不及物動詞 plunges(跳下;衝下),可知空格內應置入可修飾動詞的副詞,故 (B) 不可選。根據空格後的 his or her fall(下墜的動作)可知,(D) downward(向下地)應為正選。

  2. Whereas the bungee jumper starts high, the reverse bungee riders start on a ground-level platform.
    a. (A) whereas conj. 然而
    whereas 相當於 while,用來連接兩個意思相對的句子。且 whereas 引導的子句可置於另一個子句之前或之後。
    例: I like to stay up late, whereas my sister likes to go to bed early.

    (B) 無 "despite + that 子句" 的用法。despite 是介詞,其後不可直接接 that 子句作受詞,而須先在其後加 the fact,然後再接 that 子句,此 that 子句乃其前 the fact 的同位語。
    despite the fact + that 子句  儘管……
    例: Despite the fact that she is 80 years old, Grandma is quite energetic.
    (儘管祖母已經 80 歲了,她依然精力充沛。)

    (C) As long as + S + V, S + V  只要……,……
    例: As long as you tell me the truth, I won't punish you.

    (D) No matter what...  不論……
    例: No matter what you say, I won't change my mind.

    b. 根據上述語意及用法,可知應選 (A)。

  3. The riders are strapped into a capsule suspended by elastic cables between two telescopic towers.
    a. (A) suspend vt. 懸掛
    例: The chandelier was suspended from the ceiling.

    (B) discover vt. 發現
    (C) distribute vt. 分發,分配
    例: The charity distributed food and clothing to the refugees.

    (D) suspect vt. 懷疑
    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A),置入後表座艙被彈力纜繩『懸吊』在兩個可伸縮的高塔之間。

  4. ..., and the riders lie back and watch the towers extend higher and higher...
    a. 表『看』、『聽』、『感覺』的知覺動詞加受詞後,可接原形動詞作受詞補語,表已發生的事實或狀態;或接現在分詞作受詞補語,表進行的狀態; 亦可接過去分詞作受詞補語,表被動的概念。常見知覺動詞如下:
    看: see, watch, notice, look at。
    聽: hear, listen to。
    感覺: feel。
    例: The pregnant woman felt the baby kick.
    例: Amy heard her friend speaking ill of her.
    例: Henry saw his best friend chased by a dog.

    b. 空格之前有知覺動詞 watch(看),以及受詞 the towers(塔台),故根據上述知覺動詞用法,空格應選 (C)。

  5. When the towers have reached their maximum heights and the cables are at their tightest, ...
    a. (A) distant a. 遙遠的
    (B) opposite a. 相反的
    例: We hold opposite views on the issue.

    (C) maximum a. 最高的,最大的
    minimum a. 最低的,最小的
    例: The maximum number of people that can ride in this elevator is 10.
    (這部電梯最多可搭乘 10 人。)

    (D) temporary a. 暫時的
    permanent a. 永久的
    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。

  6. Like a rocket being launched, the riders and capsule are hurled skyward at speeds close to 200km/h...
    a. 凡表『速度』、『程度』、『年齡』或與『數字』有關之名詞,如:speed(速度)、age(年齡)、cost(價格、代價)、price(價格)、altitude(高度)等,均與介詞 at 並用。
    例: If we could travel at the speed of light, time would cease to exist.
    例: The pop singer died at the age of 50.
    (那名流行歌手享年 50 歲。)

    b. 根據上述,可知應選 (B)。

  7. Once the trip ends, gravity takes over and the riders fall back down to Earth and...
    a. (A) break out  (疾病或戰爭等)爆發,突然發生
    例:A fire broke out in my neighborhood last night.

    (B) catch on  流行起來,成為趨勢
    例: Many fads catch on quickly, but few remain popular for a long time.

    (C) show off  賣弄,誇耀
    例: I don't like Ed because he likes to show off.

    (D) take over  接手,接管
    例: If you keep acting so irresponsibly, I'll have Peter take over.

    b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。

  1. attach vt. 繫上,使附著,貼
    be attached to + N  繫緊於/附著在/連接在……之上
    attach A to B  把 A 繫/貼在 B 上
    例: There is a trailer attached to this truck.
    例: The traveler attached a label to his suitcase.

  2. leap vi. 跳(躍)& n. 跳
    leap, leapt /leaped, leapt/leaped。
    by leaps and bounds  突飛猛進
    例: Look before you leap.
    例: Jimmy's English has improved by leaps and bounds over the past three months.
    (過去 3 個月來,吉米的英文突飛猛進。)

  3. plunge vi. 跳(入);衝(入)
    plunge into...  跳入……;衝入……
    例: The bus went out of control and plunged into the river.

  4. turn...on its head  與……完全相反;完全顛覆……
    例: Einstein's work in physics turned the world of science on its head.

  5. strap vt. 綑綁,束縛 & n. 帶子
    例: Nancy strapped her son into a special car seat.

  6. flip vt. 翻轉,輕彈;擲(硬幣)
    flip a coin  擲硬幣
    例: Al flipped the paper over to read the article on the back page.

  7. launch vt. 發射(火箭、人造衛星等)
    launch a missile/rocket  發射飛彈/火箭
    例: The shuttle is scheduled to be launched at 3:00 PM tomorrow.
    (太空梭預計在明天下午 3 點發射。)

  1. reverse a. 相反的,顛倒的
  2. mechanics n. 技術,技巧(恆用複數)
  3. bungee jumping n. 高空彈跳
  4. harness n. 安全帶
  5. elastic a. 有彈性的
  6. cable n. 纜,索
  7. platform n. 平臺
  8. springy a. 有彈性的
  9. bounce vi. 彈起
    bounce up and down  上下彈跳
  10. yo-yo n. 溜溜球
  11. gently adv. 溫和地
  12. capsule n. 可彈射座艙
  13. telescopic a. 可伸縮的
  14. electromagnetic a. 電磁的
    magnetic a. 有磁力的
    magnet n. 磁鐵
  15. switch n. 開關
  16. stretch vt. 拉緊,使伸展
  17. bungee cord n. 彈力纜繩
  18. tight a. 拉緊的,繃緊的
    at one's tightest  處於……最緊繃的狀態
  19. hurl vt. 猛力投擲
  20. skyward adv. 朝向天空
  21. gravity n. 地心引力


標準答案: 1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (C) 6. (B) 7. (D)

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